Battling for Attention in the 2024 Election Year Media Frenzy

As we march closer to the 2024 U.S. presidential election, CMOs and marketing leaders need to prepare for a significant shift in the digital advertising landscape. Election years have always posed unique challenges for advertisers, but the growing dominance of digital media has made the impact more profound than ever before.

In this article, we’ll explore the key factors that will shape the advertising environment in the coming months and provide actionable insights to help you navigate these turbulent waters.

The Digital Battleground

The rise of cord-cutting and the shift towards digital media consumption have fundamentally altered the advertising landscape in recent years. As traditional TV viewership declines, political campaigns have had to adapt their strategies to reach voters where they are spending their time: on digital platforms.

According to a recent report by eMarketer, the number of cord-cutters in the U.S. is expected to reach 65.1 million by the end of 2023, representing a 6.9% increase from 2022. This trend is projected to continue, with the number of cord-cutters reaching 72.2 million by 2025.

Moreover, a survey conducted by Pew Research Center in 2023 found that 62% of U.S. adults do not have a cable or satellite TV subscription, up from 61% in 2022 and 50% in 2019. This data further underscores the accelerating shift away from traditional TV and towards streaming and digital media platforms.

As these trends continue, political advertisers will have no choice but to follow their audiences to digital channels. In the 2022 midterm elections, digital ad spending by political campaigns reached $1.2 billion, a 50% increase from the 2018 midterms. With the 2024 presidential election on the horizon, this figure is expected to grow exponentially, as campaigns compete for the attention of an increasingly digital-first electorate.

For brands and advertisers, this means that the competition for digital ad space will be fiercer than ever before. As political ad spending continues to migrate to platforms like Meta, YouTube, and connected TV, the cost of advertising will likely surge, making it more challenging for non-political advertisers to reach their target audiences.

To navigate this complex and constantly evolving landscape, CMOs and their teams will need to be proactive, data-driven, and willing to experiment with new strategies and channels. By staying ahead of the curve and adapting to the changing media consumption habits of their audiences, brands can position themselves for success in the face of the electoral advertising onslaught.

Rising Costs and Limited Inventory

As political advertisers flood the digital market, the cost of advertising is expected to skyrocket. CPMs (cost per thousand impressions) will likely experience a steady climb throughout the year, with significant spikes anticipated in May, as college students come home from school and become more engaged in political conversations, and around major campaign events like presidential debates.

For media buyers and their teams, this means that the tried-and-true strategies of years past may no longer be sufficient. Brands will need to be nimble, adaptable, and willing to explore new tactics to stay ahead of the game.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday: A Perfect Storm

The challenges of election year advertising will be particularly acute during the critical holiday shopping season. Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which have historically been goldmines for advertisers, will be more expensive and competitive than ever in 2024, as they coincide with the final weeks of the presidential campaign.

To avoid being drowned out by the political noise, brands will need to start planning their holiday campaigns earlier than usual. Building up audiences and crafting compelling creative assets well in advance will be essential to success, as will a willingness to explore alternative channels and tactics. Relying on cold audiences come Q4 will lead to exceptionally high costs that may be detrimental to many businesses.

Navigating the Chaos

While the challenges of election year advertising can seem daunting, there are steps that media buyers and their teams can take to mitigate the impact and even thrive in this environment. Here are a few key strategies to keep in mind:

Start early and plan for contingencies: Begin planning your Q3 and Q4 campaigns as early as possible, with a focus on building up your target audiences and developing a robust library of creative assets.

Be sure to build in contingency budgets to account for potential cost increases, and be prepared to pivot your strategy as the landscape evolves.

Embrace alternative channels: Consider diversifying your media mix to include channels that may be less impacted by political ad spending, such as influencer marketing, podcast advertising, or sponsored content. Investing in owned media channels, like email marketing and mobile apps, can also provide a direct line to your customers without the need to compete for ad space.

Owned channels will be more important than ever. Use cheaper months leading up to the election to build your email lists and existing customer base so that your BF/CM can leverage your owned channels and warm audiences.

Craft compelling, shareable content: In a crowded and noisy advertising environment, creating content that resonates with your target audience will be more important than ever. Focus on developing authentic, engaging content that aligns with your brand values and speaks directly to your customers’ needs and desires.

By tapping into the power of emotional triggers and social proof, you can create content that not only cuts through the clutter but also inspires organic sharing and amplification.


The 2024 election year will undoubtedly bring new challenges and complexities to the world of digital advertising. But by staying informed, adaptable, and strategic in your approach, you can navigate this landscape successfully and even find new opportunities for growth and engagement.

As a media buyer or agnecy, your role in steering your brand through these uncharted waters will be critical. By starting your planning early, embracing alternative channels and tactics, and focusing on creating authentic, resonant content, you can not only survive but thrive in the face of election year disruptions.

So while the road ahead may be uncertain, one thing is clear: the brands that approach this challenge with creativity, agility, and a steadfast commitment to their customers will be the ones that emerge stronger on the other side.

The post Battling for Attention in the 2024 Election Year Media Frenzy appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Real estate email marketing: Turning potential buyers and sellers into clients

Email marketing for realtors. You’ve heard about it, but you’re not sure how it can help you connect with home buyers and sellers.

Imagine this scenario for a moment: You’re hosting another open house for a charming two-story Cape Cod home. A flood of people enter in and out, browsing around on their own without saying much to you. 

You leave out some business cards on a side table by the door and hope interested home buyers take one. But even if they do, there’s no guarantee that your card won’t end up lost in a purse or thrown out later on in the day.

If you had an email list you could ask potential homebuyers to sign up and guarantee future interactions. 

But email marketing isn’t just helpful for when you host an open house – it’s a great way to connect with potential home sellers and buyers in any scenario. And it allows you to reach a much more targeted audience. 

Email marketing for realtors allows you to stay connected with those who are interested in working with you, ultimately making it more effective than many other types of marketing.

Benefits of real estate email marketing

1 – Measurable 

Unlike other types of marketing that are difficult to measure, you can determine the ways in which your email efforts are impacting business by reviewing information such as open rates, click rates, traffic to your website, and more.

2 – Proven ROI 

Email marketing delivers a return of 3600%, according to Litmus.

3 – Preferred by clients

74% of consumers prefer to receive commercial communication through email. Think about that for a minute. In order for you to send emails to someone, they have to come up to you or go to your website and sign up, already knowing they’re interested in something you have to offer.

Posting an ad for your business can be good for raising awareness of your services. But you’re promoting yourself to a wide audience of people who will most likely look at your ad and move on. 

That means there will be no future opportunities for you to engage with that person. When someone gives you their email address, however, you get the chance to start up a conversation and build a relationship with that person by sending them content that is relevant to their lives (such as information about new house listings or tips for homeowners).

4 – It frees up your time 

As a realtor, your life is a busy one, and you need a way to manage your relationships with your clients while also having time to go on house tours, attend settlements, and so on. If you set up automated email messages, staying in touch with your clients becomes hassle-free.

Step 1: Find an email marketing provider

The first step to getting started with email marketing is to research and choose a reputable email marketing provider. A few characteristics to look for in a good provider include high-quality customer service and excellent deliverability.

By having a top-notch team of email experts to help you throughout your email marketing journey, as well as the highest possible chance to get your messages delivered to your subscribers’ inboxes, you’ll be better prepared for success.

Once you’ve found your match, you can begin collecting email subscribers to grow your client base.

Step 2: Grow your subscriber base

In order to sell a house, you need interested buyers and actual sellers, right? Email marketing can help you gain the respect and trust of potential clients. But first, you need a list of people to email.

Fortunately, there are many easy ways you can collect email subscribers once you’ve selected your email marketing provider. Here are the tactics that we find work best for real estate agents:

Your website

If you have a website, chances are you get tons of visitors but not nearly as many inquiries as you’d like. Fortunately, you can tap into some of those visitors by adding an email sign-up form on highly trafficked pages of your website (such as your homepage). 

Your sign-up form should inform your visitors what they’ll get out of signing up to your emails, such as updates on new listings, home improvement tips, and anything else you plan on informing them about.

In addition to including the value of your email list, be sure to add fields to your form that ask them to submit their name and email address. While you can also ask for additional information, such as whether they’re a home seller or buyer or what town they live in, remember that less is more. You don’t want to lose potential email subscribers by making them jump through too many hoops to hear from you.

If you want to attract home sellers, create a page that explains how you can help them sell their homes quickly and for the best possible price. Then use your sign-up form to offer exclusive email updates or a newsletter with tips for people selling their homes.

To attract home buyers, create a landing page with a different sign-up form that offers another type of email newsletter that provides information on homes that are for sale and other tips to help with the home buying process.

Open houses

At open house events, place a sign-up sheet at the entrance to collect email addresses of interested buyers. Even if they’re not interested in buying that particular house, they may be interested in working with you in the future.

On the sign-up form, be sure to explain what it’s for (e.g., weekly newsletter, updates on new listings) so subscribers know what to expect when they receive your emails. You also might want to offer more details about the specific house they’re touring, which they can get by signing up to your email list.

At the end of the open house, add your new subscribers to your email list and let the communication begin!

You can also collect email addresses by having a sheet with a QR code which sends them to a landing page to sign up.

Promotional materials

If you create print materials with property details to promote each listing, be sure to include a link to your email sign-up form so prospects can easily sign up for emails. You can even add the link to your business cards!

Email signature

Your daily email correspondence can also be a great opportunity to raise awareness of your email list, so include a link to your sign-up form in your email signature as well. You might want to include a little bit of information about the benefits of signing up to your email list, too.

Facebook business page

If you have a Facebook business page, chances are you have followers who have never interacted with you or your website. Set up your call-to-action feature to connect to your sign-up form, or a landing page that’s specifically designed to attract new email subscribers.

X (formerly Twitter)

Encourage your Twitter followers to sign up to your email list and share the link to your sign-up form in a tweet. Be sure to tell them about the benefits of signing up to your list!

Real estate email content ideas

Real estate email marketing offers a unique opportunity for relationship-building, because a lot of time can pass from when someone expresses interest to when they actually make a purchase.

The idea of sending regular emails to any number of people can seem daunting. But there are a number of ideas you can use for your email content, such as the ones listed below.

Regular email newsletter

Whether you send a weekly or a monthly email newsletter, these emails are perfect for keeping your subscribers up to date on industry news and policy changes as well as tips to help home buyers and sellers make more informed decisions.

You can also create two different email lists, so you can send tailored information to those who identify as home buyers or home sellers.

Whatever you decide to write about, keep in mind that your email newsletters should not be self-promotional. Rather, the goal is to create and share content that is valuable to them and where they are in their lives. 

As you begin on the first versions of your newsletter, consider what your readers should get out of the content.

New listings

Send targeted emails that feature new listings, foreclosures, and up-and-coming areas to clients in nearby areas. So if a new house goes up for sale in a specific neighborhood, send a geo-based email to your subscribers in that area (if you collect that information in your sign-up form).

You can continue to connect with interested buyers by sending another targeted email to those who opened your email and clicked on the link to view the listing online. This allows you to continue the conversation with someone who may have been interested, but for one reason or another did not reach out to you.

Home improvement tips

From painting tips to gardening advice, there’s a lot of helpful information you can share with homebuyers (both new and experienced). Other topics might include:


Kitchen renovations

Carpeting vs. hardwood flooring

Designing children’s rooms

Updating looks so they’re more modern

Exterior decorating

Interior decorating

Reviews of household appliances

Energy-saving advice

… and more!

Ask your readers what they’d like to learn more about! This can help you create content that is relevant to your subscribers.

Industry updates

Policies within the real estate industry are known to change every now and then. Email is a great way to keep your clients up to date on the latest news that can impact them.

When informing your subscribers of a new policy or a change in an existing one, be sure to offer your own explanation of what this means for them. Remember, your clients probably aren’t well-versed in real estate industry jargon, so break it down to them in layman’s terms.

Automated email series

Buying or selling a house is no easy feat. To educate your clients who want to learn more about each topic, you can also create an automated series of educational emails that clients can specifically sign up for.

If you want to educate a variety of clients, such as first-time home buyers, home sellers, or apartment hunters, an email series is perfect for providing subscribers with important evergreen content (i.e., content that will rarely change).

An email series can consist of one or 10 emails (up to you!) – whatever is necessary to teach your clients what they need to know.

Email series topics you can offer:

Everything first-time homebuyers should know. Give subscribers an overview of the journey and advice that’ll help them be more informed buyers.

Tips on maximizing the value of your current home. Within each email, focus on a different way readers can increase their home value.

Ideas for quick renovations you can do to sell your house faster. Share a new renovation idea in each email, or pick one idea and build an email series around that concept.

Tips for home buyers and sellers

On your sign-up form, consider asking your subscribers if they’re planning on selling or buying a home. With that information, you can send emails specific to each group to further educate them in their buyer or seller journey. 

When you have a clear understanding of what their needs are, it’ll help you identify content topics that will help them make the many decisions involved in buying and selling a home.

This makes for great content for your blog and social media posts, too!

User-generated content

Ask your clients to share their home buying and home selling experiences working with you. If you like them, consider including them in emails to your subscribers. This is a great way to encourage current clients that you’re the right realtor for them, as well as prospects who are still deciding whether they’re buying a house or moving.

Or increase the level of interaction you have with your clients by creating a contest that asks your clients to submit a photo of a redesign they’ve done. Share it on social media and ask for email addresses in order to enter. Leave it up to your audience to choose the winner!


People love free stuff, so why not give your email subscribers free things to keep them interested in your emails?

Incentives you might want to offer in your emails or on your sign-up form include whitepapers, eBooks, or even a downloadable how-to guide.

Use this real estate email marketing guide

Educating your clients is essential to creating a great home buying or home selling experience. And email is a great way to maintain that relationship and gain the trust of your subscribers.

Email marketing for realtors is simple, but don’t get discouraged if it seems like a lot of work. As with any good habit, it’s important to stay motivated and stick with it. Consider devoting at least 30 minutes a day to nurturing your email list until it becomes routine. 

And if you do have any questions along the way, feel free to contact our email marketing experts at any time – we’re happy to help!

Looking for an email marketing provider for realtors – try AWeber. We’re a trusted, user-friendly platform that makes email marketing and lead generation simple and efficient. Why not sign up for a free AWeber account now and create your first landing page and newsletter today!

The post Real estate email marketing: Turning potential buyers and sellers into clients appeared first on AWeber.

How Standardizing Your Sales Process Boosts Overall Conversion

Let’s face it—it does no good to build a funnel and spend zero time optimizing for conversion. That’s a no-brainer, right?

But, how many of you are working closely with your head of sales to ensure that the opportunities you help generate actually convert into paying clients? Ultimately, if you want to be seen as a successful marketer, you’re going to have to show that marketing is driving sales.

Now, the challenge is that in today’s commoditized world, sales teams often struggle to stand out from the crowd. As a result, closed won rates plummet, and organizations find it challenging to demonstrate to prospects how their total value proposition is the clear winner against all of the other competitors.

To make matters worse, many organizations rely on “super hero” sales people or even the founder to close deals. This approach is not sustainable or scalable. You can’t build a successful sales team if you’re constantly relying on a select few individuals to bring in all of the business.

The solution to this problem is a sales process that follows a standardized approach while also creating clear differentiation with prospects at the same time. By implementing a systematic sales process, you can scale your sales efforts beyond just the founders and “super heroes.” This will lead to higher closed won rates and higher gross profit margins, as you’ll be able to win at premium prices.

The benefits of a systematic sales process are clear. You’ll be able to scale the process beyond founders and “super heroes,” achieve higher closed won rates, and enjoy higher gross profit margins as you’re now able to win at premium prices.

When I implemented a systematic sales process in my former agency, I was able to consistently have 60-70% closed won rates, even when I had zero involvement in deals. This is the power of a well-designed sales process. In fact, I standardized this process and called it the Systematic Sales Process.

So, what does a Systematic Sales Process look like? Here are the five stages:

Stage 1: Evaluation

In this stage, you’ll have a 30-45 minute call with your prospect. The goal of this call is to point your prospect in the right direction—it’s not to “make a sale.” The reason we want to take this approach is that many prospects are likely not a good fit for your firm, so let’s not assume that every first call is an “opportunity.” That’s why we call this call the “Evaluation”—you want to evaluate whether or not you can help your prospect, whether or not they align with your requirements, and whether or not they are ready to move forward. We call this “two-way qualification.”

It’s not uncommon to reach the middle-to-end of the call and determine that your prospect, in fact, needs someone or something else other than you!

IMPORTANT: You should NOT move anyone beyond this point unless you have full alignment.

Do this stage right and you will ensure that your pipeline is real.

Stage 2: Discovery

After you have alignment with your prospect from the Evaluation call, you’ll engage them and their team in a 60-120 minute Discovery meeting.

The key in this meeting is to have a strong business conversation and less of a tactical conversation related to what you do. You’re looking to create paradigm shifts with key stakeholders on your prospect’s side. You want them to leave the meeting thinking about their problem in a completely different way and with a sense of excitement about the potential of moving from where they are now to where they want to be.

IMPORTANT: You want to ensure critical stakeholders are present for this meeting, as they’ve agreed-to in the Evaluation call (this is non-negotiable), to whatever degree you require for your process.

Do this stage right and you will sub-consciously win the business.

Stage 3: Plan

In this stage, you’ll collaborate with your main point of contact to develop your plan. That said, be a leader and show them what needs to be done to achieve their desired outcome, then discuss how you can divide and conquer together. Don’t treat this as a “pick from a menu” excercise.

This collaborative approach to developing your plan helps your main point of contact see your plan as their plan, too. This increases the odds that they will be a champion for you.

IMPORTANT: During these dicsussions, be sure to have them help you avoid “land mines”—things that could lose the business for you.

Do this stage right and you will eliminate surprises at the next stage (Presentation).

Stage 4: Presentation

You’re now ready to present and officially win the business during a 60-90 minute meeting. That siad, do not call your plan a “Proposal”! Instead, give it a specific title that speaks to their goals (e.g. “How ACME Corp Can Drive 17% More Revenue Through Conversion Rate Optimization”).

Your presentation should tell a “story” that includes:

Their Vision

Their Goals & Objectives

Their Challenges

How to Win (Strategy)

Highlights (Tactics)

Required Commitments (Their time, money, and resources to make this plan a success)

Expected Results (ROI!)

Why Your Firm

After you present, answer any questions they have and when their questions are done, ASK FOR THE SALE.

IMPORTANT: You want to ensure critical stakeholders are present for this meeting, as they’ve agreed-to in the Evaluation call (this is non-negotiable), to whatever degree you require for your process.

Do this stage right and you will differentiate your firm.

Stage 5: Negotiation

Finally, you’re ready to provde the contract and negotiate, but don’t give this until they’ve given you the “verbal” that you have won the business. The reason you do this is to make sure that you’ve wont the business based on the material things before the prospect starts nit-picking your contract scope. That said, be clear about what you will do and what you won’t do.

Additionally, your standard terms and conditions will accompnay the scope. You want to know up-front the terms and conditions you will bend on and the ones you won’t bend on.  You don’t want to make a decision about an important term and/or condition during the emotion of trying to ink a deal. Knowing up-front your points of negotiation will help you make logical decisions in the heat of the moment.

Do this stage right and you will set up your team for success.If you’d like to learn more about how to grow your firm using a Systematic Sales Process, register for Frank’s free Systematic Sales Process training today!

The post How Standardizing Your Sales Process Boosts Overall Conversion appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

How to increase brand awareness on social media: 25 tips with expert insights and stories

Social media brand awareness can deliver huge advantages to businesses. 

A successful brand awareness strategy can expand your reach, improve your credibility, and dramatically increase your conversions, web traffic, and sales.

With the right approach, all those benefits can translate to big profits and a healthy ROI for your business.

But in a world where nearly 5 billion people upload 2 billion photographs and videos to social media daily, finding a way to stand out can be challenging.

Fortunately, you don’t have to wonder how to get noticed on social media because we’ve got answers for you in the guide below.

I reached out to several industry experts who shared first-hand experience and creative tips for building brand awareness on social media.

You’ll find their tips and success stories below, along with 23 ways to increase your brand awareness on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

What is social media brand awareness?

Brand awareness refers to how familiar and likable your business is on social media. It reflects your reach and visibility but doesn’t stop there. Brand awareness also encompasses your reputation and credibility.

Increasing brand awareness on any social media channel is the first step toward building an audience. It’s also an ongoing process of building, engaging, and converting your target audience so they become happy customers.

Why does brand awareness matter?

Brand awareness is the first step to getting people interested in your business. On social media, it translates into more followers and larger audiences.

Brand awareness also builds your business’s trust and credibility, which makes people much more likely to purchase your products or services.

Finally, a strong brand awareness can make your business stand out in your industry and on social media.

Keep your target audience in mind as you browse the tips below, and you’ll be on your way to creating successful brand awareness campaigns in no time!

25 Super-effective ways to increase brand awareness on social media

The following tips will help you grow your audience, reach, and brand awareness on nearly any social media channel. We’ve included some priceless expert tips, so take notes, bookmark this page, share it on social media — do whatever it takes so you can return any time for inspiration and ideas!

#1 – Understand Your Audience

You probably already have a target audience in mind, but how well do you know them? Check out your competitors, industry influencers, Reddit forums, and other online groups. Find out what your audience wants and needs, and support them with content that engages them.

#2 – Encourage user-generated content (UGC) campaigns

Contests and giveaways that encourage UGC can quickly expose your business to hundreds of new audiences.

“Encouraging user-generated content with branded hashtags or photo challenges can also help to expand your reach and generate buzz for your brand. 

For example, a beauty brand might launch a hashtag campaign encouraging customers to share their favorite makeup looks created with a specific product in exchange for prizes.” 

Gabrielle Marie Yap, Senior Editor & Culinary Entrepreneur at CarnivoreStyle

#3 – Live video broadcasts

Use live video broadcasts to interact with audiences and gain new followers.

#4 – Publish highly-shareable, non-promotional content

Every time someone shares your content, it exposes your brand to a new audience. Shareable content helps boost your brand’s reach and credibility. 

For example, digital marketing agency NP Digital shares marketing tips that appeal to its target audience.

Images, videos, illustrations, memes, and GIFs that are heartwarming, funny, informative, or entertaining are good examples of shareable content.

According to Museum Hacks CEO Tasia Duske, memes are responsible for helping her company’s Instagram page grow to nearly 35,000 followers.

“We were able to quickly grow our Instagram following by thousands (30,000k +,) rack up hundreds of likes per post, earn tons of shares, and make thousands more people aware of our ‘renegade museum tours’ through the power of social media memes.”

Tasia Duske, CEO, Museum Hack

Duske shared a few tips about how her brand developed the viral memes.

“Rather than chase the meme of the moment, we centered our strategy around our own, personalized meme format. Since it wasn’t directly brand-related, it was instantly relatable and attention-grabbing and encouraged sharing — yet, it was still on brand enough that people also learned about our product at the same time.”

#5 Interactive social media content

Publish interactive social media content that engages followers and encourages them to share with friends. For example, quizzes, polls, and surveys are excellent interactive content on any platform.

#6 Partner with influencers

Partner with influencers whose audiences are similar to yours. Experiment with different types of influencers and partner content to learn what drives the most engagement and awareness for your business.

For example, Dunkin’ Donuts partnered with e.l.f. Makeup for a “Wake up and make up” campaign that resulted in 2.3 billion impressions in one day.

You don’t have to be a giant company to create successful partnerships that boost your brand awareness. Micro-influencers and niche influencers often generate higher engagement rates from smaller audiences.

“Influencer partnerships can help you quickly build brand awareness, and a long-lasting relationship with a trusted influencer is invaluable. 

Build a group of reliable influencers for partnerships, but keep introducing new ones into the mix to test new strategies and expand to new audiences.”

Rex Huxford, Director of Demand Generation, MD Clarity

#7 – Post consistently at ideal times

You can learn the best times for audience engagement by monitoring your social media insights. If you don’t have enough analytics history to determine your best posting times, you can start with general posting guidelines and improve as you go. 

#8 – Share behind-the-scenes videos with your audience

Behind-the-scenes clips are  popular because users love seeing the real people behind their favorite brands. Brands love them because it helps to build a personal connection with their audience.

For example, Spread Great Ideas shares a fun video of its “Global rockstar team” on its YouTube channel.

#9 – Experiment with formats

Experiment with a variety of formats to find out what resonates best with your audience.

#10 – Use analytics to guide your content

Increase your content’s reach and engagement by monitoring your insights to learn what sparks engagement and sharing from your target audience.

#11 – Use location tags whenever possible

If you have a physical location, you can significantly Increase visibility by adding location tags to your posts on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

#12 – Optimize your captions

Include keywords and hashtags in your captions to expand your reach on search and other feeds. 

#13 – Email marketing

Use email marketing to promote your events, contests, and collaborations: Send an email invite to your subscribers and encourage them to share it with friends. 

#14 -Share brand awareness content

At the brand awareness stage, the ideal content is non-promotional and designed to entertain, educate, teach something new, solve a problem, or share a life hack.

For example, the Stallion Express Instagram post below provides helpful information and tips for shipping within the U.S. — without trying to sell or promote its services.

These 14 tips can help you boost brand awareness on nearly any social media platform. 

Keep reading to discover platform-specific tips for Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

Instagram brand awareness tips

#15 – Run contests as often as possible

On Instagram, contests get about 64 times more comments than any other post type.

#16 – Understand and apply Instagram SEO

Don’t rely on hashtags for SEO – they’re only a small part of the puzzle. Implementing Instagram SEO techniques provides greater visibility in the Explore and Search feeds. 

#17 – Use eye-catching visuals

Use high-quality images and videos in all your content, to match the Instagram aesthetic. 

“When it comes to creating content for social media, especially Instagram, my top tip is to use the power of visuals to your advantage. 

Create eye-catching content that showcases your products and tells an exciting story. 

Building a presence on platforms such as Instagram isn’t just about showing off your products; it’s about creating an experience your audience will remember for years.

Diana Zheng, Head of Marketing, Stallion Express

#18 – Reels, Reels, Reels!

Short-form videos are popular on every social channel, especially Instagram. Whether you post filmed videos or create videos with an app like Canva, Reels can go a long way toward expanding your reach.

For example, NP Digital consistently posts Reels related to digital marketing.

Kimberly Deese, marketing and PR leader at NP Digital, recommends using short form videos to entertain and inform your audience.

“The best way to build brand awareness on Instagram is by featuring subject matter experts in consistent and persistent short-form video posts that provide value and entertainment to the audience while aligning with your brand’s messaging. 

These short form videos can make an even bigger impact when they offer unique perspectives on current industry trends, feature text-on-screen, and have eye-catching thumbnail images.” 

Kimberly Deese, Digital PR, NP Digital

#19 – Respond to all comments and DMs in a timely manner

On Instagram, engagement is your key to getting in the good graces of its algorithms. Responding to comments on your page and in messages (in a timely manner) helps boost your visibility in its feeds.

Facebook brand awareness tips

#20 – Long videos

Yes, you read that right. Videos over one minute long receive the most median interactions and reach on Facebook.

#21 – Join Facebook groups

Join Facebook groups in your niche and participate: Look for ways to encourage, advise, and support group members. 

#22 – Run Facebook ad campaigns

Use its sophisticated ad targeting features to deliver engaging content to your target audience.

Will Yang, Head of Growth and Marketing at Instrumentl, uses storytelling to create an emotional connection in Facebook ads.

“My favorite tactic for building brand awareness on Facebook is running video ad campaigns that tell a story. 

In my experience, nothing grabs attention and builds an emotional connection with potential customers quite like video content. 

The key is using video ads to showcase your brand’s mission, values, and impact in an authentic, human way. 

Will Yang, Head of Growth and Marketing, Instrumentl

Yang tells the story of a video campaign he once ran for a nonprofit organization that helps underprivileged youth.

“The video followed a student’s journey from a challenging background to graduating college thanks to the nonprofit’s programs. It highlighted the organization’s inspirational work while tugging at viewers’ heartstrings. 

We received tons of positive feedback from people who felt connected to the cause after seeing the student’s story. This just goes to show how powerful video storytelling can be on Facebook.”

YouTube brand awareness tips

#23 – Optimize YouTube videos

Optimize video titles and descriptions: to improve your visibility in YouTube feeds and encourage people to subscribe to your channel.

#24 – Invest in high-quality sound equipment

Invest in high-quality sound equipment to ensure that the sound quality of your videos is professional. 

Creating a high-quality sound doesn’t have to be expensive. The video below provides excellent tips for achieving high quality sound on a budget.

#25 – Collaborate with other YouTube creators

Collaborate with other YouTube creators to instantly expose your content to new audiences.

Vaibhav Kakkar, CEO of Digital Web Solutions, highly recommends YouTube collaborations for building brand awareness.

“For YouTube, my favorite tactic for building brand awareness is collaborating with other creators in our niche. 

Collaborating on content exposes the brand to a wider, targeted audience and adds credibility through association with established names in the industry.

Vaibhav Kakkar CEO | digitalwebsolutions

As you build social media brand awareness for your business, remember it’s a process. 

Keep publishing unique, engaging content on a consistent basis. 

Regularly monitor your industry influencers and competitors to discover new trends and learn what’s working in your niche. 

Network and collaborate with others in your industry as often as you can. 

Along the way, allow your target audience, marketing goals, and analytics to steer you in the right direction.

How to measure social media brand awareness

Determine how well your brand awareness campaigns are performing by monitoring the native social media insights on each platform. 

The following metrics help measure brand awareness:

Reach & Impressions: How many people see your content and how many times is it viewed?

Engagement: Are people liking, commenting, and sharing your posts?

Mentions: How often do people tag your brand or use your hashtags?

Follower growth: How does your follower count increase over time?

Competitor growth and engagement: Compare your engagement and growth rates to competitors on the same social media platform.

Off-platform accomplishments: How many people click on your external links, and how does that affect traffic, conversions, and sales for your business?

Consistently tracking the progress of the above measurements will give you a crystal-clear understanding of how well your brand awareness campaigns are performing on social media.

Turn social media brand awareness into profits

Building brand awareness on social media is an ongoing process that requires creativity, consistency, and a deep understanding of your audience. But building awareness is just one part of a successful marketing strategy. 

Turning brand awareness into conversions and profits is equally important.

At AWeber, we provide the marketing funnel you need to turn social media followers into customers. You can guide followers along the entire customer journey from one platform that includes:

Email marketing software with behavior-based segmentation and personalization, and automation that does most of the work for you.

Landing pages to feature your products, lead gen content, and link in bio hubs.

All inside an easy-breezy drag-and-drop interface with a massive selection of templates plus a built-in Canva Designer.

PS: You’ll love our help resources and blog, packed with tips and tutorials to help your business succeed with digital marketing!

Ready to turn your social media success into profits? Try AWeber for free today and start driving traffic, conversions, and sales right away.

The post How to increase brand awareness on social media: 25 tips with expert insights and stories appeared first on AWeber.

Interactive Posts: Steal these ideas and say goodbye to boring social media

Have you ever dreamed about waking up to discover that your brand’s social media page went viral overnight?

Or that, within a few months, you were able to build a highly engaged audience that feels like a real community?

Social media success happens on different timelines, but there’s one thing you can count on: Interactive content is one of the most reliable ways to get there.

Whether you’re looking to expand reach and awareness, grow your audience, or drive traffic and conversions, engagement is the key to making it happen on social media. 

Keep reading for creative and popular ideas on how to create interactive content for your brand. You’ll find ideas and suggestions, plus insights, stories, and tips from people with first-hand experience.

What is interactive social media content?

Interactive social media posts are any type of content that encourages users to actively engage with your content. Interactive posts may take the form of videos, Stories, image posts, ads, or any other form of content.

Some interactive content uses text to inspire engagement, while others feature tools or technology such as stickers, polls, and augmented reality.

For example, NP Digital uses polls, especially on Instagram and LinkedIn, to encourage engagement from its viewers.

“Our favorite type of interactive social media is polls – both on LinkedIn and Instagram – because they allow our audience to offer their input on industry trends, where they can comment on these posts to add further context.”

– Kayla Bautista, Social Media Manager, NP Digital

On any social media channel, interactive content can help boost your engagement rates, reach, and visibility in the feeds.

Why interactive posts matter

Interactive social media posts help boost engagement rates for your brand. Those higher engagement rates deliver several benefits:

Lets the platform’s algorithm know that your content is valuable, often resulting in better visibility in social media feeds for all your brand posts.

Builds community by creating a two-way conversation that makes your audience feel seen, heard, and appreciated.

Encourages sharing, which exposes your content to new audiences and boosts your brand awareness. 

Provides your brand with valuable insights into your audience’s opinions, preferences, pain points, and favorite types of content.

More than five billion social media users spend an average of 12 billion hours using social media platforms daily. Most of them (those aged 16 – 64) log on to keep in touch with friends and family, fill their spare time, and read news stories. 

A significant portion of social media users also log on to view and interact with brand content like yours. 

Here are a few of the main reasons people use social media:

35% are looking for content

27% are searching for inspiration on what to do and buy

26% are looking for products to purchase

22% want to see content from their favorite brands

One of the best ways to engage social media users is through interactive content. This opens the door to conversions, sales, and traffic that can generate real profits.

Interactive post ideas for social media content

Fundraising campaigns, UCG campaigns, and live videos are some of the most successful types of interactive social media content (across all channels).

Fundraising campaigns

Fundraisers are a great opportunity to share compelling stories related to a cause your audience cares about. They inspire empathy and build an emotional connection between you and your audience. 

Interactive posts inspire people to get involved and help make your fundraiser a success. 

Try the following interactive post ideas to support your fundraiser:

Quizzes about the cause

Contests and giveaways that inspire people to share photos or stories related to the cause

Challenges like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and the Betty White Challenge

UGC Campaigns

UGC (user-generated content) campaigns encourage interaction by asking followers and customers to create, share, or interact with content on your behalf. 

For example, the Natura Marketa UGC post below shows a typical UGC Giveaway contest. To enter its giveaway drawing, users must tag two friends. 

UGC campaigns give your brand reach and engagement a massive boost because they expose your brand to new people and build trust and credibility.

Other user-generated content ideas include:

Photo/video contests with prize incentives

“Caption this” challenges

Fill-in-the blank prompts

Testimonials and reviews

Priyanka Swamy, CEO & Founder of Perfect Locks, says interactive content, especially UGC, helps her brand build community and better understand its audience.

“When it comes to social media engagement and results, interactive content plays a very important role. One of the types of content that I love the most is user-generated content campaigns. 

We encourage our customers to post their experiences and pictures with our products. Not only does this help us build a community, but it also provides authentic feedback that resonates with our target audience. “

Priyanka Swamy, CEO & Founder, Perfect Locks

Swamy shared the following tips for businesses looking to boost their results with interactive content:

Create branded hashtags.

Host photo challenges or contests.

Invite participants to repost their content.

Share their stories.

Offer incentives, like discounts or features, on our social channels.

Interactive video 

Interactive video creates a two-way conversation that makes viewers feel like active participants instead of passive observers. 

Build trust with followers by answering questions about your product. Generate more leads by encouraging viewers to subscribe to your email list. Gain valuable insights by asking questions and encouraging live feedback.

Other interactive video ideas include:

Live polls and quizzes


Live contests and giveaways

Product tutorials and demonstrations (encourage questions and answer them on the spot)

Virtual events

Live stream shopping

For example, watercolor artist and product designer Kristy Rice uses text overlays to turn Instagram Reels videos into interactive content. “Comment ‘empty’ and I’ll DM you a link to shop!”

Interactive Facebook content

Twenty percent of shoppers begin their search on Facebook, the world’s most-used social media platform. To engage users on Facebook, consider interactive videos, Stories, and image posts.

Interactive Facebook post ideas

On Facebook, a lot of users like to watch and observe without participating. That’s why inspiring people to engage with interactive posts can go a long way toward building a stronger connection with your audience.

This or That post example

Here are some ideas for interactive posts on Facebook:

Fill-in-the-Blanks: Present two options and ask people to choose their favorite.

This or That” Scenarios: Present two options and let people choose their favorite.

Caption Contests: Post a funny photo, and let your audience compete for the best caption.

Share Your Story: Encourage your audience to share experiences related to a brand-relevant topic.

Polls and surveys: Let your audience vote or test their knowledge in a playful way.

Carousels: Inspire swipe-throughs with compelling carousel posts and ads.

360 photos: Share 360 images that users can pan and explore. Try it here.

Interactive Facebook Live video ideas

Live streaming video is an excellent way to engage followers on Facebook and Instagram.

Here are some popular Facebook Live video ideas:

AMAs (Ask Me Anything): Host live Q&A sessions and let viewers steer the conversation with questions and comments.

Coffee Clutch: Create casual, conversational sessions focused on a specific (brand-related) topic. Hold coffee clutch sessions at a scheduled time each week for the best results.

Live Tutorials/Demonstrations: Share DIY tips, host a live cooking class, share helpful tips that solicit questions and comments, or ask for input on your next product.

Announce contest/giveaway winners: Build excitement with UGC content, then announce your contest winners in a live video broadcast.

Interactive Facebook ad ideas

Facebook ads provide you the chance to use augmented reality and 360 videos to prompt engagement from viewers. 

Here are some engaging ideas for interactive Facebook ads:

Instant Experience: A full-screen mobile experience opens up when someone taps on your ad.

Poll Ads: Include interactive polls directly in your ad.

Lead Ads: Ads that include a lead generation form users can easily fill out.

Collection Ads: Showcase a range of products and let users tap to learn more. 

360-degree Videos and Images: Let users explore products or environments from all angles for a more hands-on feel.

Quizzes & Trivia: Use a quiz format to educate users about your product or brand in a fun way.

Interactive Instagram content

Half of weekly Instagram users want to see more funny content, and more than 45% of them would like to see more creativity, according to a recent Statista survey.

As you’re considering interactive Instagram content, look for formats that allow you to get creative or funny!

Interactive Instagram post ideas

If you’re looking to boost engagement on Instagram, run more contests. Contest posts receive 64 times more comment engagement than any other type of post.

Here are some interactive post ideas for Instagram:

Contests or giveaways that require tagging or images with your brand hashtag

Photo contests, in-store contests, drawing, and giveaways

Before & after image posts relevant to your brand or product

“Would you rather” scenarios that let people pick a side

You can turn any Instagram image post into interactive content by asking the right questions or posing fun challenges!

Senior fitness coach Benedict Ang says that challenges and contests perform consistently well for his company, TotalShape.

Ang explains, “Whether it’s a fitness challenge like a 30-day workout program or a healthy recipe contest, these kinds of initiatives really get our followers excited and involved.” 

He adds that engagement isn’t the only benefit they enjoy, “When they see others participating and sharing their progress, it creates a sense of camaraderie and motivation. Plus, it’s a fantastic way for us to showcase the effectiveness of our programs and engage with our audience in a fun and interactive way.”

Interactive Instagram and Facebook Story ideas

Instagram and Facebook Stories are a must-publish for any brand looking to boost engagement on the platform. Its Story stickers let you turn every page into an interactive experience.

Best interactive Instagram Story stickers:

Poll Stickers

Quiz Stickers

Questions Sticker

Emoji Slider

Countdown Sticker

Mention Tag

Instagram Story stickers are a great way to engage your audience, and users love engaging in Stories. 

For example, Mercedes Benz and Chef Carla Hall use questions, poll stickers, and tagging in Instagram and Facebook content.

Steve Pogson, founder of First Pier e-commerce growth agency, says that interactive Stories make a big impact for his brands. 

“We focus on creating polls, quizzes, and ‘ask me anything’ sessions that are directly relevant to the brand’s products or services.” 

For example, Pogson used this interactive approach for a skincare brand, running daily polls about people’s skincare routines and preferences. “This not only increased story engagement rates,” he explained, “but also provided valuable insights into the customer’s needs and preferences, which further informed the brand’s marketing and product development strategies.”

Interactive content for engagement, awareness, and conversion

Interactive social media content can drive massive engagement and awareness for your brand.

It can also fuel the numbers that matter most: conversion and sales.

Next time you’re creating interactive content for your social media pages, consider ways you might encourage viewers to subscribe to your mailing list. For example, you might use a link in bio tool to embed an email subscribe form. Or mention that email subscribers get exclusive discounts.

Encourage your social media audience to subscribe to your email list accomplishes two things:

Gives you a way to nurture leads through your marketing funnel, eventually leading to more sales.

Grants you “ownership” of your social media followers, adding them to a platform where you own all the data. If the social platform ever gets shut down, or if you can’t access it, your email data will allow you to stay in touch with your audience — forever.

At AWeber, we specialize in helping you turn leads into sales with email marketing, landing pages, and link in bio pages. You’ll love our huge selection of templates that let you create professional landing pages, email series, and ink in bio hubs in minutes.

We’ve got a free account with your name on it. Try AWeber today!

The post Interactive Posts: Steal these ideas and say goodbye to boring social media appeared first on AWeber.

2 Ways to Take Back the Power in Your Business: Part 2

Before we dive into the second way to assume power in your business, let’s revisit Part 1. 

Who informs your marketing strategy? 

YOU, with your carefully curated strategy informed by data and deep knowledge of your brand and audience? Or any of the 3 Cs below? 

Competitors: Their advertising and digital presence and seemingly never-ending budgets consume the landscape.

Colleagues: Their tried-and-true proven tactics or lessons learned.

Customers: Their calls, requests, and ideas. 

Considering any of the above is not bad, in fact, it can be very wise! However, listening quickly becomes devastating if it lends to their running our business or marketing department. 

It’s time we move from defense to offense, sitting in the driver’s seat rather than allowing any of the 3 Cs to control. 

It is one thing to learn from and entirely another to be controlled by. 

In Part 1, we explored how knowing what we want is critical to regaining power.

1) Knowing what you want protects the bottom line.

2) Knowing what you want protects you from the 3 Cs. 

3) Knowing what you want protects you from running on auto-pilot.

You can read Part 1 here; in the meantime, let’s dive in! 

How to Regain Control of Your Business: Knowing Who You Are

Vertical alignment is a favorite concept of mine, coined over the last two years throughout my personal journey of knowing self. 

Consider the diagram below.

Vertical alignment is the state of internal being centered with who you are at your core. 

Horizontal alignment is the state of external doing engaged with the world around you.

In a state of vertical alignment, your business operates from its core center, predicated on its mission, values, and brand. It is authentic and confident and cuts through the noise because it is entirely unique from every competitor in the market. 

From this vertical alignment, your business is positioned for horizontal alignment to fulfill the integrity of its intended services, instituted processes, and promised results. 

A strong brand is not only differentiated in the market by its vertical alignment but delivers consistently and reliably in terms of its products, offerings, and services and also in terms of the customer experience by its horizontal alignment. 

Let’s examine what knowing who you are looks like in application, as well as some habits to implement with your team to strengthen vertical alignment. 

1) Knowing who You are Protects You from Horizontal Voices. 

The strength of “Who We Are” predicates the ability to maintain vertical alignment when something threatens your stability. When a colleague proposes a tactic that is not aligned with your values. When the customer comes calling with ideas that will knock you off course as bandwidth is limited or the budget is tight. 

I was on a call with a gal from my Mastermind when I mentioned a retreat I am excited to launch in the coming months. 

I shared that I was considering its positioning, given its curriculum is rooted in emotional intelligence (EQ) to inform personal brand development. The retreat serves C-Suite, but as EQ is not a common conversation among this audience, I was considering the best positioning. 

She advised, “Sell them solely on the business aspects, and then sneak attack with the EQ when they’re at the retreat!” 

At first blush, it sounds reasonable. After all, there’s a reason why the phrase, “Sell the people what they want, give them what they need,” is popular.

Horizontal advice and counsel can produce a wealth of knowledge. However, we must always approach the horizontal landscape – the external – powered by vertical alignment – centered internally with the core of who we are. 

Upon considering my values of who I am and the vision of what I want for this event, I realized the lack of transparency is not in alignment with my values nor setting the right expectations for the experience.

Sure, maybe I would get more sales; however, my bottom line — what I want — is not just sales. I want transformation on an emotional level. I want C-Suite execs to leave powered from a place of emotional intelligence to decrease decisions made out of alignment with who they are or executing tactics rooted in guilt, not vision. 

Ultimately, one of my core values is authenticity, and I must make business decisions accordingly. 

2) Knowing who You are Protects You from Reactivity.

Operating from vertical alignment maintains focus on the bottom line and the strategy to achieve it. From this position, you are protected from reacting to the horizontal pressures of the 3 Cs: Competitors, Colleagues, and Customers. 

This does not mean you do not adjust tactics or learn. 

However, your approach to adjustments is proactive direction, not reactive deviations. To do this, consider the following questions:

First: How does their (any one of the 3 Cs) tactic measure against my proven track record of success?

If your colleague promotes adding newsletters to your strategy, lean in and ask, “Why?” 

What are their outcomes? 

What metrics are they tracking for success? 

What is their bottom line against yours? 

How do newsletters fit into their strategy and stage(s) of the customer journey? 

Always consider your historical track record of success first and foremost. 

Have you tried newsletters in the past? Is their audience different from yours? Why are newsletters good for them when they did not prove profitable for you? 

Operate with your head up and your eyes open. 

Maintain focus on your bottom line and ask questions. Revisit your data, and don’t just take their word for it. 

2. Am I allocating time in my schedule?

I had coffee with the former CEO of Jiffy Lube, who built the empire that it is today. 

He could not emphasize more how critical it is to allocate time for thinking. Just being — not doing — and thinking about your business or department. 

Especially for senior leaders or business owners, but even still for junior staff. 

The time and space to be fosters creative thinking, new ideas, and energy. Some of my best campaigns are conjured on a walk or in the shower. 

Kasim Aslam, founder of the world’s #1 Google Ads agency and a dear friend of mine, is a machine when it comes to hacks and habits. He encouraged me to take an audit of my calendar over the last 30 days to assess how I spend time. 

“Create three buckets,” he said. “Organize them by the following:

Tasks that Generate Revenue

Tasks that Cost Me Money

Tasks that Didn’t Earn Anything”

He and I chatted after I completed this exercise, and I added one to the list: Tasks that are Life-Giving. 

Friends — if we are running empty, exhausted, or emotionally depleted, our creative and strategic wherewithal will be significantly diminished. We are holistic creatures and, therefore, must nurture our mind, body, soul, and spirit to maintain optimum capacity for impact. 

I shared this hack with a friend of mine. Not only did she identify meetings that were costing her money and thus needed to be eliminated, but she also identified that particular meetings could actually turn revenue-generating! She spent a good amount of time each month facilitating introductions; now, she is adding Strategic Partnerships to her suite of services. 

ACTION: Analyze your calendar’s last 30-60 days against the list above. 

Include what is life-giving! 

How are you spending your time? What is the data showing you? Are you on the path to achieving what you want and living in alignment with who you want to be?

Share with your team or business partner for the purpose of accountability, and implement practical changes accordingly. 

Finally, remember: If you will not protect your time, no one else will. 

3) Knowing who You are Protects You from Lack. 

“What are you proud of?” someone asked me last year. 

“Nothing!” I reply too quickly. “I know I’m not living up to my potential or operating in the full capacity I could be.” 

They looked at me in shock. “You need to read The Gap And The Gain.”

I silently rolled my eyes.

I already knew the premise of the book, or I thought I did. I mused: My vision is so big, and I have so much to accomplish. The thought of solely focusing on “my wins” sounded like an excuse to abdicate personal responsibility. 

But I acquiesced. 

The premise of this book is to measure one’s self from where they started and the success from that place to where they are today — the gains — rather than from where they hope to get and the seemingly never-ending distance — the gap.

Ultimately, Dr. Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan encourage changing perspectives to assign success, considering the starting point rather than the destination.

The book opens with the following story:

Dan Jensen was an Olympic speed skater, notably the fastest in the world. But in each game spanning a decade, Jansen could not catch a break. “Flukes” — even tragedy with the death of his sister in the early morning of the 1988 Olympics — continued to disrupt the prediction of him being favored as the winner. 

The 1994 Olympics were the last of his career. He had one more shot.

Preceding his last Olympics in 1994, Jansen adjusted his mindset. He focused on every single person who invested in him, leading to this moment. He considered just how very lucky he was to even participate in the first place. He thought about his love for the sport itself, all of which led to an overwhelming realization of just how much he had gained throughout his life.

He raced the 1994 Olympic games differently, as his mindset powering every stride was one of confidence and gratitude — predicated on the gains rather than the gap in his life. 

This race secured him his first and only gold medal and broke a world record, simultaneously proving one of the most emotional wins in Olympic history. 

Friends, knowing who we are on the personal and professional level, can protect us from those voices of shame or guilt that creep in. 

PERSONAL ACTION: Create two columns. On one side, create a list of where you were when you started your business or your position at your company. Include skills and networks and even feelings about where you were in life. On the other side, outline where you are today. 

Look at how far you’ve come. 

COMPANY ACTION: Implement a quarterly meeting to review the past three months. Where did you start? Where are you now? 

Celebrate the gain!

Only from this place of gain mindset, can you create goals for the next quarter predicated on where you are today.

Ultimately, my hope for you is that you deliver exceptional and memorable experiences laced with empathy toward the customer (horizontally aligned) yet powered by the authenticity of the brand (vertically aligned). 

Aligning vertically maintains our focus on the bottom line and powers horizontal fulfillment. 

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Granted, there will be strategic times and seasons for adjustment; however, these changes are to be made on the heels of consulting who we are as a brand — not in reaction to the horizontal landscape of what is the latest and greatest in the industry. 

In Conclusion…

Taking back control of your business and marketing strategies requires a conscious effort to resist external pressures and realign with what you want and who you are.

Final thoughts as we wrap up: 

First, identify the root issue(s).

Consider which of the 3 Cs holds the most power: be it competition, colleagues, or customers.

Second, align vertically.

Vertical alignment facilitates individuality in the market and ensures you — and I — stand out and shine while serving our customers well. 

Third, keep the bottom line in view.

Implement a routine that keeps you and your team focused on what matters most, and then create the cascading strategy necessary to accomplish it. 

Fourth, maintain your mindsets.

Who You Are includes values for the internal culture. Guide your team in acknowledging the progress made along the way and embracing the gains to operate from a position of strength and confidence.

Fifth, maintain humility.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of humility and being open to what others are doing. However, horizontal alignment must come after vertical alignment. Otherwise, we will be at the mercy of the whims and fads of everyone around us. Humility allows us to be open to external inputs and vertically aligned at the same time.

Buckle up, friends! It’s time to take back the wheel and drive our businesses forward. 

The power lies with you and me.

The post 2 Ways to Take Back the Power in Your Business: Part 2 appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

12 Facebook Ad Metrics Worth Your Attention

Did you know there are about 200 Facebook Ad metrics? That’s way too much to keep your eyes on. A smarter approach is to focus on a few metrics and ignore the rest until you need them. But how do you know which ones are really worth your constant attention? Let’s find out…

Every Facebook Advertiser Struggles with Metrics

You are not the only one who is lost in the maze of Facebook ad metrics. Every day, my team at answers dozens of questions from business owners and agencies about this topic.

I read somewhere that metric X is important but is that true?

Why would I even track metric Y?

Can I really ignore metric Z? 

These kinds of questions are important, but they are often asked at the wrong moment. 

The key to understanding which Facebook Ad metrics matter the most to you, is to see them as possible answers to questions you have about Facebook campaigns.

Let’s dive in…

Are my Facebook Campaigns Profitable?

Paid ads are like an investment. You pour money into ads and hope that you will get more money back. 

But like any other investment, there is a difference between hope and reality. 

One metric in Facebook Ads Manager will partially answer whether your ads are performing as you had hoped.

Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)

This metric tells you how much money you get back from every dollar you spent on Facebook ads. 

It is calculated with the following formula:

Revenue / Ad spend

For example: (your revenue) $1,000 / $500 (spent on ads) = ROAS 2

That means that for every dollar you spent on Facebook ads, the platform  generated $2 revenue. 

All that sounds great, but keep the following in mind:

Revenue and profit are different things. So, you will have to do your own calculations to find out if your Facebook ads are actually making profit for you.

To calculate the real Return On Investment (ROI) of Facebook paid campaigns, you need to include costs for setting up and managing your ads. 

This metric is especially useful to ecommerce stores because they sell directly and know for which price. For service providers, ROAS is harder to calculate because it is hard to assign a price for someone who, for example, signs up to a newsletter. 

Facebook knows a lot about you, but you need to assign values to conversions. I cover that a bit further below. 

How Much do My Facebook Ads Cost?

Running ads costs money. To keep track of how much, you can use over 60 Facebook Ad metrics. Here are some interesting ones that can give you valuable insights.

Amount Spent

This metric tells you how much money you have already spent on a Facebook ad or campaign. 

Although you can set daily budgets to keep your budget under control, it is absolutely worth checking this metric regularly. If the amount is low, for example, that can mean nobody is seeing or clicking on your ads. 

Cost Per Mille (CPM)

This metric answers the question how much it costs to show your ad 1,000 times. If you run awareness campaigns, it is useful for two reasons:

CPM is a metric that is used by other ad platforms or websites that sell advertising space. It makes it easy to compare the price to advertise on different platforms. On the other hand, it doesn’t tell anything about how profitable the ads are. 

The CPM also lets advertisers easily compare the cost of different campaigns on the same platform. If, for example, the CPM for one Facebook campaign is $10 and $5 for another, it is worth diving deeper to understand what causes this price difference. Is it because of the timing? The copy of the ad? The audience? The frequency? Etc.

Cost Per Impression

This metric tells you how much every impression of an ad on Facebook costs you. It is not a very important one from the digital marketer’s helicopter point of view. 

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But I included it anyway to illustrate that Facebook has metrics that can give answers to more complicated questions you didn’t come up with before. 

Prices per unit also put things in a different perspective. Knowing that every bite you take from, let’s say a Philly Cheesesteak (Can you tell I’m from Philly?!?), costs you 0.25 cents, may either spoil or add more taste to your meal. 

Cost Per Click (CPC)

Facebook has two metrics for clicks. CPC links are more important than CPC All, because it tells you how much a link to your landing page costs. A click that is, for example, included in CPC All is when someone clicks to see more of your ad copy. 

CPCs fluctuate and the price Facebook charges you depends on factors such as timing, audience size, the services or products you promote, and so on. 

Yet, the CPC is a powerful metric that is worth keeping your eyes on:

It gives you a clear idea of how cheap or expensive clicks to your site or web shop are.If, for example, you pay $10 per click to sell a $3 product, it may be time to rethink your paid advertising strategy completely. 

A high CPC may also be a sign that your landing page has an issue. I will get back to that further below. 

CPC is also a useful metric to compare the performance of campaigns over time, or to find out which ads are repeatable or need optimization. 

Cost Per Action (CPA)

Ideally, people take action when they see your Facebook ad. That can, for instance, be a click to your landing page, watching a video, sharing your page, and so on. 

The CPA metric shows you how much these actions cost. It is also good to:

Use the CPA as an internal benchmark. Simply put: if you can decrease it, you will get more at a lower cost. 

Compare the CPAs of different actions. If you  take the bigger picture into account, it may turn out that you have been running ads to trigger people to take actions that don’t boost your business.

Cost Per Conversion

Another metric that is definitely worth your attention is the Cost Per Conversion. If you know, for example, that your paid ads cost you $5 for someone to add a product to the shopping cart, that will give you a good idea whether the campaign is profitable or requires fine-tuning.  

Do My Facebook Ads Actually Contribute to My Goals?

The best way to find out if your Facebook ads help you actually achieve your campaign goals is to look at conversion metrics. 

Conversions are important actions that people take, like adding a product to the basket, filling in a form, signing up for a trial account, and so on.

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate is the percentage of people who click on your ad and do what you want them to do. Let’s assume 100 people click on your product ad and 50 of them add the product to your cart, the conversion rate will be 50%.

That may sound exciting, but if none of them actually buys your product, the conversion rate for your sales goal will be 0%.

It is therefore important to think about your goals and conversions before you dive into metrics. 

How Much Value do My Facebook Ads Generate?

In Facebook Ads, you can assign a ton of conversion values for every goal you want to achieve.

Even if you don’t sell products or courses online, you may profit from assigning a value to conversions, like the Contact conversion value or Leads Conversion Value.

Total Conversion Value

The total conversion value is self-explanatory. But it can also be misleading. If you define, for example, a Content views conversion Value or App activations conversion value, you may get a total skewed version of what your conversions actually are worth. 

Is My Facebook Target Audience Even Interested in My Ads?

Although Facebook is a great advertising platform to reach your ideal audience, your ads may not be appealing to them. The following metrics can help you find that out quickly.

CTR (Click Through Rate)

The click through rate metrics is the calculated percentage of clicks compared to how many times your ad was displayed.

If, for example, your ad was shown 1,000 times and the link to your site was clicked 10 times, your CTR is 1%. 

The toughest part is to decide whether your CTR is good or bad. One way to know this is to run several ads simultaneously and see which one has the highest CTR. 

But this approach is risky too. A higher CTR may not result in higher conversions.

Relevance Score

Facebook assigns a relevance score between 1 and 10 to your ads. The higher the score, the more relevant the ad is for your audience, according to Facebook.

Ads can break or make your campaigns. A picture, the copy, but also how many times it is shown are all details that can make or break your campaign. The following metrics help you better understand how your ads are doing.

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Ad Frequency

This metric tells you how many times the ad has been displayed on average in the Facebook feed of your target audience. 

Mind that this metric can mean many different things depending on the type of campaign you are running.

With brand awareness campaigns, you can show your ad more before people get tired of it.

If you are running a lead gen campaign, people usually get annoyed when they see the same ad too many times in a short period of time. 

The list of metrics will help answer the important questions you, your business or customers have about paid marketing campaigns on Facebook

Alas, these metrics cannot give all the answers you need to run successful paid campaigns… 

The 4 Biggest Mistakes Facebook Advertisers can Make

The team has taught and supported hundreds of businesses with measuring and optimizing their marketing campaigns for success. 

There are 4 mistakes that keep returning and I figured it’s worth dropping them here so you won’t need to make these mistakes yourself…

Mistake 1: Misunderstanding Metrics

Like any other industry, digital marketing is filled with jargon. It’s easy to misunderstand what something is and is not.

Metrics are often confused with: 

Business goals 

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)



Metrics are just the numbers you add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

Dimensions, on the other hand, are how you sort those numbers.

For example, you might have a “Dimension” that is the Traffic Source and then the “Metric” might be the number of users from that traffic source.

Always remember though, you’ll always first start with a question in mind and then you jump into the data to find the answer (never the other way around!).

Mistake 2: Ignoring Data from Facebook 

Most businesses understand that data is important. But in two situations, it is tough to make data-driven decisions.

Analysis Paralysis

Facebook Ad Manager contains a lot of data, but that is often overwhelming. Not all businesses have the know-how or resources to even look at numbers, charts, graphs and therefore simply ignore them.

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Focus on just ONE THING at a time.  I like to take the advice I learned from my buddy Jeff Sauer at…

“Assign one KPI per team member.”

This keeps it really simple.  If it’s just you, focus on the ONE metric that needs the most improvement.  As your team grows, you can expand your focus (because you’ll have more people to help!).

No Access to Real-Time Data 

This happens, for example, when an external party is running ads and reports monthly. By the time decision makers know what’s going on, the monthly Facebook marketing budget is already gone. 

Businesses that ignore, or don’t have access to Facebook data, lose a lot more than money.

The target audience may, for example, have seen a Facebook ad too many times. It will be an expensive challenge to turn that around.

Mistake 3: Focus on the Wrong or too Many Metrics

Facebook, and other ad platforms, make it very easy to set up your first campaign. They promise you will get results without having to lift a finger. 

And then reality kicks in. 

At one point, you need to understand the true value of data. 

But as I said in the beginning of this article, it can feel overwhelming, confusing or for some, not enough. 

The opposite reaction of analysis paralysis is wanting to have even more data to make complete data-driven decisions. 

Facebook Ads has a ton of them available, like 

Photo views

Unique achievements unlocked

Unique ratings submitted

Cost per unique level completed


The question is…

Do you really need all that data to drive your business forward?

In other words, ask yourself, “Is this useful?”

This brings us to the last mistake (which actually might sound contradictory)…

Mistake 4: Ignoring Data from Other Sources

Customers start their journey after they have clicked on your Facebook ad. But as you know, a lot can go wrong when the user lands on a site or web shop.

Think, for example, of:

The contact form may not be working. 

The site might not be optimized for a specific device.

The conversion tracking may not be set up correctly.

The landing page may not be aligned with the message of the ad.

Your actual revenue may differ from what Facebook or other platforms, like Google Analytics 4, shows. 

I am not claiming that Facebook Ad metrics are worthless, but you need to pick them carefully. 

Sometimes the best “source of truth” will definitely be Facebook Ads.  But sometimes (often!) it won’t be the best source for the answers you’re looking for.

To measure your actual revenue, for example, it is wiser to rely on data from your cart, or (even better!) your merchant processor (platforms, like PayPal, Stripe,, etc.).


Facebook Ad metrics are very powerful to 

Measure the performance of your campaigns

Get insights on how to improve your campaigns

Control your paid ads budget on the biggest social media platform

Reach the right audience with the right message at the right moment

Achieve your business goals

But Facebook Ad metrics reveal only one part of the complicated customer journey. 

If you want to stay ahead of your competitors, as a business or marketing agency, then make sure you:

Track only the most valuable Facebook Ad metrics

Include metrics from other platforms and tools to make profound decisions

Give your team access to the data they need to do their job

Present everything in a shared dashboard that’s explains itself

This is the secret sauce of businesses that thrive in the complicated digital marketing landscape. 

I hope this information will help you become a better Facebook marketer or give your business a better understanding of Facebook Ad metrics and how they fit in the bigger picture of digital marketing.

The post 12 Facebook Ad Metrics Worth Your Attention appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

17 Powerful strategies to increase click-through rate in email marketing

Are you frustrated with crafting what you think is the perfect email, only to see it fall short when it comes to getting clicks? You’re not alone. 

Picture this: You’ve nailed the subject line, you’ve hooked your readers with enticing content, and you’ve hit send with high hopes. But then, crickets. Your open rate looks good, but where are the clicks?

If you’ve ever found yourself scratching your head over this conundrum, you’re in the right place. We’re going to dive deep into the world of email marketing to uncover the secrets to boosting your click-through rate. 

Get ready to learn how to turn those opened emails into action-packed click-throughs that drive results.

How to improve email click through rates

1. Stick to one main call to action per email

When you’re creating an email, it may be tempting to include multiple calls to action (CTA) buttons in the hopes that your subscribers will respond to at least one of the offers in an email. After all, the more options you provide, the more likely they’ll engage with one of them, right?

Well, not exactly. In fact, this can hurt your click rates rather than help them.

Too many CTA buttons can distract and overwhelm your subscribers, decreasing click-through rates in your emails. To get optimal click through rates, include one call to action button in your emails to focus your subscribers on taking a single action.

In the email below from EOFire, there is one clear call to action and no question of what the subscriber is supposed to do – join the class.

2. Segment your emails

Different people have different interests. So do your email subscribers.

If you send the wrong people on your list an offer they’re not interested in, your click through rates will most likely plummet.

For higher click-through rates, segment your subscribers and send tailored emails based on their interests. You’ll see better click through rates when you send the right offer to the right person.

3. Create a sense of urgency

The fear of missing out (FOMO) is real, and eliciting this feeling in your subscribers can influence them to click on your calls to action right away.

If you have an offer that ends soon or a limited number of spots at a webinar, for example, you can create a sense of urgency by adding words like “now” or “today” to your emails.

4. Personalize your emails

Have you ever received an email that didn’t apply to you at all? This kind of email may leave you feeling like a nobody on a huge list of email subscribers. And this feeling of alienation doesn’t encourage you to click.

Instead, when your subscribers receive an email for you, they should feel like you are addressing them alone. Truly personalized emails will feel like something written just for you. That kind of connection leads to higher click through rates.

Here are a few simple ways you can personalize your emails:

Include your subscriber’s name in your email. While this technique isn’t fresh, it can be effective. Instead of adding subscribers’ names at the beginning of an email, try adding them in the middle or at the end.

On your email sign up form, ask for information about your subscribers’ interests. Then, send segmented emails based on their responses.

Collect your subscribers’ birth dates on your sign up form and send them a celebratory email on their birthday.

Send emails tailored to what you know about your subscribers. What did they buy from you recently? Do you have something similar they may like? Send an email with a suggestion.

5. Create mobile-optimized emails

85% of people access email from their phones.

And that means if your emails are difficult to read on a phone, there’s probably a huge percentage of your subscribers who aren’t getting the best experience and are most likely not clicking on your emails.

To make sure your emails are easy to read from any device, use email templates that are mobile responsive instead of mobile-friendly.

Mobile responsive emails are easier to read on both desktops and mobile devices, because text, images and buttons automatically adjust to fit the screen size. Additionally, multi-column email layouts adjust to single columns on mobile devices, and content is easy to access with both a mouse and a touchscreen.

Mobile friendly emails, on the other hand, scale down to fit the size of the screen, but don’t adjust layouts or fonts.

See how this mobile-friendly email below is difficult to read because the double-column layout makes the images, fonts and headlines too small?

Compare that to this mobile-responsive email below, where fonts and images are resized for the small screen and double columns turned to single columns:

If you’re not an email designer and have no idea how to make an email responsive, fear not! Most email service providers (like AWeber) automatically have the emails you create  mobile-responsive. But send yourself a test email to verify. 

6. Include colorful, clickable buttons

One of the simplest ways to improve click-through rates is to ensure your subscribers know where to click. While plain text calls to action work for some people, a big button with a contrasting color immediately draws attention and can significantly improve click-through rates.

7. Don’t over complicate your email design

Complex isn’t always better, and this is often the case with email design. Avoid overwhelming your subscribers with an overabundance of images, icons or different fonts. Not only does this make for a disharmonious email, it’ll also take attention away from the content of your email and your call to action.

This beautiful, yet simple email from You Need a Budget incorporates a clean font, one image that works with the content of the email and a clear call-to-action button:

8. Use action-oriented CTA copy

Your email call to action copy should encourage people to take a specific action. Instead of using a generic call to action like “click here,” use verbs that describe the action you want subscribers to take, such as:















By doing so, you’ll frame the subscriber experience in a way that influences them to want to take action.

9. Pique their curiosity

“The first and simplest emotion which we discover in the human mind is curiosity.”

– Edmund Burke

Everyone has been curious about something at one point in their lives. And when a person is curious about something, they are inclined to resolve their curiosity.

Fortunately, you can also leverage curiosity in your email copy to encourage people to click-through on your emails.

Birchbox, for example, does this in the email below by offering a free mystery prize with a purchase. To find out what they would get, they need to click on the call-to-action button.

Hopefully the prize is a good one, but at least it gets the click!

10. Include social proof

Believe it or not, people like to do what other people do. When they notice multiple people or a famous person doing something, they’re more likely to want to do it themselves. 

This is called social proof, which is a phenomenon where people are persuaded to take an action by seeing that other people have taken that action before them—and have seen success as a result of that action.

You can use social proof in your email content to encourage people to click through your calls to action. 

Bite does just that in the email below. By showing off how customers use their product and sharing their success stories, they tap into the power of social proof.

11. Write engaging headlines

If you use a headline in your email content, it will be the first thing your subscriber sees when they open your message.

A good headline quickly grabs your subscriber’s attention, engages them and gets them to read the rest of your email. And when subscribers read your email content, they become more likely to take action – which makes headlines pretty darn important.

For the email below, MailCharts used the subject line “Are your subscribers annoyed??” and then followed it up with the headline “You don’t know, do you?”

By linking the headline to the subject line, it guides the subscriber to continue reading through the rest of the content. You’ll also notice MailCharts does a good job of raising curiosity, which gives readers even more of a reason to continue reading and click the call-to-action button.

12. Use video

People love videos. They’re engaging, easy to follow, and often fun to watch. 

While video doesn’t play in all inboxes, the inclusion of a thumbnail image of your video and a play button can boost click through rates tremendously. In fact, Wistia increased their email click through rates by 300 percent by incorporating videos in their emails.

Bonus tip: You can also try using GIFs in your emails to add motion to your emails and boost click-through rates.

13. Cater to what your audience likes

If one of your emails had an insanely high click through rate, it’s apparent that your subscribers liked what you did in that email. So, do it again.

Your audience should be your main barometer for what is working in your email strategy and influence the content and design elements you include.

Do you see high click through rates when you send short emails or long emails? Does your audience click more when there’s an image or video? Does a certain kind of content lead to higher clicks?

Take a look at your past emails and see which ones got the highest click through rates.

Then, repeat, repeat, repeat.

Have two (or three) ideas for one email? Split test them. See which version of the email wins and do it again. 

14. Feature the right images

Images in your emails can be a powerful way to grab the attention of your subscribers and convince them to click. However, you need to use the right images.

Email images should add meaning, support the content of your email or help make a relevant point. Additionally, you should use alt text in case your images don’t display.

Check out the header image in the email below, which serves multiple purposes:

There are a few things that work well here.

It summarizes the content of the email briefly and immediately, giving the reader everything they need to know in the space of a few seconds.

The image supports the content of the email and provides additional meaning.

Finally, it includes a call-to-action button, which encourages people to click on the email.

For the subscriber who skims or doesn’t read the email content, this image does it all. It catches their attention, tells them about the offer and gives them a place to click.

15. Set expectations early 

To set a good foundation for your emails (and help your engagement rates start off on the right foot), you’ll want to make sure subscribers know what they’re signing up for before they give you their email address.

Whether it’s a monthly newsletter, weekly do-it-yourself tips or seasonal exclusive offers, being upfront about the kind of emails readers will receive helps attract the right people to your list. Plus, it sets expectations as to what you’ll be sending them – as a result, there shouldn’t be any unwanted surprises.

16. Experiment with the frequency and timing

Depending on your target audience and the content they prefer, the frequency and timing of your messages could vary greatly.

You may find a weekly email newsletter is a great place to start. Eventually, you can increase the frequency of your emails to promote your product, share content or break your newsletter into smaller chunks. Or, ask your subscribers what cadence they prefer.

Try experimenting with time frames to figure out when your audience is most likely to read your email. 

You can use analytics to determine when people are most likely to open your emails and plan your campaign accordingly.

17. Craft a strong subject line

Strong subject lines impact click through rates just as much as open rates. Your email could contain the best content ever, but no one will read it if your subject line is weak.

Most people skim through their inbox, so make sure your subject line is short and punchy. 

Adding a special offer, asking a question, or emphasizing a sense of urgency, for example, can all be effective ways to create a compelling subject line.

Of course click through rates are important, but open rates and other forms of email engagement can contribute to your email marketing success. Make sure you track your email engagement metrics to learn what works for your unique audience.

Commonly ask questions for email clicks

What is an email click-through rate?

Click-through rates reveal how many subscribers clicked a link in an email, as well as how many times they clicked it. Your click-through tells you if people are engaging with your emails.

What is a good click-through rate for email?

A good email click-through rate will vary by industry and type of email, but on average a good click-through rate is about 2.5%.

Overall, an email marketing benchmark will vary widely among industries, business size, audiences, and more. 

What is the average click-through rate of an email?

To better understand small business email marketing benchmarks, we conducted research asking survey respondents to self-report their click-through rates. Overall we found that 77% of small businesses have an average email click-through rate between 0% – 10%.

While it’s nice to get an idea of how your metrics stack up against others’, I would encourage you to change the way you view email marketing benchmarks. 

Rather than comparing your email click-through rates to other businesses’ rates, keep an eye on how your rates improve over time. You’ll learn a lot more about your particular audience by focusing on your own data. 

After all, it’s true that ‘comparison is the thief of joy.’

But, you should know that low click-through rates can tank a product launch, hurt your website traffic, and make your email strategy ineffective.

Want to make sure this doesn’t happen? Try these 14 ways to optimize your emails and get more clicks. 

How to calculate email click through rate?

Email click-through rate is calculated by dividing the number of people who clicked a link in the email by the total number of emails sent.

Go get yourself a sick amount of clicks.

Try these tactics with your subscribers and see what increases click-through rates. Tell us what worked in the comments below!

(You’ll need an email marketing platform to apply what you learn in this post. Try AWeber’s easy-to-use email platform for free.)

The post 17 Powerful strategies to increase click-through rate in email marketing appeared first on AWeber.

17 of the most common email marketing mistakes to avoid

We’ve all messed up with email marketing at some point. You hit send, and then that sinking feeling hits you. You’ve goofed up, and now it’s out there for everyone to see. It’s like sending a message in a bottle into the vast sea of the internet, and you can’t reel it back in.

Some email marketing mistakes are obvious and can undo all the hard work you’ve poured into your campaign. But there are other blunders that are equally damaging, yet you might not have even realized you were making them. You might be oblivious to some of the mistakes you’ve made until it’s too late.

And when those mistakes get sent out to thousands of people in an instant, the fallout can be huge.

Knowing what email marketing mistakes to watch out for, can help you avoid them altogether. 

So here’s our list of the most common email marketing boo-boos:

Your subject lines are boring

Look at the subject line below. What does it tell us about what lies within the email?

Absolutely nothing. It’s not creative or relevant to the content inside, so there’s nothing about it that would make someone feel compelled to open it. And see that email preheader after the subject line? (“If you’re having trouble…”) That space could’ve been used to tease the email too.

You have about 35 characters to work with in your subject line, so make them count! Your subject line needs to grab attention and tell the reader something about the email itself, because that is what will sell them on opening your email.

You’re not using personalization

What’s the best way to get someone’s attention? You address them by their name! It works the same way with email. If you’re not using personalization on your most important messages, you’re missing a real opportunity.

Just like adjusting your From address to your real name, using personalization in your emails is another way to make your business more human. 

You’re sending to the wrong people

Sending an email to the wrong audience is a big email marketing mistake.

If you own a burger joint in Philadelphia, you wouldn’t send newsletters to vegetarians in San Francisco, right? This is why segmenting and list management is key, especially for those with growing email lists.

Tell your audience exactly what they’re signing up for on your sign up form and stick to it. 

You can also use your form to segment people based on location, interests, or any other preference. If you only want to send emails to those who opened a particular message, you can segment based on open rates too. 

Once you’ve hit your sweet spot of segmentation, ask your readers for feedback so you can continue sending them content they want.

Emails not optimized for mobile

These days, most people are using their phones to check their emails. That’s why it’s crucial to ensure your emails look good on mobile screens.

If your emails are hard to read, then your subscribers are less likely to read them. Mobile-friendly emails help readers scan, identify key points, and make quick decisions.

It’s surprising how many companies still don’t avoid this common email marketing mistake.

Here’s an example of an email that is difficult to read on a mobile device. If you have to zoom in on the content or image, then the email is not optimized.

Buying email lists

Avoid this email marketing mistake at all costs.

Effective email marketing campaigns cater to specific demographics, tastes and interests. Using confirmed opt-in to obtain the proper permission from people who are truly interested in your targeted emails ensures that they really want to hear from you.

When you buy an email list, there’s no way to guarantee that those people are really interested in your messages, so you must avoid purchased lists at all costs. You can never assume anything about the addresses of random people that are not given to you directly by their owners.

Hard to recognize “from” names

Once subscribers are on your list, you want to make sure that they open your messages regularly. Your subject line and from name/address are your only chance to grab subscribers attention in their jam-packed inboxes.

To help jog their memory, always use the same email address and contact name so that there is no confusion when your messages arrive. Your subject lines must clearly present the value of the emails while staying consistent with your past subject lines to evoke recognition and familiarity.

Avoiding CAN-SPAM compliance

The Can-Spam Act requires that all messages contain the sender’s valid physical postal address, but some home-based and international businesses are hesitant to include this information in their campaigns.

Related: How to Include a Physical Address in Your Emails Without Revealing Where You Live

Aside from the legal obligation, putting your contact address in your emails is the best way to show subscribers that you have a legitimate identity and that you won’t run for the hills as soon as they make a purchase from you.

See how Grammarly includes their physical address at the bottom of every email.

Irrelevant and infrequent emails

Sending emails that don’t relate back to their original request for info irritates readers and is a guaranteed way to rack up a high number of unsubscribes. Add an infrequent schedule to the previous scenario and you have a recipe for email disaster.

As a rule of thumb, if you haven’t contacted subscribers in 6 months, delete them from your list. Revisit your landing page from time to time to assess your email content and make sure it matches up with your original offer. Set expectations so that subscribers know what to expect from you, and when to expect it.

No call to action

With all of the emphasis placed on quality content and sharp design, it’s understandable that marketers sometimes miss the obvious. When a reader opens a message and they’re interested in learning more, don’t forget they will be thinking, “What do I do next?”

Give them a way to move forward easily. Include multiple calls to action and links back to your site so you don’t lose them. Set up your products favorably, and remember when creating your messages that there must be a logical sequence of events – you want readers to open, read, click-through and ultimately buy.

Your call to action isn’t very… actionable

Take a look at this email from Studio Fitness.

There is no link to the nutritionist or personal trainer they introduce us to, and while they encourage us to sign up for a plan, there is no link to help us do that either. Oh, and we can’t access the Studio Fitness website from this email. Since there could be any number of gyms named Studio Fitness, leaving subscribers to find their website on their own is probably not a great idea.

Not testing before sending

Another avoidable email marketing mistake. With all of the time spent prepping marketing emails, typos can easily go unnoticed. Testing your messages before sending them only takes a minute or two and can help you pinpoint problems before they materialize.

Send test copies to test accounts at several different email services to ensure that the message is readable, the images are viewable and the links are functional.

No replies allowed

Nothing says “you’re just a number to us, buddy” than an email campaign that tells you not to bother replying.

One of the advantages of email marketing over other mediums is that it lends itself to having a two-way conversation with your customers and prospects — why would you shut out subscriber interaction and feedback like that?

Including too many images

Images look great in an email, but use them sparingly. There are several reasons why:

1 – Not all email clients automatically load images so If a recipient has image loading turned off, they might see a blank email or just alt text, missing the entire content. 

Here’s an example of what that would look like:

2 – Images that look good on a desktop are often not easily readable when they’re scaled down on a phone or tablet.

3 – It increases load time: High-resolution images can be large in size, leading to longer email load times. This can be especially problematic for recipients with slower internet connections or limited data plans.

Adding images that are way too big

Don’t include images with HUGE file sizes in your email. This is an accessibility issue because it can make your emails more difficult to read for people on slow connections, and it unnecessarily uses your readers data when they may be on plans with limited data.

 A good rule of thumb is to keep your images under 200KB.

Your content is too self-promotional

If you send an email announcing your new software update, who cares? But if you send an email announcing that it’s possible to cut video upload time in half because of your software update, people will pay attention. It’s all about showing the value of your services while promoting your business.

So, how can you do both?

Identify your audience’s biggest problems. Brainstorm content ideas based on real problems your customers are having, then show how your services can fix them. 

Let’s say you work with a recruiting agency. Your subscribers need resume help, so why not give them a checklist to help them fix common resume faux pas? 

You’re inconsistent

How would you feel if you received a weekly newsletter and then, without warning, weekly emails turned into 10 emails a day? You wouldn’t be very happy, would you? It sounds a little ridiculous, but it happens more often than you think. Readers tune out and unsubscribe when they don’t receive what they signed up for.

So deliver the emails you promised in your sign up form and stick to an editorial calendar if possible.

Your follow up series is nonexistent

Let’s say you have a customer who starts a free trial of your software service, but they never follow through and make a purchase. Sad story, right? It certainly will be if you don’t have a triggered-based follow up series in place.

While you can’t control a customer’s behavior, you can control how you react to it. If you set up a follow up email that will automatically send to that customer at the end of their free trial, you have a better shot at keeping them engaged. 

If they had a question about your service, the email could prompt them to contact you, giving you another opportunity to make the sale.

Are you making these email marketing mistakes?

We know email marketing isn’t always easy. Everyone makes mistakes, but some of the most common email marketing mistakes can easily be avoided.

If any of the situations on the list above hit close to home, try changing your approach; you’ll be amazed at the impact a few simple changes can have on your campaign.

Once you put the changes into practice, come back and leave a comment to let us know how they have worked for you!

The post 17 of the most common email marketing mistakes to avoid appeared first on AWeber.