17 of the most common email marketing mistakes to avoid

We’ve all messed up with email marketing at some point. You hit send, and then that sinking feeling hits you. You’ve goofed up, and now it’s out there for everyone to see. It’s like sending a message in a bottle into the vast sea of the internet, and you can’t reel it back in.

Some email marketing mistakes are obvious and can undo all the hard work you’ve poured into your campaign. But there are other blunders that are equally damaging, yet you might not have even realized you were making them. You might be oblivious to some of the mistakes you’ve made until it’s too late.

And when those mistakes get sent out to thousands of people in an instant, the fallout can be huge.

Knowing what email marketing mistakes to watch out for, can help you avoid them altogether. 

So here’s our list of the most common email marketing boo-boos:

Your subject lines are boring

Look at the subject line below. What does it tell us about what lies within the email?

Absolutely nothing. It’s not creative or relevant to the content inside, so there’s nothing about it that would make someone feel compelled to open it. And see that email preheader after the subject line? (“If you’re having trouble…”) That space could’ve been used to tease the email too.

You have about 35 characters to work with in your subject line, so make them count! Your subject line needs to grab attention and tell the reader something about the email itself, because that is what will sell them on opening your email.

You’re not using personalization

What’s the best way to get someone’s attention? You address them by their name! It works the same way with email. If you’re not using personalization on your most important messages, you’re missing a real opportunity.

Just like adjusting your From address to your real name, using personalization in your emails is another way to make your business more human. 

You’re sending to the wrong people

Sending an email to the wrong audience is a big email marketing mistake.

If you own a burger joint in Philadelphia, you wouldn’t send newsletters to vegetarians in San Francisco, right? This is why segmenting and list management is key, especially for those with growing email lists.

Tell your audience exactly what they’re signing up for on your sign up form and stick to it. 

You can also use your form to segment people based on location, interests, or any other preference. If you only want to send emails to those who opened a particular message, you can segment based on open rates too. 

Once you’ve hit your sweet spot of segmentation, ask your readers for feedback so you can continue sending them content they want.

Emails not optimized for mobile

These days, most people are using their phones to check their emails. That’s why it’s crucial to ensure your emails look good on mobile screens.

If your emails are hard to read, then your subscribers are less likely to read them. Mobile-friendly emails help readers scan, identify key points, and make quick decisions.

It’s surprising how many companies still don’t avoid this common email marketing mistake.

Here’s an example of an email that is difficult to read on a mobile device. If you have to zoom in on the content or image, then the email is not optimized.

Buying email lists

Avoid this email marketing mistake at all costs.

Effective email marketing campaigns cater to specific demographics, tastes and interests. Using confirmed opt-in to obtain the proper permission from people who are truly interested in your targeted emails ensures that they really want to hear from you.

When you buy an email list, there’s no way to guarantee that those people are really interested in your messages, so you must avoid purchased lists at all costs. You can never assume anything about the addresses of random people that are not given to you directly by their owners.

Hard to recognize “from” names

Once subscribers are on your list, you want to make sure that they open your messages regularly. Your subject line and from name/address are your only chance to grab subscribers attention in their jam-packed inboxes.

To help jog their memory, always use the same email address and contact name so that there is no confusion when your messages arrive. Your subject lines must clearly present the value of the emails while staying consistent with your past subject lines to evoke recognition and familiarity.

Avoiding CAN-SPAM compliance

The Can-Spam Act requires that all messages contain the sender’s valid physical postal address, but some home-based and international businesses are hesitant to include this information in their campaigns.

Related: How to Include a Physical Address in Your Emails Without Revealing Where You Live

Aside from the legal obligation, putting your contact address in your emails is the best way to show subscribers that you have a legitimate identity and that you won’t run for the hills as soon as they make a purchase from you.

See how Grammarly includes their physical address at the bottom of every email.

Irrelevant and infrequent emails

Sending emails that don’t relate back to their original request for info irritates readers and is a guaranteed way to rack up a high number of unsubscribes. Add an infrequent schedule to the previous scenario and you have a recipe for email disaster.

As a rule of thumb, if you haven’t contacted subscribers in 6 months, delete them from your list. Revisit your landing page from time to time to assess your email content and make sure it matches up with your original offer. Set expectations so that subscribers know what to expect from you, and when to expect it.

No call to action

With all of the emphasis placed on quality content and sharp design, it’s understandable that marketers sometimes miss the obvious. When a reader opens a message and they’re interested in learning more, don’t forget they will be thinking, “What do I do next?”

Give them a way to move forward easily. Include multiple calls to action and links back to your site so you don’t lose them. Set up your products favorably, and remember when creating your messages that there must be a logical sequence of events – you want readers to open, read, click-through and ultimately buy.

Your call to action isn’t very… actionable

Take a look at this email from Studio Fitness.

There is no link to the nutritionist or personal trainer they introduce us to, and while they encourage us to sign up for a plan, there is no link to help us do that either. Oh, and we can’t access the Studio Fitness website from this email. Since there could be any number of gyms named Studio Fitness, leaving subscribers to find their website on their own is probably not a great idea.

Not testing before sending

Another avoidable email marketing mistake. With all of the time spent prepping marketing emails, typos can easily go unnoticed. Testing your messages before sending them only takes a minute or two and can help you pinpoint problems before they materialize.

Send test copies to test accounts at several different email services to ensure that the message is readable, the images are viewable and the links are functional.

No replies allowed

Nothing says “you’re just a number to us, buddy” than an email campaign that tells you not to bother replying.

One of the advantages of email marketing over other mediums is that it lends itself to having a two-way conversation with your customers and prospects — why would you shut out subscriber interaction and feedback like that?

Including too many images

Images look great in an email, but use them sparingly. There are several reasons why:

1 – Not all email clients automatically load images so If a recipient has image loading turned off, they might see a blank email or just alt text, missing the entire content. 

Here’s an example of what that would look like:

2 – Images that look good on a desktop are often not easily readable when they’re scaled down on a phone or tablet.

3 – It increases load time: High-resolution images can be large in size, leading to longer email load times. This can be especially problematic for recipients with slower internet connections or limited data plans.

Adding images that are way too big

Don’t include images with HUGE file sizes in your email. This is an accessibility issue because it can make your emails more difficult to read for people on slow connections, and it unnecessarily uses your readers data when they may be on plans with limited data.

 A good rule of thumb is to keep your images under 200KB.

Your content is too self-promotional

If you send an email announcing your new software update, who cares? But if you send an email announcing that it’s possible to cut video upload time in half because of your software update, people will pay attention. It’s all about showing the value of your services while promoting your business.

So, how can you do both?

Identify your audience’s biggest problems. Brainstorm content ideas based on real problems your customers are having, then show how your services can fix them. 

Let’s say you work with a recruiting agency. Your subscribers need resume help, so why not give them a checklist to help them fix common resume faux pas? 

You’re inconsistent

How would you feel if you received a weekly newsletter and then, without warning, weekly emails turned into 10 emails a day? You wouldn’t be very happy, would you? It sounds a little ridiculous, but it happens more often than you think. Readers tune out and unsubscribe when they don’t receive what they signed up for.

So deliver the emails you promised in your sign up form and stick to an editorial calendar if possible.

Your follow up series is nonexistent

Let’s say you have a customer who starts a free trial of your software service, but they never follow through and make a purchase. Sad story, right? It certainly will be if you don’t have a triggered-based follow up series in place.

While you can’t control a customer’s behavior, you can control how you react to it. If you set up a follow up email that will automatically send to that customer at the end of their free trial, you have a better shot at keeping them engaged. 

If they had a question about your service, the email could prompt them to contact you, giving you another opportunity to make the sale.

Are you making these email marketing mistakes?

We know email marketing isn’t always easy. Everyone makes mistakes, but some of the most common email marketing mistakes can easily be avoided.

If any of the situations on the list above hit close to home, try changing your approach; you’ll be amazed at the impact a few simple changes can have on your campaign.

Once you put the changes into practice, come back and leave a comment to let us know how they have worked for you!

The post 17 of the most common email marketing mistakes to avoid appeared first on AWeber.

How to be a successful affiliate marketer: Growth strategies & tips

Did you know the average affiliate marketer makes just over $8,000 a month?

Not bad for a job that lets you work anywhere, set your own hours, and earn passive income.

But, as always, there’s a catch:

That figure is massively skewed by affiliate marketers with 10+ years of experience, who bring in an average monthly income of $44,000+.

Meanwhile, if you’re in your first year of affiliate marketing, you can expect a slightly more humble return of $636 a month. Which probably won’t even cover your bills, let alone fast-track you toward a life of luxury.

Still, if you can get through those tricky first two years, the rewards are there for the taking.

And we can help you get there by sharing our top tips on how to be a successful affiliate marketer…

Where to post affiliate marketing links

Let’s start with the basics of how to promote an affiliate link. There are four main channels you can use, each with its own strengths and weaknesses:


Search engine optimization (SEO) involves building a search-friendly website that targets the types of keywords your audience is looking for. It’s the #1 source of traffic for affiliate marketers.

But SEO is tough. If you’re targeting a keyword with decent search volume, you’ll likely be competing with huge, generalist publishers like Forbes and Business Insider, so you’ve got your work cut out getting anywhere near the top #10 search results.

Organic search is also extremely volatile, with a 13-month study of 28,000+ domains finding that <5% of websites maintain their top #10 rankings for a whole year.

👍 SEO pros:

Free traffic source

Targets qualified shoppers searching for specific information

Once you’ve built a well-optimized site, it can keep generating traffic for years

👎 SEO cons:

Building an SEO-friendly site takes a lot of time

However much work you put in, it’s extremely difficult to outrank massive publishers

Search engine algorithms change regularly, so your rankings could tank overnight


Email marketing has the highest return on investment of any marketing channel, yet it’s something of an untapped resource — especially among new affiliates. In fact, experienced affiliate marketers use email marketing 47.8% more than beginners.

Not only are the expenses minimal (just the cost of your email marketing platform), but investing in email also reduces your reliance on search and social algorithms by letting you share affiliate links straight to your audience’s inbox.

👍 Email pros:

Low costs

Superb return on investment

Reduces reliance on search and social algorithms

👎 Email cons:

You’ll need some sort of external mechanism to grow your email list (like a landing page or website)

It could take time to grow your email list

Paid media

Paid ads on search engines and social media mostly work on a pay-per-click (PPC) basis, which is exactly what it sounds like: you create an ad, set a budget, and only pay when someone clicks through to your landing page.

It’s a quick and convenient way to drive traffic to your affiliate site — you can build an ad campaign in a few minutes, then start generating clicks the moment you set it live. However, it’s not cheap, with an average cross-industry cost-per-click of $4.22 (and no guarantee that the clicker is going to buy anything).

Given that you might only be making a few bucks in commission per sale, PPC just isn’t cost-effective in a lot of affiliate niches.

👍 PPC pros:

Building ad campaigns is quick and easy

Once a campaign goes live, you can start generating traffic instantly

👎 PPC cons:

Costs-per-click are prohibitively high in some niches

Once you stop paying, your traffic stops too

Organic social

Organic social media involves posting on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok without any PPC ad budget. So it’s kind of like SEO: you’re relying on the quality of your content and your optimization efforts to reach your desired audience.

Unfortunately, organic reach on most social platforms has plummeted in recent years. To make matters worse, the likes of Facebook and TikTok want to keep you on their platform, not click through to an affiliate website (or your affiliate partner’s store) — so it’s becoming increasingly unreliable as a traffic source.

Which explains why affiliate marketing experts use organic social media 26.7% less than beginners.

👍 Organic social pros:

Free source of traffic

👎 Organic social cons:

Organic reach is declining on most social platforms

Hard to turn social views into website traffic

The most effective strategy for affiliate marketing success

Most successful affiliate marketers use a combination of channels to reach their audience and drive traffic toward their affiliate partners’ websites.

It always pays to diversify. That way, your whole business model won’t be ruined by a single algorithm update. Also, the more your audience sees your content, the more likely they are to click through. Which, in turn, means they’ll see more of your affiliate links too.

So leveraging multiple channels is nothing new.

However, there’s one specific multichannel affiliate marketing strategy that’s surprisingly underused.

It works like this:

Identify a specific pain point your audience wants to solve

Build an online course to help answer that pain point

Promote the online course (typically, the course is free, but some affiliates charge a small fee for their course content)

Use the course to recommend specific online tools or products that will help resolve your audience’s pain point

Whenever you promote a tool or product, add an affiliate link so you get paid when people click through and buy

This tactic is so effective because the people who sign up for your online course are looking for answers — and they trust you to provide them. 

So when you recommend a product, they’ll sit up and take notice.

Let’s take a look at a real affiliate site that’s making bank through this technique…

CASE STUDY: Legendary Marketer

Legendary Marketer is a marketing education company that offers (paid) online courses on topics like selling digital products and building a coaching business.

But that’s not the only way Legendary Marketer makes money. It also employs the strategy we described in the previous section to generate a ton of affiliate commissions.

Despite the variety of courses it sells, Legendary Marketer’s homepage is geared toward promoting one specific product: its 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge. 

Just look at these two prominent CTAs:

When you click through, you’re greeted with messaging that speaks to arguably the biggest pain point for anyone trying to build an online business: figuring out how to get started.

Legendary Marketer promises to help you overcome that challenge — and all for the low, low one-off price of $7.

In fact, the price tag is practically irrelevant. If you try to quit the page, you’ll be hit with an exit intent popup offering exactly the same course for just $1:

Why so cheap?

Because they don’t particularly care how much money they make from actually selling the course. Their real earner involves peppering their course content with product recommendations (and affiliate links) to generate clicks and commissions.

As an added bonus, enrolling in the course requires handing over your email address to Legendary Marketer — which means they can keep sharing recommendations straight to your inbox.

To be clear, none of this means the 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge isn’t legit.

There’s nothing wrong with earning money from recommending high-quality products, just so long as you’re upfront and honest about it.

Other affiliate marketing course ideas

I think we can all agree that Legendary Marketer has hit on a highly effective affiliate marketing strategy.

But we’re not necessarily suggesting you do exactly the same thing. After all, there are plenty of other niches to target and pain points to solve. For instance:

Pain point: Get your first 500 email subscribers

This is a classic concern for new affiliate marketers (and, indeed, for any business owner or content creator who wants to leverage the benefits of email marketing), which makes it a fantastic fit for an online course.

Before you start creating the course content, you’d seek out a bunch of affiliate programs for tools to help people build their email list. We’re thinking:

A graphic design tool like Canva for designing and creating a lead magnet

A landing page builder like AWeber to create a lead capture landing page

An email marketing platform to set up automated campaigns (again, they can do this through AWeber)

Pain point: Earn six figures on Etsy

Another common pain point — because every Etsy merchant wants to make more money.

You’d follow the same process when building this online course: consider all the tools Etsy sellers might need to grow their revenue, then sign up for the relevant affiliate programs and add their links to your course content. Tools like:

PickFu for optimizing product images, descriptions, videos, ads, and product pricing

Vela for managing Etsy product listings

Outfy for automated social media management for online stores

LeadDyno for promoting an Etsy store through affiliate marketing

And, of course, AWeber for building an email list and running newsletter campaigns to drive traffic to an Etsy store.

Pain point: Make your first dropshipping sale

Like affiliate marketing, dropshipping is a popular side hustle, helping people build a revenue stream without dealing with many of the biggest challenges of running a “proper” e-commerce business, like:

Spending a ton of cash upfront on products

Managing store inventory

Dealing with product shipping

So it’s not hard to see the appeal of launching a dropshipping store. But, just like with any online business, most wannabe dropshippers don’t know where to begin — making this a perfect online course niche.

Again, there’s no shortage of products (with affiliate programs) you can promote, including:

E-commerce platforms like Shopify

SEO tools like Semrush

Product-sourcing tools like Dropship

E-commerce social media management tools like Outfy

Shopify theme vendors like ThemeForest 

Plus they’ll need an email marketing tool, which is where AWeber comes in.

4 affiliate marketing best practices to drive more clicks and sales

Building a successful affiliate marketing business isn’t just about having the right strategy. You also need to execute it effectively. Make it happen by following these best practices:

Choose a diverse range of affiliate partners

Your affiliate partners — also known as advertisers — are the people who pay you for promoting their products. So it’s fair to say they’ll play an integral role on your journey to affiliate marketing success.

Naturally, affiliate advertisers want to build robust, mutually beneficial relationships with their best affiliates. 

But it’s important to remember that they’re businesses, not charities, so they might be compelled to change their terms and conditions at a moment’s notice. For instance, Amazon  — one of the world’s biggest affiliate advertisers — famously slashed commissions across multiple categories back in 2020, putting a major dent in many affiliate marketers’ earnings.

If you put all your eggs in the metaphorical basket of a single affiliate program, a similar decision from your affiliate partner could decimate your business. 

So it definitely pays to spread the risk around by promoting multiple affiliate programs (e.g. other markets like eBay and Etsy are a good substitute for Amazon).

Promote quality affiliate products

When you’re looking for affiliate partners, it’s easy to be blinded by attractive commission rates.

But the reality is that the highest-paying products aren’t necessarily the best for your audience. Sadly, the exact opposite is often true: they’re only paying big commissions because otherwise no one would recommend them.

While it’s tempting to focus on making as much money as possible in the short term, your affiliate business will be a whole lot more sustainable if you exclusively promote high-quality products. So take the time to check out customer reviews before signing up — and, ideally, recommend products that you actually use.

Build an asset, not a social channel

Sure, there are real affiliate marketers making big money from their followings on platforms like TikTok and YouTube.

But there’s a problem: those folks don’t actually own their audience. TikTok and YouTube do.

You might be thinking: “So what? I don’t care if TikTok holds all the cards as long as I’m still making money.” However, there are some major downsides to this approach.

For starters, tastes in social media change fast. If people suddenly lose interest in your chosen social platform, BAM, there goes your audience — and there’s no guarantee they’ll follow you to a different platform.

It also leaves you overly reliant on social algorithms. If TikTok or YouTube decide they don’t want people to see your content anymore, you’re dead in the water.

That’s why we believe the best route to becoming a successful affiliate marketer is to build your own website. Or, at the very least, a landing page you can use to capture email addresses.

Target high-intent keywords

Earlier in this article, we pointed out that SEO is the top traffic source for affiliate websites.

But not all search traffic is equally valuable.

It’s fine to have one or two pieces of content dedicated to top-of-the-funnel topics (like how to start an online business). But the bulk of your SEO-focused articles or videos should target commercially focused keywords.

Typically, commercial keywords look like this:

Commercial keyword typeExampleBest {product type}Best dog foodBest {product type} for {pain point}Best dog food for sensitive stomachs{Product X} vs {Product Y}Harringtons vs Wainwrights puppy food

People searching for these sorts of terms are close to making a buying decision. So if they find (and enjoy) your content, there’s a good chance they’ll click through to your affiliate partner’s site and make a purchase.

Supercharge your affiliate marketing success with AWeber

Building a successful affiliate marketing business is hard work. And there are no guarantees — otherwise, every affiliate marketer would be a millionaire.

But we can guarantee that you’ll stand a much better chance if you build an email list, then target your subscribers with regular newsletters recommending all your favorite products.

That’s why you need AWeber.

Our drag-and-drop builder and AI writing assistant make it quick and easy to create beautiful, engaging, high-converting marketing emails, while our landing page builder and signup forms give you all the tools to grow your list.

Sign up for your free AWeber account today.

And, once you’ve done it, why not join our affiliate program and spread the love?

The post How to be a successful affiliate marketer: Growth strategies & tips appeared first on AWeber.

Improve email deliverability with 6 best practices

The number one most important factor in all of email marketing is deliverability. 

Why? Because when you send an email to your audience the goal is to get seen, opened, and clicked. But if your emails never make it to your audience’s inbox, then there is no reason to send an email.

Learn what may be impacting your email deliverability and how to improve the likelihood of your email making it into your audience’s inbox.

What is email deliverability?
Difference between email deliverability and email delivery
Why don’t all emails make it to the inbox?
Tips to improve email deliverability

What is email deliverability?

Simply put, email deliverability is the placement of an email in either an inbox, spam folder, or other folder when the email is delivered to an email address.

What is the difference between email deliverability and email delivery?

Email delivery means that the receiving mail server accepted the email and delivered it to the mailbox, regardless of which folder it lands in.

So, email delivery happens when the email you send by your email service provider (ESP) is accepted by the incoming mail server of the person you’re sending it to. In other words, it did not was not rejected or bounced.

Email deliverability = email makes it to recipient’s primary inbox

Email delivery = inbox provider has accepted the email and it will now be sorted into folder (inbox, spam, promotions, or updates)

So if an email provider ever claims they have 99% email delivery rate, your newsletters could still end up in spam, promotions, updates, or some other folder that never gets checked.

Why don’t all emails make it to the inbox?

What’s the secret to better email deliverability? Beyond any technical tips and tricks is a fundamental truth: People are more likely to see your email if you create emails that people actually want to see.

However, there are technical reasons behind this. If an email provider’s algorithm (such as Gmail) thinks a marketing email won’t be engaging enough to a user it won’t deliver that email to the user’s inbox tab.

Gmail – and all email providers – have a strong incentive to give users a good experience. If you opened up your inbox and saw nothing but spam, you might switch to another service. Since it’s in Gmail’s best interest to deliver engaging emails to the inbox, it’s in marketers’ best interest to be engaging.

Gmail measures engagement based on a variety of factors. Positive factors include opens, clicks, and replies. Negatives include ignoring the email or reporting it as spam.

6 Tips to improve email deliverability

1 – Ask new subscribers to confirm their email address

The first step to great email deliverability is asking your new subscribers to confirm their intention of joining your email list. 

This process is called confirmed opt-in, or verified opt-in, in which you send a unique link to a new subscriber when they join your list. 

Before adding the person to your list they must click that unique link verifying that they are indeed the same person that owns the email address and requested to subscribe. 

2 – Use a custom domain

Want your emails to land in subscribers’ inboxes instead of their spam folders? 

Then don’t send your messages from a Yahoo!, Gmail, AOL, Hotmail, MSN, Outlook, rocketmail.com, ymail.com, Zendesk or any other free Internet service provider (ISP).

Signing up for a custom domain name to send your messages not only improves long-term deliverability, but it also looks professional, builds authority and creates brand awareness. 

Plus, many ISPs use Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (or more commonly referred to as DMARC) to stop email abuse.

DMARC is the current policy for email authentication. Basically, it’s an ISP’s way to protect itself from spammers pretending to send emails from their network. Any unauthenticated email — no matter how legitimate the content — could end up in a subscriber’s spam folder.

Say you’re sending a bulk message to your subscribers from your Yahoo! address through AWeber (which has its own servers). If Yahoo! can’t verify one of their own servers sent your email, then the message is rejected.

Note: This is not an AWeber-specific issue — it will happen from any reputable Email Service Provider.

3 – Make your “unsubscribe” link easy to find

This may shock you, but unsubscribes are a good thing.

Yes, really. They’re doing you (and your email deliverability) and favor. 

Maybe someone accidentally signed up to your list or realized they no longer want to receive your emails. While these people should unsubscribe from your email list, many often flag emails as spam to prevent them from going to their main inbox. After all, the average email subscriber doesn’t know the impact that can have on a sender’s email reputation.

If that’s the case, make sure your unsubscribe button is easy to find in your email. You might also want to include a line of copy that tells people that if they no longer wish to receive your emails, they should unsubscribe from your list instead of marking you as spam.  

You can even have a little fun with it. Get inspiration from bakery service Goldbelly and how they phrased the text around their unsubscribe button.

4 – Ask your subscribers to add you to their contact list

Ask your subscribers to add your “From Address” to their contact list when they first join. Commonly called “safelisting,” this ensures that they never miss a message from you. 

It also helps improve your email reputation score, which ultimately means more of your emails will get routed to the inbox instead of the spam folder.

Even the best email marketers in the game ask subscribers to take steps to ensure their messages make it to them. Here’s how speaker, author, and Chief Content Officer at Marketing Profs, Ann Handley, handles this conversation with her list. 

5 – Maintain a healthy email list

The best way to improve and maintain your email deliverability is by keeping a clean and healthy email list

There are a number of factors that can impact your list hygiene:

Typos in the email address

Illegitimate email addresses

Inactive email addresses

The easiest way to prevent email addresses with typos from showing up on your list is to use confirmed opt-in (aka double opt-in), which requires people to confirm their subscription before getting added to your list. If someone enters the wrong email address, there’s no way they’ll ever receive that confirmation email. This helps keep your list clean of undeliverable messages because no email addresses with typos will pass through to your list.

You can also use an email validation service like Kickbox to verify which email addresses are legitimate and which ones aren’t. Simply import your email list, start the validation process, and remove the email addresses that aren’t valid.

Finally, if you notice that someone hasn’t opened your email in several months, then it might mean they’ve changed email addresses. In that case, you can either attempt to re-engage them or remove them from your list entirely.

6 – Send engaging emails people love

Even beyond deliverability, making your emails engaging is just a good idea. After all, it’s not enough to deliver a message into a user’s inbox. The final, crucial step is to engage your reader so they remember your message. In other words, the recipient ultimately needs to open and read it.

Sending too many unengaging emails may hasten the dreaded “email fatigue.” Which is when users ignore you or unsubscribe when they think you’re sending them too many emails.

The key point is that emails earn their place in a user’s inbox by being engaging. Marketers must re-earn that right with every email they send.

Improving engagement and deliverability

Email deliverability can be a confusing and intimidating topic for many. But at its core, making it to the inbox is really simple: just follow the tips above and aim to delight your subscribers through valuable email content.

The post Improve email deliverability with 6 best practices appeared first on AWeber.

Lead generation for coaches: Strategies to supercharge your coaching business

Coaching is all about helping people achieve their goals — whether in business, relationships, health, or anything else.

But if you’re going to build a successful online coaching business, you need a constant stream of new leads. People who are interested in your advice and support, and who could be tempted to pay for your services with a little gentle persuasion. That’s why the best coaches also have the best marketing strategies.

Want to find out how they do it?

You’re in the right place. In this article, we’ve rounded up our top strategies on lead generation for coaches, backed up by a bunch of real-world examples.

Let’s get into it…

Key elements of lead generation for coaches

As you’ll see from this article, there’s no shortage of lead generation strategies for coaches. But most of them share two critical components:

Landing pages

Lead magnets

So before we start exploring individual strategies, let’s break down what those two elements are, how they work, and why they’re so valuable.

What is a landing page?

A landing page is a standalone web page built to achieve a specific goal. For someone running a coaching business, those goals might include:

Signing up for an online course

Downloading a piece of content

Booking a coaching session

Potential coaching clients arrive on a landing page after clicking through from an external source, such as a search engine results page or paid search listing on Google, or a social media advert.

Landing pages are so effective at turning traffic into leads because they strip out all the distractions that might dissuade a visitor from converting.

To demonstrate why they work so well, let’s compare a dedicated coaching landing page to a standard coaching web page (in this case, the homepage of mid-life business coach Shaheen Plunier).

First up, here’s her homepage:

Click to explore full page

It contains no fewer than eight different calls to action (CTAs), plus a top navigation menu pointing visitors toward Shaheen’s “About” page, podcast, and more. The page does a fantastic job at persuading people to click deeper into the site and learn more about her background and expertise. But there’s simply too much noise for it to be a consistent lead gen tool.

By contrast, here’s the standalone landing page for her current (at time of writing) Facebook and Instagram ad campaign:

Click to explore full landing page

There’s no clutter at all: no navigation menu; no internal links; no conflicting CTAs.

Just one simple, clear prompt to sign up for her online course, repeated multiple times throughout the page:

Plus it’s loaded with persuasive messaging, including a limited-time discount and tons of glowing customer testimonials.

No one who visits this landing page will have any doubt about what Shaheen wants them to do next.

So they’ll either convert straight away or bounce.

All of which helps to explain why the average landing page has a conversion rate of 9.7%, versus 2.9% for a “regular” web page.

👉 Learn more: 7 tips to build a high-converting Facebook landing page

What is a lead magnet?

Many coaches are already using landing pages to capture leads.

But there’s a problem: only about one-third of consumers are willing to share their email address with a brand for no incentive.

In contrast, nine in 10 would be happy to share that data if they were offered something of value in return.

That brings us neatly to the second key element of lead generation for coaches: lead magnets.

A lead magnet is some kind of asset you can offer in exchange for a potential coaching client’s contact information. The asset in question is typically accessible via a dedicated landing page — often containing an embedded lead form — that exists with the sole purpose of capturing visitors’ email addresses.

Once you’ve got hold of their contact details, you can nudge them along the path to purchase through email marketing and retargeting campaigns.

5 lead magnet ideas for coaches

For your landing page and lead magnet combo to function as an effective lead generation engine, you need to build an asset that’s attractive enough to persuade potential coaching customers to hand over their contact information. It needs to offer something useful, like the solution to a common audience pain point.

Potential lead magnets for coaches include:


Probably the most common lead magnet format, eBooks are pdfs that can be downloaded in exchange for an email address (and possibly some other details).

They tend to focus on broad, top-of-the-funnel topics rather than subjects likely to generate instant sales. For instance, Guitar Coach Mag offers a “tab book” containing dozens of classic guitar riffs: 

Click to explore full landing page

Most people aren’t going to immediately pay for guitar coaching after a couple attempts at shredding along to Stairway to Heaven. But they might be inclined to check out more of Guitar Coach Mag’s content, read their newsletters, and engage with their social posts.

Live webinars

Live webinars are just what they sound like: live video presentations in which the host tackles a topic while showcasing their expertise. They’re sometimes branded as “masterclasses”, like this example from Wanted Woman:

Click to explore full landing page

Live webinars take a lot more effort to produce than most other lead magnet formats. Plus you need to feel comfortable on camera to pull them off. And because they take place at a specific time on a specific date, not everyone will be able to attend.

But there’s a massive upside: because live webinars are interactive, they’re highly engaging. Audiences are far more likely to pay attention than if they were reading an ebook or watching an evergreen video.


Like the sound of producing an eBook, but want to create something more actionable? Checklists could be the perfect option, giving you the opportunity to provide practical, step-by-step guidance around a specific problem or goal.

For instance, Peter Scott IV has put together a checklist to help wannabe coaches launch their own coaching businesses:

Click to explore full landing page

Checklists are easy to produce, user-friendly, and valuable to your prospective clients — provided you have genuine expertise to share.

Evergreen videos

Evergreen videos are often similar to live webinars, featuring a host instructing viewers on how to overcome some kind of challenge or achieve a specific goal. For instance, this 30-minute free training video from Ready Set Coach could just as easily have been a live webinar:

Click to explore full landing page

The big difference, of course, is that users can access this content at any time.

Evergreen videos are an easier “sell” than webinars because they require less commitment on the prospect’s behalf; you can simply dip in and out at your leisure.

However, they lack the interactivity of a live webinar, and they don’t give you the opportunity to pitch your coaching expertise, in person, to a captive audience. 

Online courses

Plenty of people build a full job replacement income selling online courses. But you can also use them as lead magnets for your coaching business, just like this example from Yamuna Bihari, founder of Conscious Business Mastery:

Click to explore full landing page

If your content sounds valuable enough, you can even sell your online course at a low price to get leads through the door, then encourage them to sign up for your premium coaching services down the line.

👉 Learn more: How to create a lead magnet in less than a day (that actually works) 

5 lead generation strategies for coaches

For coaches, leads are worth their weight in gold. So it’s vital you leverage the most impactful lead generation strategies to keep driving landing page traffic and lead magnet downloads.

In our view, these are the most effective lead gen channels for coaches:


No bones about it: you’ll have to put in a ton of work to rank at the top of Google for high-value keywords. If you want instant gratification, look elsewhere.

But search engine optimization (SEO) can be well worth the investment because it’s one of the few free ways to bring visitors to your landing page.

Best of all, you know those visitors are interested in the services you provide — because they’re actively searching for them. So when someone clicks through from a search engine results page, there’s a good chance they’ll be happy to give you their contact information.

Let’s see how online fitness and nutrition coaching business Nerd Fitness uses an SEO landing page for lead generation.

It ranks at #3 in the US for the term “online fitness coaching” (1,500 estimated global searches per month):

That ranking is held by a dedicated SEO landing page designed to sell visitors on the Nerd Fitness approach to health and fitness:

Click to explore full landing page

It’s an extremely long page. We’re talking dozens of screen scrolls and thousands of words to reach the bottom. But Nerd Fitness uses that space wisely by mentioning specific fitness goals…

…outlining the problems of “traditional” approaches to health and fitness…

…providing a breakdown of the Nerd Fitness coaching program…

…and, finally, closing the deal by prompting visitors to book a phone consultation:

Clearly, it’s way more in-depth than your average landing page, likely because it was built with SEO in mind.

One of the most important ranking factors is the number of quality backlinks pointing at a given web page: those with more links from authoritative external sites tend to rank better. And long-form content gets an average of 77.2% more links than shorter pages.

(For reference, the Nerd Fitness landing page had 5,500+ backlinks at time of writing. That’s a lot.) 

👉 Learn more: Landing page SEO best practices: A step-by-step guide 

Social media ads

Social media ads attract less-qualified traffic than SEO because they’re targeting people browsing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, rather than audiences who are actively searching for a given topic.

However, they’re a quick and highly scalable way to reach potential coaching customers who match your ideal client profile.

You can build an ad, set your targeting preferences and budget, hand over your card details, then start generating traffic to your landing page — all in just a few minutes. And if you want to bring in more traffic, you can just increase your ad spend.

Let’s see how the confusingly named One One Coach uses Facebook and Instagram ads to send people to its landing page:

The caption for this ad tells a (supposedly) relatable story designed to resonate with prospective clients. Because who hasn’t spent $700 per month on a nutritionist and personal trainer?

The whole purpose is to demonstrate the value and benefits of a One One Coach course compared to the high costs of in-person coaching. If you like what you hear, you’re prompted to click through to this landing page…

Click to explore full landing page

…where you can hand over your details in return for a personalized workout plan and diet regime.

Guest blogging

Writing guest blogs allows you to demonstrate your expertise to readers of websites that are relevant to your audience.

If someone reads one of your guest articles and likes what they see, they might be tempted to find you on Google or (ideally) click through to your site via a link in the “About the author” section.

Getting featured by authoritative, high-traffic publications is no easy task. It’s a classic example of a seller’s market: big publishers know how beneficial it’d be for them to feature your name, website, and content, so they make you jump through hoops for it.

You’ll need to have interesting, relevant, unique content ideas — plus the expertise to turn those ideas into high-quality content. Some high-profile sites even charge people to publish their guest posts. But, like SEO, the rewards can be well worth the effort.

Melissa Dawn, founder of coaching business CEO of Your Life, clearly agrees. She’s written a whole series of guest blogs for Brainz Magazine, which describes itself as “a global digital magazine focusing on exclusive interviews, articles and information on entrepreneurship, personal development, leadership and lifestyle”.

Not hard to see why a business coach would want to reach that audience, right?

Here’s one of Melissa’s articles for Brainz…

…and here’s the “About the author” profile at the bottom of the article, incorporating links to her website and social media profiles:

Melissa can feel pretty confident that anyone who clicks through to her website will be an ideal candidate for her coaching services.

Google ads

In many ways, Google ads are the ideal intersection between search engine optimization and social media ads.

You’re targeting qualified prospects searching for keywords that align with your coaching services, without having to wait weeks or months for your SEO landing pages to start ranking.

The downside is that Google ads aren’t cheap, with an average cost per click of $4.22. And you have to pay regardless of what happens when someone clicks through to your landing page, so there’s no guarantee all that expenditure will translate to leads and sales.

Sounds pretty risky when we put it like that, hey?

Life coaching business Well Coached Life evidently thinks advertising on Google is worth the money.

It runs various advert types, from simple text ads…

…to more eye-catching image ads…

…and even video ads:

You’ll need to do some math when deciding whether Google ads make sense for your coaching business.

For instance, let’s say you pay $422 for 100 clicks, and your landing page has a 5% conversion rate, resulting in five leads.

That means you’re paying $80+ per lead. Which is fine if you typically earn hundreds of dollars from every coaching lead you generate. But it’s a big problem if you sell lower-value services and/or don’t expect many repeat purchases.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing involves using bloggers, website owners, social media influencers, and other content creators to promote your coaching services for you.

Why would they do that? Because you pay them a commission for each lead or sale they generate.

For instance, grief coaching business From Grief To Gratitude gives its affiliates a 20% cut of every coaching customer they refer:

With the company’s coaching program priced at $777, this translates to a commission of $155.40 per sale.

Sure, that sounds like a lot of money, but From Grief To Gratitude still retains 80% of the sale value. And if their affiliates don’t generate any sales, they don’t have to hand over a single cent in commission payments.

Generate more coaching leads with AWeber

Before you start splashing the cash on Facebook ads or building an affiliate program from scratch, there are three key boxes to tick. 

You need:

A landing page 

A lead magnet

An email marketing tool to convert your leads into paying customers

In short, you need AWeber.

We give you the tools to build attractive, high-converting landing pages — even if you don’t know how to code.

And we save you hours of work by making it easy to design and launch automated email sequences for welcoming new leads, demonstrating the benefits of your coaching services, and closing the deal.

Sounds good, right?
Sign up for your free AWeber account today!

The post Lead generation for coaches: Strategies to supercharge your coaching business appeared first on AWeber.

[New Features] It’s way easier to set up DKIM and DMARC

You use AWeber to get the right message to the right person at the right time, and we’re obsessed with making that happen.

We recently released several improvements to help you get in compliance with recent Gmail and Yahoo sender requirements to make sure your mail keeps getting where it’s supposed to go – plus some other helpful updates to help you build your list, and ultimately earn more.

🖱️ Set up your DKIM and DMARC records with just a few clicks

✅ Have confidence in your email authentication with the DKIM/DMARC checkers

💰 Easily accept donations with a donation landing page

👋 Onboard new subscribers more effectively with a 3-message welcome campaign

🧲 Grow your list using these new lead magnet templates

Set up DKIM / DMARC records with just a few clicks.

We’ve been working hard to make the process of getting DKIM and DMARC records set up for authentication faster and easier.

Now, if your domain name is managed through any of these providers you’ll be able to set up your DNS records automatically, without needing to manually create records.

Just click the “Fix Issue” link next to any domain you’d like to authenticate and if it’s supported, a wizard will kick off right inside of AWeber.

Have confidence in your email authentication.

If you do need to manually update your DNS records for DKIM and DMARC, we’ve been listening to feedback from people like you to make that process easier.

Validate your DMARC record – We’ll show you whether your DMARC is set up correctly, and show you what to fix if there are issues.

Get specific instructions for your domain host – If you need or choose to manually set up DNS records for your domain, we now give you a link to the specific instructions for your domain host.

Improvements to validation – Validation of DKIM and DMARC records have been dramatically improved based on feedback and testing to catch and give you feedback on fixing all sorts of issues that may arise with your records.

Easily accept donations with a donation landing page.

One of my teammates at AWeber also runs a non-profit that provides bicycles to people in need. He created a landing page to accept donations that was so successful that we just had to turn it into a template for you.

All you have to do is:

Create a new landing page.

Choose the “Donations via QR Code” template.

Replace the placeholder content with information about your organization.

Replace the placeholder QR codes with QR codes for your PayPal, Venmo, and/or Cash app accounts.

Publish your landing page!

Onboard subscribers more effectively with a 3-message welcome campaign.

In a recent newsletter I shared an interesting approach to a simple welcome series that was working for a friend of mine who owns her own business.

The response to that email was so positive that we created a campaign template for you to easily create a version of this campaign strategy for yourself.

To use this campaign, just:

Import the campaign into your account using the campaign code: d70b5a76-1844-49e9-9613-bfc364c5cc10

Customize the content in each message to speak about your specific offering and area of expertise.

Grow your list using these new lead magnet templates.

Lead magnets are incentives for people to sign up for your list. Something that offers enough value that they feel like it’s a good deal to give their email address for access.

It can be really easy to feel overwhelmed by the process of creating a lead magnet. But never fear! I created a few templates that you can just copy and modify to share with your own audience.

Just make a copy of one of the templates below by clicking the link, then go to File > Make a Copy in Google Docs.

Template: Project Costs Spreadsheet

Template: Checklist

The post [New Features] It’s way easier to set up DKIM and DMARC appeared first on AWeber.

How To Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers On YouTube

Getting your first 1,000 subscribers on YouTube comes with some sweet (and very profitable) perks. From unlocking revenue sharing and selling opportunities to exponentially accelerating channel growth, the milestone is significant for any YouTuber.

Less than 10% of YouTube channels reach the 1,000-subscriber mark, and those that do often upload videos for years before reaching the milestone.

However, many channels reach 1,000 authentic subscribers in months instead of years. And it’s no coincidence that they all use similar methods to get there.

In this guide, we share stories, examples, and unique expert tips from people who have built successful YouTube channels. We’ve also included a “How to get 1,000 YouTube Subscribers” checklist to kickstart your growth on the platform.

Whether you’re promoting a business you already own or looking to earn income as a YouTube creator, this guide will steer you toward YouTube success more quickly.

Why Getting 1,000 YouTube Subscribers Matters

Reaching the 1,000-subscriber goal is a major milestone for anyone with a new YouTube channel. It may not sound like a lot compared to other YouTubers you watch. But reaching that first 1,000 can be pretty tough. 

Less than 10% of YouTube channels have 1,000 followers or more.

Fortunately, YouTube relaxed some of its Partner Program eligibility requirements in 2023. Now, even new channels can access tools and features that can help them grow faster.

For example, Community posts were once limited to channels with 1,000 subscribers, but are now open to any size channel, regardless of subscriber count. Community posts allow you to engage with viewers outside of video uploads (in the Community tab) using polls, GIFs, quizzes, images, and more. 

When you reach 500 YouTube subscribers, you unlock features such as:

YouTube Partner Program (monetization options)

YouTube Merch Shelf (sell your products)

Reaching 1,000 YouTube subscribers unlocks:

Revenue sharing for ads

Revenue sharing for YouTube Premium

Unofficially, reaching 1,000 subscribers also gives you credibility, paving the way for brand partnerships and accelerated channel growth.

For example, it took Reddit user bassedmike 3 ½ years to reach 1,000 subscribers but only an additional six months to add 5,500 more subscribers.

How long does it take to get 1,000 subscribers on YouTube?

It’s 100% normal to take years for a channel to reach the 1,000-subscriber milestone on YouTube. 

It doesn’t have to take that long, though. Some people reach 1,000 subscribers much quicker. 

By learning how YouTube works, you can develop, optimize, and market your channel for faster growth.

If you aim to reach 1,000 subscribers within your first year, the tips below will help you get there. 

If your goal is a bit slower-paced, that’s okay, too. You can still use the advice to guide your growth. Many, if not most, successful YouTubers spend years developing their channels.

For example, it took Mr. Beast, the world’s #2 most popular YouTuber (with 237 million subscribers), many years to get his first 1,000 subscribers.

In the guide below, we share expert advice from people who have been there. Some gained their first 1,000 subscribers in weeks, while others reached the milestone in one year or more. If you’re looking for a strategic way to build a community on YouTube, these tips will help you get there.

9 Pro tips to help you get your first 1,000 YouTube subscribers

I chatted with several YouTubers who’ve had success on the platform and also dug into the back stories of some of YouTube’s most successful creators. Here are some of their most valuable tips for reaching 1,000 subscribers on YouTube.

#1 – Choose a niche audience and topic you’re passionate about

Narrowing your target audience can help you add YouTube subscribers more quickly. 

The ideal audience isn’t already overloaded with competitors yet is large enough to justify posting content.

For example, Taxi driver Tom Hutley, who has more than 91,000 subscribers, reached his first 1,000 within six months of starting his YouTube channel, Tom the Taxi Driver

Hutley’s unique commentary on taxi driving and the city of London is a hit with his subscribers, who eagerly engage in the comments section of nearly every video he posts.

Tuomas Kivioja’s YouTube channel, Internet Made Coder went from zero to 2,000 subscribers in two weeks.

In his video titled How I Got Monetized in 2 Weeks on YouTube, he explains that he struggled to get subscribers for a previous channel but learned from his mistakes. 

I was making the exact same mistake that literally everyone who starts YouTube makes in the beginning — I was not focusing on a specific target audience.”

Kivioja adds, “I wasn’t making videos I was absolutely passionate about,” as he stresses the importance of making videos on topics you really care about.

Creating videos for years to come — and avoiding burnout —  can only happen if you love what you’re sharing. Narrowing your focus to a specific niche will help you to stand out and gain more YouTube views and subscribers from day one.

#2 – Don’t skip on sound quality

To create great videos, begin with the audio. This lesson resonates across nearly every YouTube channel discussion.

Poor sound quality annoys viewers and often causes them to quickly “bounce” away from your videos. 

The YouTube algorithm notices your high bounce rates, which eventually reduces the visibility of your videos in its feeds. Those quick bounces also dramatically reduce your chances of getting people to tap the “subscribe” button.

Whether you need to buy new equipment or cushion the room, delivering high-quality sound is worth the effort. 

Wondering how to get it right? Head to YouTube and look for videos on how other YouTubers get professional sound for their videos. 

Good sound quality doesn’t mean you have to break the bank. But it does take a bit of understanding about what kind of mic to use and how to set up your studio.

In the clip below, content creator Ben Johnson provides some simple tips on getting a professional sound for your videos. 

#3 – Optimize your channel and videos for YouTube SEO

Software engineer Alex Hyatt uses his YouTube channel to help developers learn new skills. He currently has 19,500 YouTube subscribers but reached his first 1,000 in only five months

In his blog post “1000 Subscribers in 5 Months: My Strategy,” Hyatt recommends that new YouTubers focus on getting traffic from YouTube Search.

How does YouTube SEO work?

YouTube search engine optimization (SEO) refers to optimizing your channel and videos for its native search engines. It involves adding keywords to your channel and videos in strategic ways.

“Getting subscribers on YouTube has been mostly about SEO.

Think of the questions your target audience is asking and then make videos that specifically answer those questions. 

Most importantly, people go to YouTube to get answers and if you can answer the questions for your audience, your subscriber numbers will go through the roof.”

Tim Stoddart
CEO, Stodzy,Inc.
Owner of Copyblogger and Sober Nation

Marketing expert and YouTuber Gillian Perkins explains how to optimize a YouTube channel in her video “YouTube SEO Basics- Rank Your Videos #1 on YouTube (Fast!)”

#4 – Write effective video titles

Your video titles are among the first things YouTube viewers see on your channel and in the search engine results. Titles play a large part in gaining subscribers because they can drive new viewers from results and recommendation feeds to your channel.

A good YouTube video title includes a clear and accurate description of the video, plus its keywords. Google recommends limiting ALL CAPS and emojis in titles, using them only when they deliver genuine value.

Resist the urge to focus on catchy titles that won’t drive traffic to your channel. Instead, focus on searchable titles that help your videos reach more viewers.

Digital marketing expert and former Google employee Kevin Miller explains that titles are a trigger for YouTube algorithms and a key factor in driving new viewers.

“Though many will focus on their video thumbnail and production values to gain YouTube subscribers, we concentrated on the importance of the title. 

A title is more than just a way to inform your audience of what your YouTube video entails, it is also the trigger for the platform’s internal SEO algorithms for it to be found.”

Kevin Miller
Co-Founder & CEO of GR0
2021 American Business Awards”Entrepreneur of the Year”

#5 – Partner with influencers on YouTube and other platforms

Want to immediately gain exposure to people who are likely to subscribe to your channel? Partnering with influencers who share a similar audience can be one of the quickest ways to grow a social media following

You don’t need a big brand budget to partner with influencers.

If you’re working with a small budget, consider hiring micro-influencers or partnering with other small YouTube channel owners for co-sponsored events, contests, takeovers, and promotions. 

For the best results, collaborate with influencers who have highly engaged audiences similar to yours. 

Grooveshark and Harmonic Reach Marketing founder Sam Tarantino encourages growing your YouTube channel with cross-platform influencer collaborations. 

“By partnering with influencers and creators who share a similar audience, we were able to co-create content that provided value and piqued the interest of both subscriber bases. 

This mutual promotion accelerated subscriber growth not just through direct referrals but also by enhancing content discoverability.”

Sam Tarantino
Founder of Grooveshark and Harmonic Reach Marketing

#6 – Use other social media channels to test your content

Book author Lauren Kay reached the 1,000-subscriber milestone on YouTube at lightning speed in just one month. Her experience building audiences on other platforms, such as TikTok and Instagram, gave her insights that helped speed her growth on YouTube.

For example, one of her TikTok videos received 700,000 views, so she thought the topic might be a success on YouTube as well. She created another version of it for YouTube, and that video made it to the top 3 results on the platform, earning her 500-1,000 views each week.

“I started posting to my YouTube channel in November 2023 and hit 1,000 subscribers within a month.

My top tip for anyone starting out is to test out different hooks and kinds of content on TikTok and Instagram Reels. 

YouTube videos take a lot of effort; you don’t want to spend 10-20 hours making a video of an un-validated concept, only to see it get under 500 views.”

Lauren Kay
Author and founder of Lauren Kay Writes

#7 – Engage with commenters

When you create a feeling of community, people are more likely to return to your channel and share it with their friends. Engaging with viewers in the comments section of your videos is one of the best ways to build a genuine community.

Cleartail Marketing founder Magee Clegg explains that engaging with viewers goes a long way toward reaching new people and increasing your subscriber count.

We actively interact with every comment, which helps to build a community feeling and establish a direct dialogue with viewers.

Based on one campaign we managed, this approach didn’t just encourage existing viewers to subscribe but also drew their networks into the conversation, thereby boosting our subscriber count organically.”

– Magee Clegg, founder and CEO of Cleartail Marketing

#8 – Engage with your subscribers in creative ways

Take engagement to the next level by looking for creative ways to interact with your YouTube subscribers.

Rongzhong Li, whose YouTube channel PetoiCamp has more than 20,000 followers, recommends using interactive elements to engage YouTube viewers.

“By incorporating elements like polls, quizzes, challenges, or interactive storytelling, I was able to captivate my audience and encourage active participation. 

This not only kept viewers hooked and coming back for more, but also helped to increase watch time, engagement, and ultimately attract more subscribers to my channel.”

Rongzhong Li
Founder/CEO of Petoi

Email marketing is another great way to keep your subscribers engaged. 

Sending a weekly email newsletter allows you to promote your YouTube channel on a wider scale. You can use your email newsletter to do things such as:

Offer exclusive tips.

Run contests and giveaways.

Encourage readers to share your videos with friends.

Ask what type of YouTube content they’d like to see next.

Let subscribers know about upcoming special events.

To encourage newsletter subscriptions, consider creating lead generation content and linking to its landing page in your video descriptions.

And (hint hint), if you’re looking for a trusted, easy-to-use email marketing platform that lets you manage email marketing, landing pages, and lead gen content from one place, consider giving AWeber a try!

#9 – Run cross-channel promotions

If you’ve already built a following on other social media channels such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or Pinterest, give your followers a reason to head to your YouTube channel.

For example, you might include more in-depth content on YouTube or run a special giveaway contest from your YouTube channel.

Marques Brownlee, who makes videos about technology, has more than 18 million followers on YouTube. He began uploading videos to his channel at age of 15 in 2009, and it took him five years to reach the 1,000-subscriber milestone.

Brownlee’s focus has always been his YouTube channel, but he’s taken advantage of other social platforms to promote it.

For example, when his channel was still young, Brownlee ran a live Q & A session on Reddit that attracted nearly 6,000 comments and more than 18,000 views.

Cross-channel promotions can go a long way toward reaching your first 1,000 YouTube subscribers more quickly. Creative ideas for special events, contests, and live broadcasts can be very effective in driving social media followers to your YouTube channel.

The “How to get 1,000 YouTube followers” checklist

The most successful YouTube creators recommend the following strategies to increase subscribers for your channel:

Choose a niche you’re passionate about.

Create valuable content that’s worth watching.

Pay attention to the quality of your videos, especially the audio.

Optimize your channel, videos, and titles for YouTube search engines.

Cross-promote your channel on other social media platforms.

Engage with people who comment on your YouTube videos.

Look for creative ways to engage your community, such as email newsletters and cross-channel promotions.

Collaborate with influencers to expand your audience quickly.

Monitor your YouTube analytics to discover what type of content is most successful for your audience (and create more of it!).

Use email marketing to promote your YouTube channel.

Bonus tip: Launch your channel with at least five videos. 

Former YouTube employee MatPat, who has started several channels with millions of subscribers, says that launching a channel with only one video (or none) is a mistake. 

Without several videos, you can’t keep people on your channel very long — which makes the YouTube algorithm think that your channel can’t retain viewers.

Reaching 1,000 subscribers on YouTube is a significant milestone. Whether you’re looking to promote a business or earn income as a YouTube creator, the approach is the same: 

Choose a niche topic. 

Produce valuable content that matters to you. 

Engage with your audience. 

Promote your channel. 

Improve based on feedback.

By following the expert tips in this guide, you can begin to build a community of subscribers who support your channel and brand.

Building a social media community for the future

Building an engaged community on any social media channel takes time, effort, and well-thought strategy.

Before you invest in building subscribers on a platform like YouTube, consider how you’ll ensure access to your audience over the long term.

Social media algorithms can change without warning. Accounts can be hacked. Policies can be changed. And while it’s not likely to affect access to your audience, it’s always a possibility.

Before you begin growing your subscriber list, consider integrating email marketing into your social media strategy. By driving viewers to a link that encourages them to sign up for your email list, you ensure that you will always have direct access to your audience beyond the confines of social media.

AWeber simplifies email marketing with a drag-and-drop interface, easy email automation features, and professional templates. Why not give it a try? Sign up for a free AWeber account today.

The post How To Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers On YouTube appeared first on AWeber.

Link in bio on Instagram: Marketing experts weigh in on the best ways to use it

Your Instagram profile is prime real estate, but have you ever wondered whether you’re making the most of the links in your bio?

The link in bio on your Instagram profile has the power to skyrocket conversions, sales, and web traffic for your business. 

However, if you don’t use it to its full potential, your profits may fall short. And with all the hard work it takes to publish successful content on Instagram, your ROI is a big darn deal. 

To help you drive better profits from your Instagram content, I connected with more than 50 industry experts on the topic of Instagram’s link in bio. We’re sharing the best of that advice in the guide below. Keep reading for creative tips, practical advice, and unique ideas on how to use your Instagram link in bio to drive results for your brand.

What is an Instagram link in bio?

Instagram’s link in bio is the external link on your profile (or “bio”) page. It’s located at the bottom of your profile, after your brand name and description.

You can use your link in bio however you like. 

Whether you use it to send viewers to your blog, product page, email subscription form, landing page, or other destination is entirely up to you.

Brands looking to drive results such as website traffic, email subscribers, or sales often link to a landing page that offers a selection of link options.

For example, life coach Valerie Burton, pictured above, uses her bio link to send viewers to a landing page with strategic link choices.

Why should you have an Instagram link in bio?

Instagram doesn’t allow links in posts. So when you’re promoting a sale, blog content, products, or events with Instagram posts — you can’t ask viewers to click on the link and go to your website. The best you can do is refer them to the link on your profile page, or your “link in bio.”

This means much of your Instagram content relies on your bio link to convert social media audiences to web traffic, email subscribers, and customers.

The link in bio is critical because, in many cases, it’s the only way to drive traffic, conversions, and sales from your Instagram audience.

How to put a link in your Instagram Bio

Here’s how to add a link to your Instagram bio:

Using a mobile device, navigate to your brand profile.

Tap the “Edit profile” button beneath your bio.

Tap “Links” and add your link.

Before you add a single link, consider using a link in bio tool that sends users to a landing page.

What is a link in bio tool?

Link in bio tools are landing pages, usually optimized for mobile, that offer viewers a selection of links or actions to choose from. 

Instead of adding a website address to your Instagram profile, you add the landing page link.

“Imagine you’re a food blogger. 

Instead of choosing between linking to your latest recipe, your YouTube channel, or your cookbook sales page, a link-in-bio tool allows you to include all these links. 

So, when followers visit your bio, they’re greeted with options like “Latest Recipe,” “Watch Cooking Tutorials,” or “Buy My Cookbook,” maximizing engagement from a single entry point.”

David Miles, Founder and CEO
The PPC Machine

A landing page link lets users choose the content they’d like to see and interact with. It also provides brands with a way to cater to people at different stages of the marketing funnel.

Digital Web Solutions CEO Vaibhav Kakkar recommends using a link in bio landing page, explaining that doing so increased page views and decreased bounce rates for his brand.

“By providing a one-stop hub, we’ve seen a notable increase in page views and a decrease in bounce rates, as visitors are more likely to explore multiple links when presented with organized options that cater to their interests.”

Vaibhav Kakkar, CEO
Digital Web Solutions

For example, Aspen Mountain Goods encourages product sales and conversions with options such as “Shop our Store,” “Custom Order,” and an email subscribe form.

Dorktales Storytime Podcast prioritizes conversions and engagement by placing an email subscribe form at the top of its landing page, followed by engaging link options such as“Take Our Listener Survey!” and “Printables Shop.”

How to drive results with your Instagram link in bio

To drive traffic, conversion, and sales to your business from your Instagram community, take advantage of one of the many link in bio tools that send users to a content hub landing page.

There’s nothing wrong with using a single link in your bio. However, 31 million Instagram users prefer a link in bio tool because landing pages boost conversions and sales.

For example, Katie Devoe, owner of CBD Nationwide, says her company switched to a story-driven link in bio landing page that includes:

Engaging videos

Interactive elements

Invitations to their webinars focused on sustainable living. 

Devoe was thrilled with the results of switching to a link in bio landing page. She explains, “Within six months, our engagement rates jumped by 30%, and we saw a marked increase in webinar signups and longer session times on our website.”

“Make your bio link a snapshot of your brand’s impact. 

Ours leads to a landing page where each click tells a story of wellness and eco-consciousness, rather than simply a catalog. 

That’s how we turned our bio into a magnet for engagement, boosting our metrics by 30%—every click is a conversation, and every conversation is an opportunity.”

Katie Devoe, Owner and Co-Founder
CBD Nationwide

David Miles, CEO of The PPC Machine, also recommends utilizing a link in bio tool on Instagram. 

Miles explains, Single links limit your audience’s accessibility to your content. Using a link-in-bio tool allows you to consolidate multiple links into one. This amplifies your audience’s access to a broader array of your content, offerings, or resources efficiently.”

Instagram link in bio pro tips from industry experts

I chatted with several industry experts about how they use Instagram’s link in bio. They provided some fantastic insights, including the following helpful and creative tips for making the most of your link in bio.

Update your links frequently

Whether you use a single link or a link in bio landing page, most experts agree that updating your link or landing page regularly delivers better results.

Will Yang, head of growth marketing for Instrumentl fundraising services, recommends taking advantage of your bio link. He explains, “This small clickable area is valuable real estate, so you need to use it strategically to drive traffic and conversions.”

Yang emphasizes the value of frequently updating the link in your bio to showcase a variety of landing pages, campaigns, and offers. For example, he might send traffic to a sales page for a new program launch one week, then switch to a high-converting lead magnet the next week. 

“Don’t just set your link and forget it! 

Rotate it out regularly to promote new content, products, or incentives you want to spotlight. This keeps people clicking, ensures the link stays relevant, and allows you to test what drives the most engagement over time.

Being nimble with your link in bio is the key to maximizing its impact and getting more value from your Instagram presence overall.”

Will Yang, Head of Growth Marketing 

Jason Hunt, CMO of Merged Media, also advises regularly updating your bio link(s) to keep content relevant and engaging.

“One best practice I recommend for using the Instagram link in bio is to strategically update it to drive traffic to your most important and timely content

For example, imagine you are a fashion brand launching a new collection. Instead of simply having a static link to your website in your bio, you can update it to a landing page specifically showcasing the new collection.”

Jason Hunt, CMO and Co-founder
Merged Media

Ashwin Ramesh, CEO of Synup listing and reputation management, advises using a link in bio landing page with multiple links. He recommends updating links regularly according to what the analytics show is working best.

“Instead of just one link, I suggest making a dynamic page with multiple links. Followers can then pick what interests them, like different content, promotions, or products. 

Keep the page fresh by regularly updating it with your latest offerings.

Let data guide your choices.”

Ashwin Ramesh, CEO

Align link in bio with your marketing objectives

Featuring a link or links that drive traffic toward your marketing goals can go a long way toward boosting your traffic, conversions, sales, and other marketing goals.

Gabrielle Marie Yap, Senior Editor at Carnivore Style, recommends focusing your brand’s link strategy on its most important goals.

“Consider what you are currently promoting or what you want to focus on the most. 

It could be a new product launch, a blog post that you’re especially proud of, or an upcoming event or collaboration. 

By including this prominently in your bio link, you can direct your audience’s attention exactly where you want it to go, increasing engagement and potential conversions.”

Gabrielle Marie Yap, Senior Editor & Culinary Entrepreneur

Yap also stresses the importance of providing an enjoyable user experience. “When it comes to your bio link, you want it to look like a storefront window displaying your latest and greatest products.”

Promote your link in bio

Encourage viewers to visit your link or landing page by drawing attention to it on your profile with a CTA and emojis.

Jason Boyd, Director at Evolve SEO Agency, advises drawing attention to the link on your profile page in several ways:

Add a CTA that encourages clicks on your link

Add an emoji

Ensure that your bio stays within the character limits

“Add a CTA to highlight links on your Instagram bio. 

Examples of CTAs you can use are “Connect with us,” “Check out our latest entry,” or “Tap to see important links,” with an emoji that points toward their direction.”

Jason Boyd, Director
Evolve SEO Agency 

Jon Morgan, CEO of Venture Smarter, adds that “every piece of content is an opportunity to direct your audience to your link.” 

He recommends promoting your link in bio throughout your content in creative ways such as: 

Tease a new product launch in your caption and encourage followers to click the link in your bio for more details. 

Create a series of Instagram stories that lead viewers on a journey, ultimately culminating in a swipe-up link to your latest offer or promotion.

“By integrating your link seamlessly into your content strategy, you’re not just driving traffic – you’re creating meaningful connections with your audience.”

Jon Morgan, CEO
Venture Smarter

Instagram’s link in bio is an excellent tool for driving traffic from the social media platform to the links that matter most to your business. When choosing the link or building a link in bio landing page, consider your marketing goals and provide a link or links that support them.

How to create a link in bio landing page

We’ve covered some fantastic tips in this guide, direct from experts with first-hand experience driving traffic, conversions, and sales from the popular social media platform. Overall, most people agree that a link in bio landing page is one of the most effective ways to boost your ROI.

Link in bio tools make it quick and easy to create landing pages that fit your aesthetic on any social media platform.

At AWeber, we make landing pages easy to build with templates and a drag-and-drop interface. You’ll love the endless customization options and the ability to embed email campaign forms and YouTube videos directly onto your landing pages!

Instead of adding one more tool to your overflowing stack of apps, AWeber provides you with everything you need to turn leads into sales, including  email marketing automation, landing pages, and a link in bio landing pages. 

We’ve even got a link in bio template you can use. Just add your logo, brand color, and links and you’re ready to go.

Why not drop by and check out AWeber today — we’ve got a free account waiting for you!

The post Link in bio on Instagram: Marketing experts weigh in on the best ways to use it appeared first on AWeber.

How to start a food blog: Recipe for success

You have a passion for food and want to share it with the world.

Blogging can give you a way to express your love for all things culinary and connect you with a global network of like-minded people.

It also boosts your credibility as a chef or author. 

And it gives you another way to earn income and promote your books and products to a wider audience.

Plus, there’s all the food.

But getting started as a food blogger might sound complicated, especially if you’ve never launched a website before. There are a lot of steps and decisions involved, and you may find yourself wondering “Where do I begin?”

If you want to start your own food blog but need a bit of guidance on how to do it, you’re in the right place.

This recipe for food blogging success walks you through every step you need to know to launch and promote your new site.

Recipe for becoming a food blogger

This recipe is a roadmap for anyone who wants to start a food blog. It includes choosing your niche, setting up a domain, designing a website, promoting your blog, and much more!

Servings: 1 Successful Food Blog

Preparation Time: Varies

Cook Time: A lifetime of passion and dedication

Ingredients for a successful food blog

To create a delicious food blog, begin with a clear niche, catchy name, and user-friendly blogging platform. 

An attractive design and high-quality photos, plus some basic search engine optimization, can help drive traffic from Google and social media to your blog. 

1 clear niche (vegan, desserts, cultural cuisines, etc.)

1 catchy blog name

1 blogging platform

1 domain and hosting service (optional but recommended for a professional touch)

A dash of website design (user-friendly and appealing)

3-5 original and tested recipes to start

A cup of high-quality food photos

A tablespoon of SEO knowledge

A generous portion of social media presence

Regular pinches of patience and perseverance

An endless supply of creativity and passion

Find out how to pull all your blog “ingredients” together in the instructions below!

Instructions for starting your food blog

Below are step-by-step instructions for getting your food blog off to a great start.

Food blogging prep work: define your purpose

Perhaps you want to share your culture through food. Maybe you have a love for vegan foods or a flair for keto, low-calorie, or other health-related categories of cuisine. Or you might be a talented chef hoping to share your recipes and cooking techniques with the world.

Whether you want to do something as simple as sharing grandma’s recipes or as adventurous as experiencing the life of a traveling food blogger, defining your blog’s purpose is the best place to start.

Take a few moments to document your goals, motivation, and backstory. 

Write down your answers to the following questions:

Why do you want to start a food blog?

What kind of food blog would you like to start?

What’s your story — when did your love for food begin, and who are the people who inspired you along the way?

What’s the #1 goal of your food blog? This might be anything from personal enjoyment to profits to connecting with other food bloggers. Pinpoint your driving motivation and write it down.

Putting your desires, motivations, and vision down on paper can help define your purpose and guide your decisions for years to come. 

Ready to get started? In the guide below, we show you how to develop your passion for food into a successful food blog.

Step 1: Find your flavor (niche selection)

Begin your blogging journey by deciding what type of food blog you want to create. 

Are you leaning towards a specific cuisine, dietary preference, or food-related adventures? Your niche will guide the content you create, so make sure it’s something you’re passionate about.

You’ll enjoy a better chance of getting discovered in the search engines when you choose a specific niche. Niching can help your blog gain popularity quicker because it narrows the pool of competition. 

For example, you would face a lot of well-established competition with a niche like “vegan recipes.” But if you narrow this description, you’re likely to get more traffic from Google and on social media.

Instagram’s Vegan_Lunch_Mom specializes in vegan lunches for kids. Her page is one of the top search results for “vegan lunch” on Instagram, thanks to its specific description. Google works similarly, providing more ranking opportunities for your blog in niches with less competition.

Step 2: Mix in a memorable blog name

Brainstorm to come up with a blog name that’s catchy, relevant to your niche, and easy to remember. Your blog name should give potential readers a taste of what your blog is about while reflecting your personality.

Stuck for ideas? Try the Wix blog name generator for new ideas!

Step 3: Prepare your kitchen (setup your blog)

Next, you’ll want to find the best blogging platform to fit your style and experience, such as WordPress, Squarespace, or Weebly.

For a more professional presentation, consider purchasing a domain name and hosting for your blog. 

Customize your blog’s design with a theme, colors, and fonts that are as appetizing as your food photography.

Step 4: Whip Up your first blog posts

Create your initial content, focusing on quality and uniqueness. Start with 3-5 posts that showcase your personal food style and niche. 

Proofread your posts before you publish. You might even ask a friend to review your first posts and offer feedback!

If you’re publishing recipes, make sure each one is well-tested and includes clear, concise instructions.

Step 5: Garnish with gorgeous photos

As a food blogger, good photography is your door to the world. 

The quality of your photography plays a significant role in the popularity of your blog and social media channels. 

For example, Mama Gourmand, a gluten-free family food blogger, showcases beautiful photographs that are well-lit, crystal clear, and compelling.

If you’re new to food photography, you can learn the basics from other successful food bloggers or take a food photography class on a site like Udemy or Food Photography Academy.

 Your photos should make mouths water, so practice taking shots with good lighting, interesting angles, and minimal but effective styling.

Step 6: Season with search engine optimization (SEO)

Sprinkle your posts with SEO blogging strategies to help them get found by people searching for blogs like yours on Google.

Use relevant keywords, optimize your images, and create catchy titles that will draw readers in.

If you’re new to SEO for food blogs or could benefit from a quick refresher, the 10-minute YouTube tutorial SEO-friendly recipe posts by Real Website Hints will get you up to speed.

Step 7: Serve up on social media

Share your photographs, videos, and expert tips on social media platforms. 

Instagram is a top choice for food bloggers. Pinterest is perfect for bloggers who enjoy posting recipes. And if you hope to start a private online community someday, Facebook is an excellent platform for groups.

On any social media channel, engaging with your followers is important to building an active audience. You can engage by responding to comments and asking for feedback. 

Then, turn your readers and social media followers into email subscribers so you can keep them coming back for more.

Step 8: Marinate with email marketing

Email marketing is one of the best ways to engage with your readers since it allows you to communicate directly with them. 

Sending a weekly newsletter can help boost your social media following, drive more traffic to your blog, build loyalty with your audience, and provide you with additional monetization opportunities.

Email marketing is all about nurturing a community of dedicated readers, which can significantly improve the success of your blog. 

Encourage people to subscribe to your mailing list by including a form or popup on your blog!

For example, FedandFit food and fitness blog encourages visitors to subscribe to its blog by including a subscription form at the top of its category pages. 

Step 9: Let it simmer

Understand that success won’t happen overnight. Keep adding fresh content on a consistent schedule, refining your photography, communications, and marketing skills along the way.

Regularly monitor your blog analytics to discover which posts are driving people to your blog and keeping them on your site the longest. Then, create more like those!

Step 10: Taste and adjust

As your blog grows, listen to your audience and adjust your content accordingly. Try new types of posts, experiment with video recipes, and always be open to feedback on how to improve your blog.

Step 11: Don’t forget to E-A-T

E-A-T stands for Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It’s a concept used by Google to evaluate the quality of content on the web. 

For bloggers, E-A-T matters because it influences how well your content ranks in search results. 

Here are some tips on how to incorporate E-A-T into your blog writing:

Write in first-person narrative and share your stories, experiences, and lessons learned along the way. 

Showcase your expertise by providing in-depth and accurate information.

Build trust through transparent, honest content and by collaborating with other bloggers or businesses for special events and unique content.

High E-A-T scores can lead to better search rankings and increased traffic to your blog, making it an important ingredient to successful blogging.

Serving suggestion: One heaping portion of marketing and promotions

Once your blog is up and running —  and you’ve got the hang of blogging on a consistent basis — you’ll be ready to step up your marketing efforts.

Using the same methods mentioned above (email marketing, social media, and SEO), you can focus on promoting your food blog in more ambitious ways. 

For example, you can create a landing page that offers a free download to people who subscribe to your email newsletter. The free download, called “Lead generation content,” could be a recipe book, food traveling tips, or another type of guide that offers high value to your target audience. 

If it sounds like a lot, here’s some great news: you can automate most of your email and marketing tasks. For example, AWeber has a blog automation feature that automatically sends an email to your audience when you publish a new blog or this email can be scheduled once a day, weekly or monthly. The choice is yours. 

AWeber will scan your blog and pull into the email the information for your new blog. You don’t need to do anything other than watch your blog traffic increase.

Most food bloggers embrace Instagram as a way to drive more traffic to their food blogs. 

For example, food blogger and bestselling author Jessica Merchant frequently posts foodie Reels on her page HowSweetEats.

With its focus on high-quality visuals, Instagram is a great place to promote your food blog and develop a supportive community.

Food blogging FAQs

How can you make money with food blogging?

You can make money with food blogging through advertising, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, selling digital products like books or courses, and hosting cooking classes or workshops.

What kind of photography equipment do I need to get started with food blogging?

To get started with food blogging, you need a good quality camera (DSLR or a smartphone with a high-quality camera), a tripod, and natural lighting or a basic artificial light setup.

Before you invest in photography equipment, consider taking one of the food blogging photography courses mentioned above. Your instructor will probably have tips on the best brands and models. They may also share some advice on how to save money when investing in photography equipment.

What are the Pros and Cons of food blogging?

Food blogging offers the opportunity to share your culinary passions, connect with a global audience, and earn an income doing something you love.

However, it also requires patience, consistency, and an investment of your time to grow and nurture your blog and audience.

Getting your food blog started

To begin, you’ll make decisions about your blog’s name, branding, and web design. And you’ll make decisions on what platforms, tools, and equipment you use to start blogging.

Once you get past the technical aspects of blogging, you’ll enjoy the creative side.

Your food blog should reflect who you are as a person and what you’re passionate about. 

Remember to keep your list of personal goals (created in the “Prep work” section above) nearby to help you make decisions that pave the way toward a blog that’s as unique and creative as you are.

At AWeber, we think of all the things. Like the fact that you’re a food blogger and probably don’t want to spend a lot of time on marketing. 

We provide you with everything you need to create professional emails and landing pages in minutes. And we put it all inside a beautiful drag-and-drop interface that’s super simple and easy to use. 

Why not open a free AWeber account now so you’re prepared to greet your new audience on launch day?

Bon Appétit! 🍴

The post How to start a food blog: Recipe for success appeared first on AWeber.

Email preheaders: Tips to increasing your open rates

Less than three seconds.

That’s the average amount of time you have to capture a subscriber’s attention in his or her crowded inbox. Talk about a short window.

So what’s an easy way to make an impact and stand out? Include an email preheader in each message you send. 

What is an email preheader?

When viewing a message in your inbox, an email preheader — also known as the Johnson Box or preview text — is a snippet of text shown next to or underneath the subject line.

How long is the ideal email preheader text length?

The email preheader length will vary by device and which Internet Service Provider (ISP) like Gmail or Yahoo! subscribers use. However they are typically between 50 to 100 characters or about 6 to 11 words. 

Below, you can see an email preheader example on a desktop inbox, and another on a mobile inbox. 

Why is an email preheader important?

When written well, an email preheader is a powerful tool to improve your open rate

Unfortunately, many email marketers don’t take advantage of the preheader. They spend lots of time crafting the perfect subject line, but barely think twice about this very important piece of text. So they leave it blank, or fill it out with some generic information.

In fact, here are a handful of common email preheaders examples I found in my inbox.

“Click here if you are having trouble viewing this message”

“You are part of an email list, you can unsubscribe here”

“This message contains images, please enable images”

“View in a web browser”

You may be wondering why these messages are pulled into the preheader field. ISPs will automatically populate this field with the first line of coded text in your email. If you don’t customize your preheader, you’re leaving it up to the ISP to determine your second most important line of text.

And looking at the examples above, do you think any of these messages make your subscribers super eager to open the message? No. So what kind of preheader will make your subscriber click open? And how do you set it up properly?

5 Email preheader best practices

Below are five ways to write an email preheader that will skyrocket your open rates. 

#1: Sum up the content inside

Add more context to your subject line with your preheader text. In it, give a short summary of what the reader can expect to find inside the message. This may further entice your subscriber to click on the message so they can read the full content.

Example: Google Home

Subject line: Lauren, welcome to your Google Home Mini

Email preheader: 3 ways to get the most out of your new Mini

#2: Make your subject line and preheader text compliment each other

Paul McCartney & John Lennon, Laverne & Shirley, Han Solo & Chewbacca, Bert & Ernie — what do these great duos have in common?

They complement each other. Alone they are good, together they are amazing.

Subject lines and preheaders are the same. To get the highest open rate and engagement for your email campaign, these two critical email marketing elements should play off each other. Use your preheader to build on an amazing subject line.

Example: Netflix

Subject line: Coming Monday, December 14th…Tiny Pretty Things

Email preheader: Get a first look today

#3: Request an action

Use the email preheader to make your readers take action. Tell them what you want them to do!

Do you want them to open the message? Do you want them to click on a link? Fill out your survey? Let them know what you want them to do and why you want them to do it.

Example: Ulta Beauty

Subject Line: Take a look at your ultimate rewards statement, Lauren!

Email preheader: Check out these beautiful offers, too. Open to see all the ways beauty loves you back!

#4: Use FOMO

The “fear of missing out” or FOMO is a powerful psychological trigger. If you want a subscriber to take advantage of a special offer or deal — such as free shipping or a discount code — tell them about it in the preheader. They’ll be tempted to open right away if they know the offer is exclusive or a limited-time.

And you want them to open right away! Chances are, if they don’t open when they see the message for the first time, they won’t come back the next day or next week to do it. 

Example: Michaels Craft Store

Subject line: Last Day: Summer Cyber Sale! An Online Bonus Coupon and Free Shipping, no minimum

Email preheader: Drop-What-You’re-Doing Doorbusters and Deals. Don’t miss out!

#5: Get creative

Your subscribers want to do business with people they know, like, and trust — as opposed to a faceless corporation. Humanize your preheader text to increase connection and engagement with your subscriber. Use the small block of text to show your company is likeable and relatable, and your subscribers will be more likely to open the message.

Example: PECO

Subject line: PECO can help you keep cool for less this summer

Email preheader: Rising temperatures make it harder to stay cool and comfortable inside. But don’t sweat it!

How do different email platforms handle preheader text?

Different email services, like Gmail or Outlook, can show preheader text differently. Some might display a preview of the email content, while others might only show the first few words of the preheader. 

It’s a good idea to check how your preheader looks on different email platforms to make sure it’s effective for everyone who reads your emails.

How to use preheader text for different types of emails?

For different types of emails, like newsletters or promotions, you can use preheader text creatively. 

For a newsletter, you might tease the main story to encourage readers to open. 

If it’s a promotion, mentioning a limited-time offer can entice people to click. 

For event emails, a sneak peek of what’s in store could build excitement.

How can A/B testing be used to optimize preheader text?

A/B testing with preheader text means trying out different versions to see which gets more people to open your emails. 

You could test different lengths, tones, or offers. Once you send both versions to a small group, you can see which one gets more opens. This helps you learn what works best for your audience, so you can use it in future emails to get even more people interested.

How to add a preheader to an email campaign

There are three ways text can be inserted into your email’s preheader.

#1: Automatically

This is where the ISP your email is being sent, takes the top text in your email. If you have an image as the first element in your email, then the ISP will take the alt text you give your image.

So if your email service provider doesn’t provide you a dedicated section for a preheader, then you need to make sure that the very first text you put in your email has the text you want to appear.

#2: Hidden preheader text HTML code

You understand the value of a preheader but you don’t want this copy to be the first thing your subscribers see when they open your email. If you’re comfortable with coding your email you can put the below code as the very first element in the HTML portion of your email.

#3: Add text in message preheader in AWeber

Adding an email preheader to your message in AWeber is super easy. All it takes is just the click of a single button.

Simply create a message using the drag & drop email builder.

From within the message editor directly under “message,” you can add the text you wish to display with your subject line when the message is sent. It’s that easy.

If you want to personalize your email preheader for your subscriber to include their name, email address, or any other of their subscriber information, you can do so as well! You can accomplish this using personalization snippets within the ‘message preheader’ text box directly.

Ready to write fantastic email preheaders that grab a subscriber’s attention in less than three seconds? Then create your FREE AWeber account today. 

The post Email preheaders: Tips to increasing your open rates appeared first on AWeber.