7 Traits All Internet Millionaires Have in Common

First things first!

I think you can become anything you want to pursue in life and do it as long as you figure out a cleaver way to monetize it or at least build a following to do great humanitarian deeds.

You simply have to breath it, smell it, taste it, sleep it and live it!

It just has to become your life or a part of you in order for it to be somewhat successful.  Any success has to come with the right positive mindset, the right attitude, long-term vision and a tremendous amount of discipline.

A simple secret to becoming a self-made millionaire is by having the following key traits. 

  • Be prepared to make mistakes, fail, learn and keep trying until you see positive results.
  • Continuing to do what works and scale. Then, you’ll become a tremendous success!
  • That is having the right psychology.
  • That is having GOOD habits
  • The right mindset.
  • The right opportunities.
  • Having multiple streams of income flowing in.

Publishing Your Own Book

Many internet millionaires that were surveyed will eventually publish their own books.  These are usually digital books launched online and physical books released in books stores and various online outlets.  As you can already see I have some of my digital info ebooks available to you Right Here.

Outsourcing Work

The majority of Internet millionaires do not run conventional offices.  In fact, most Internet millionaires mostly rely on outsourcing their day-to-day operations to virtual assistants in the Philippines, India, etc.  You can find reasonable virtual assistants at Freelander.com or Online Jobs PH (Philippines).


Internet millionaires all have an unstoppable go-getting, self-motivated mindset.  This goes to show that your attitude and how you see things, determines your altitude.  Your thoughts create actions. Actions create results.  Therefore, if you continue to think you are not good enough to make it in this industry, you are right.  

If you change your thought process and realize anyone can make it in this business… including you, then you will have different results.  I personally brake down and teach on having a the right mindset to become abundant in my Internet Millionaire Marketing Mindset eBook. Click here to check It out!

Have Membership Sites

Yes, according to Internet marketer Mike Filsaime, 90% of Internet millionaires who make $10,000 a month and above have their own product, membership site or both. You will notice that on all of the various types of membership websites there is a blog or a forum that affords a place for members to communicate not only with the owner of the membership website but also with other members.

Membership websites are popular and membership websites are profitable. Recurring income is a very good thing!

All Internet Millionaires Have Email List

Internet marketers who are generating 5 figure income each month, have their own mailing list.  You can use an email autoresponder service to build a list and generate income in almost any niche or market you choose.  Email is the most powerful source of marketing that returns back up to $44 for each $1 spent on marketing.  

Email marketing is the secret weapon behind every successful product launch and marketing campaign.  It’s the ONLY way that super affiliates and Internet marketers are able to make thousands of dollars in profits.  I also teach this in my List Building Tycoon blueprint.  Click here to learn more about building responsive and money making email list.

Run Their Own Webinars

At the pinnacle of the digital information publishing business, many Internet entrepreneurs went into this high demanding phase.  Put together your own webinar.  Find interesting speakers who would supply information of interest to your list.  Webinars are both easy and inexpensive to do
and are both money making deals that you can make.

Internet Millionaires Do Joint Ventures

This is a true testament stating that you can go into business alone but you cannot reach the stars by working alone. There have been many different types of successful joint ventures. But there’s one thing that every joint venture that has ever gone well has in common: the partners were a good fit with one another. 

Look for businesses that serve the same market as you and complement what you have to offer. Choosing the right partner is crucial to the success of your joint venture.


Success is something to be enjoyed. It is a life full of ups and downs so make sure you aren’t too hard on yourself when mistakes happen and that you keep the big picture in mind. Part of the rewards we can reap when we embrace success and make it ours recognizes that what we choose to do day in, and day out affects who you will can become and what we can do with our lives.

Some parts of the plan to success happen quickly, others take time and patience. As we progress along our road to success, we must always be on the lookout for opportunities and remember that trade-offs will be required. We define success for ourselves, so make your own goals, follow your path to success, and grab hold of it and hang on tight!

  • I believe I’ve shared a lot with you here.
  • I believe you can be successful.
  • I believe you can make millions online…If you want to. I believe in you.
  • Now it’s your turn to believe in yourself…

Grab your free report of “Internet Millionaire Marketing Mindset 2.0” or Click Here for more information.

To your success and remember, Sky’s the limit!
Juan Burton

Beyond Numbers: The Value of Virtual CFO Expertise

Financing can be daunting for businesses, particularly startups, where a single decision can significantly impact a company’s success or failure. While bookkeepers and accountants excel Read more

The post Beyond Numbers: The Value of Virtual CFO Expertise appeared first on Top Entrepreneurs Podcast | Enterprise Podcast Network.

What Every Business Owner Should Know About Legal Compliance?

Compliance with legal requirements is a fundamental aspect of business operations that should never be overlooked. As a business owner, it is not only a Read more

The post What Every Business Owner Should Know About Legal Compliance? appeared first on Top Entrepreneurs Podcast | Enterprise Podcast Network.

Profit More, Work Less: 4 Steps to Niching Down For Your Agency

Ever wonder what the most successful agencies did differently than everyone else?

Was it luck, skill, hard work, the industry they chose, or something else?

Through my consulting work at Revenue Boost, I’ve worked with and taught over 400+ agencies how to scale their business.

From this, I’ve seen consistent patterns & traits in the ones who grow effortlessly…

Versus the ones who stay stuck for years – no matter how hard they work.

One key difference in approach stuck out to me.

I’ll illustrate what this one difference was with a story.

Once upon a time…

Two marketers graduated from business school with big plans to start their own agency. 

Ready to conquer the world, they started cold calling, cold emailing, and doing everything under the sun to get clients.

And although they had the SAME levels of work ethic and talent…

One of them now has an 8-figure agency.

The other one of them is still freelancing odd jobs, barely making ends meet.

What did the successful one do differently?

He took a big risk and started turning down clients and projects.

Instead of offering everything to everyone, like most agency owners…

And being a jack of all trades but a master of none…

He decided only to serve Plumbers and be the best dang’ plumbing marketer on the planet.

With a goal to make their pipeline fuller than a broken toilet pipe.

He mastered the art of niching down and realized it would be easier to be the biggest fish in a small pond.

And you should too – and in this article, you’ll learn exactly how to define your own niche.

Now it may seem scary to turn down clients…and it may feel like you’re limiting yourself by focusing on only one client-type.

But it’s exactly the opposite. You’re actually limiting yourself by being everything for everybody.

Niching Down Can Help 2x-3x Your Revenues

One of my clients Lauren ran a digital agency offering everything under the sun.

Social media, paid ads, web dev, SEO, and she offered it to clients from many different industries.

Because of this, her agency stayed stuck at $25,000 a month and she couldn’t break through.

On top of that, she and her team worked so much harder than they had to and operations were messy.

Every client needed different things, required customization, and nothing was standardized.

We sat together to audit all her past clients, and we found that Medical practices were her best clients.

They were easy to sell, stayed the longest, and gave her the least amount of headaches and complaints.

So, she changed her entire business model to ONLY service this industry.

Then, she developed a standardized offer for that industry, rather than customizing everything.

One offer, to one target market. Afterwards, she started cold emailing businesses in her niche with her new offer.

The Results?

 She 2X’d her revenues and grew to $52,000 in monthly revenue in not even four months time.

All from making one simple shift. One decision that can make everything easier, and you can do the same.

See, most agency owners and marketers start out with one or two clients, and then they get referred new clients from various industries.

Before they know it, they’re marketing everything for everyone and have NO idea who their ideal client is.

The Problem with Running a Business This Way Is That It Becomes Impossible to Scale.

Every single new client requires a ton of research, thought, and brainpower.

Because each new client has different needs, it leads to having no standardized processes and systems.

Which keeps the founder stuck in the business and unable to hire a team.

The other problem that arises is acquisition.

There are hundreds of thousands of agencies on the planet, and it’s really hard to stand out.

UNLESS you specialize.

When you specialize in a niche – let’s say, SEO for plumbers…

Then you aren’t competing with every other agency on the planet. You don’t look and sound just like them anymore.

Now, you’ve created your own tiny pond in which you can be a big fish.

There are way fewer agencies that specialize in plumbers or SEO, let alone both. So, you’ve eliminated the competition with one decision.

If a plumber was looking at two agencies – one that was a general digital agency and one that specializes in helping plumbers…

They almost always choose the agency that specializes in their industry and has testimonials from people just like them.

Not to mention, it’s easier to market when you have a clear niche in mind.

You know who you’re writing your content for…

You know who to send emails and social media DMs too…

You know exactly who to target in your ads….

You know what podcasts you should get booked on

And so on and so on.

Plus, you can charge whatever prices you want. Because you aren’t compared to the hundreds of thousands of agencies out there – you have a unique offer now.

Committing to one niche makes marketing easier, it makes selling easier, and it makes scaling easier.

You only have to be good at doing 1 thing for 1 person, and you can build systems and processes around it. This way, you can hire a team to take it over and be able to work less.

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Now how do you do it? What if you don’t know who your ideal client is?

Step 1: Audit Your Current + Past Client List.

Write down every single client you’ve ever served, and group them by niche. Industry, location, size and so on.

Once you group them together, one niche might stick out for you already as your favorite type of client.

If it doesn’t, use my 7-Point checklist and rank each niche on a 1-5 scale.

These 7 criteria points are what makes a great niche.

#1 – Total Addressable Market:

How many businesses are in this market? Is it large enough to support your bigger goals? Is the market shrinking or growing? Make sure the niche is big enough for you and that it’s not declining.

#2 – Purchasing Power

Is this market (or at least a segment of it) able to afford what you want to charge?

Think back to if you’ve received a lot of pricing objections when you’ve sold to these people in the past.

#3 – Lifetime Value

How long did these clients stay? Were they one-and-done projects or did they stay with me for eternity?

The bigger the life-time value, the more money and time you can spend to acquire a client.

If the niche typically churns in a few months or only works with you for quick, one-off projects…

Then you’ll have to spend so much energy on sales and marketing to keep the business alive.

#4 – Strong Need & Pain

Does this market have an important problem to solve, one that they have to fix? Or, is what you sell just a “nice to have”?

If the latter, it’s going to be very hard to get clients.

If they can’t live without your solution, then getting clients will be a breeze.

#5 – Desire to Solve that Pain

It’s one thing for a market to have a problem, but they must also have a desire to solve that problem.

Even if they have the need that you fulfill, that’s not enough – they also have to care about fulfilling that need.

#6 – Easy to Reach

Is the market fairly easy to find online? Can you reach them via most advertising platforms and social channels? Are their groups and communities online?

If you’re targeting businesses that are hard to reach online, you’re creating one extra barrier to your success.

Step 2: Choose 1 Niche After Ranking Each of Your Past Clients.

Tally up all the rankings and pick the 1 with the highest score.

Don’t worry about making the wrong decision.

Consider this an experiment.

You aren’t married to your new niche, you can always change back in a few months if it doesn’t work out.

Step 3: Create a Pre-Packaged Offer for Your New Niche

The whole point of niching down is to create more focus and simplicity in your business

Part of this is about WHO you sell, part of this is about WHAT you sell them.

Start out by choosing 1 problem to solve for them, and 1 solution to that problem.

List out what the deliverables will be and what you want to charge.

Keep it simple! You can build upon this later.

Step 4: Test the Waters and Go Land 5 New Clients.

Before you make any drastic changes to your business, such as letting go of clients, changing your branding and website…

Test the waters first, and verify if this new niche is the direction you want to go.

Go land another 5 clients or so, and that’ll be enough to identify if these are really our ideal clients or not.

You might think they are at first but you’ll know for sure once you serve more of them.

Wrapping Up…

You know now the problems of being a jack-of-all-trades with no clear focus.

Every new client is a ton of work and requires customization…

And getting new clients is difficult because there’s nothing that stands out about your agency. You’ll look and sound like everyone else.

This means when you do niche down, and sell 1 offer to 1 target market…

Your workload will decrease. Each new client will be easier to serve than the previous one.

You’ll become world-class at helping your clients from all the focused repetition

You’ll quickly develop a reputation and become a big fish in a small pond.

In every way, it’ll become easier to grow, scale, attract, and retain clients.

Plus, you’ll have more fun and the business will be simpler & easier to run.

And with this knowledge…

You’ve learned the 5 simple steps to niching down.


Time to get to work!

Put this into practice and watch it transform your business.

The post Profit More, Work Less: 4 Steps to Niching Down For Your Agency appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Understanding Steel Estimates: A Comprehensive Guide

In the world of construction, steel stands as one of the most vital materials, offering durability, strength, and versatility. However, estimating the amount of steel required for a project can be a complex task that demands attention to detail and a thorough understanding of various factors. From structural frameworks to intricate designs, accurate buildingconnects are crucial for budgeting, procurement, and project planning. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of steel estimates, exploring key considerations, methodologies, and best practices.

Project Specifications and Design

The foundation of any steel estimate lies in the project specifications and design blueprints. These documents provide essential details such as dimensions, structural requirements, and material specifications. Analyzing these specifications thoroughly helps in determining the type and quantity of steel needed for the project.

Material Selection

Steel comes in various grades, each tailored to specific applications and structural requirements. Factors such as load-bearing capacity, corrosion resistance, and environmental conditions influence the choice of steel grade. Collaborating with structural engineers and material experts is essential for selecting the most suitable steel grade for the project, ensuring both performance and cost-effectiveness.

Structural Analysis and Calculations

Structural analysis plays a pivotal role in steel estimation, as it determines the forces and stresses that the steel members will endure. By conducting detailed structural calculations, engineers can ascertain the optimal size and configuration of steel components, minimizing wastage and ensuring structural integrity.

Quantity Takeoff

Quantity takeoff involves systematically measuring and quantifying the various steel components required for the project. This process includes identifying beams, columns, trusses, and other structural elements, along with their respective lengths, sizes, and quantities. Advanced software tools such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) software streamline the quantity takeoff process, enhancing accuracy and efficiency.

Wastage and Contingencies

While striving for precision in commercial-estimating, it’s essential to account for potential wastage and unforeseen circumstances. Factors such as cutting losses, material damage, and design modifications may lead to additional steel requirements. Including contingency allowances in the estimate helps mitigate risks and ensures that the project remains on track despite unforeseen challenges.

Market Dynamics and Pricing

Steel prices are subject to fluctuations influenced by factors such as supply and demand, raw material costs, and geopolitical developments. Conducting thorough market research and staying updated on industry trends enables project stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding steel procurement and budget allocation. Engaging with reputable suppliers and negotiating favorable pricing terms can also contribute to cost savings.

Logistics and Transportation

Efficient logistics management is crucial for timely steel delivery and installation, minimizing project delays and disruptions. Factors such as transportation costs, lead times, and delivery schedules should be carefully considered during the estimation process. Coordinating with logistics providers and optimizing delivery routes can help streamline the supply chain and reduce overall project costs.

Environmental and Sustainability Considerations

In an era of increasing environmental awareness, sustainability considerations play a significant role in steel estimation. Opting for recycled steel products, minimizing material wastage, and implementing energy-efficient manufacturing processes contribute to reducing the environmental footprint of construction projects. Integrating sustainable practices into steel estimation aligns with broader sustainability goals and enhances the project’s long-term viability.

Quality Assurance and Compliance

Ensuring the quality and compliance of steel materials is paramount for the safety and longevity of the structure. Adhering to industry standards and regulatory requirements, such as ASTM International standards and building codes, safeguards against structural failures and liability issues. Conducting thorough quality inspections and certifications verifies the integrity of the steel components before installation, maintaining high standards of construction quality.

Documentation and Reporting

Proper documentation of concrete-estimates, including detailed breakdowns of quantities, specifications, and cost projections, facilitates transparency and accountability throughout the project lifecycle. Comprehensive reporting enables stakeholders to track progress, identify discrepancies, and make informed decisions regarding resource allocation and project management.

In conclusion, steel estimation is a multifaceted process that requires meticulous planning, technical expertise, and attention to detail. By integrating structural analysis, market intelligence, and sustainability principles, project stakeholders can develop accurate and reliable steel estimates that lay the foundation for successful construction projects. Embracing innovation and best practices in steel estimation not only optimizes project outcomes but also contributes to the advancement of the construction industry as a whole.

The post Understanding Steel Estimates: A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on Entrepreneurship Life.

How to Share a YouTube Video on Instagram (Step-by-Step Guide)

Are you looking to cross-promote your YouTube videos on Instagram? Sharing videos from YouTube onto Instagram is a great way to drive traffic between the two platforms and expose your content to new audiences. Instagram has features that make it easy to share videos that you’ve uploaded to YouTube on both your Instagram feed and stories. By reposting your YouTube videos, you can leverage Instagram’s highly engaged user base to promote your YouTube channel and videos.

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll look at how to seamlessly share YouTube videos on Instagram using both the mobile app and desktop browser.

Sharing a YouTube Video to Your Instagram Feed

If you want to share a YouTube video to your permanent Instagram feed, you’ll need to do so from a mobile device using the Instagram app. Here are the steps:

Open the YouTube app on your mobile device and navigate to the video you want to share on Instagram.

Tap the “Share” icon underneath the video player. This will open the share sheet.

From the share sheet, select the option to “Copy link.” This copies the video’s URL to your clipboard.

Now open the Instagram app and tap on the “+” icon in the top right to create a new post.

In the “New Post” section, select “Feed” to share the video to your main Instagram feed. 

Tap on the “Paste” link in the caption field. This will paste the YouTube video URL that you copied earlier.

Instagram will then process the link and generate a preview of the YouTube video within the Instagram post editor.

You can optionally add a caption and edit filters/settings for the post.

When ready, tap “Share” to publish the YouTube video to your Instagram feed.

Your Instagram post will now contain the embedded YouTube video playable directly through Instagram. Viewers can watch the video content right on Instagram or tap the YouTube logo to open and view it in the YouTube app.

Also Read – Can Someone See How Many Times You Have Viewed Their Instagram Profile?

Sharing a YouTube Video to Your Instagram Stories

Sharing a YouTube video to your Instagram stories follows a very similar process, but with slightly different steps:

Open the YouTube app and go to the video you’d like to share to your story.

Tap the share icon and select “Copy link” to copy the video URL.

Open the Instagram app and go to your story camera by swiping right from your feed or tapping “Your Story” in the top left.

In the story editor, tap the “Sticker” icon in the top right toolbar.

Select the “URL” sticker option which allows you to input a URL link.

Tap the text box and use the “Paste” option to input the YouTube video link you copied earlier.

Once pasted, Instagram will generate a preview thumbnail of the YouTube video which you can resize/reposition on your story.

You can optionally draw, add stickers, apply filters or use Instagram’s other story editing tools. 

When ready, tap “Send To” and select “Your Story” to share the YouTube video to your Instagram story.

The YouTube video will now be embedded and playable within your Instagram story for 24 hours. Anyone viewing your story can tap on the embedded video preview to open and watch the full YouTube video.

Also Read – How to Check Sent Requests on Instagram

Sharing a YouTube Video on Desktop 

While not as seamless as mobile, you can also share YouTube videos to Instagram from a desktop web browser. The process takes a few more steps:

Open YouTube.com in a web browser and go to the video you want to share.

Copy the video URL from the address bar.

Go to Instagram.com and log into your account in the browser.

Click the “+” icon in the top nav to create a new post.

In the “Create New Post” dialog, click on the “Upload Photos” button even though we’ll be uploading a video. 

In the file upload window, paste the previously copied YouTube URL into the address bar and press enter. This will load and preview the YouTube video.

Click the “Open” button to upload the YouTube video to your Instagram web post.

Once the video processes, enter in a caption for your post if desired.

Click “Share” to publish the YouTube video to your Instagram feed.

The video will now appear embedded and playable within your Instagram post on the web. Anyone who views it can tap/click the video to watch it. The video quality may be compressed from the original YouTube source.

Also Read – Can You See Who Saves Your Post On Instagram 2024?

Tips And Additional Info

Following a few additional best practices can help you get more reach when cross-promoting YouTube videos on Instagram:

Always add captions: Whether sharing to your feed or stories, be sure to write creative, keyword-rich captions to hook viewers and optimize for discovery. Mention the YouTube video title or describe the content.

Use relevant hashtags: Research and include relevant, popular hashtags that your Instagram audience monitors. This helps get your YouTube content discovered by new users.

Post at optimal times: There are ideal days/times for sharing on each platform. Do research to find out when your audience is most active on each.

Promote your YouTube channel: Use your Instagram presence to promote your overall YouTube channel and drive new subscribers from Instagram over to YouTube.

Engage your audience: Once published, actively engage with viewers on Instagram – respond to comments, ask questions, and encourage discussion around your YouTube videos.

Don’t forget that cross-promotion works both ways. In addition to sharing YouTube videos on Instagram, you can promote and link to your Instagram account and content from within your YouTube videos and channel as well.

Also Read – How to Fix Instagram Feed Not Loading on Your Site


We can sum it up by saying, leveraging both Instagram and YouTube together as complementary platforms, you can effectively cross-pollinate your audience and maximize your video viewership, engagement and growth. The more the mere is it not.

The post How to Share a YouTube Video on Instagram (Step-by-Step Guide) appeared first on Entrepreneurship Life.

Why Are My YouTube Shorts Not Getting Views?

While YouTube shorts can be effective for internet marketing, gaining many views might take time and effort. After all, you’re competing with some of the most popular networks for people’s attention.

In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of the YouTube Shorts algorithm and explain why, despite the platform’s incredible popularity, Shorts views might abruptly stall. We’ll also discuss the difference between impressions and views and concrete tactics for ensuring that your YouTube Shorts not only catch but also hold viewer interest. 

Reasons Why Your YouTube Shorts Are Not Getting Views

First, consider why your YouTube films may receive fewer views. Based on our studies and YouTuber comments, these are the most typical causes to be aware of.

You are posting at the wrong time.

A simple reason is that you may publish YouTube videos when interested folks are not online.

To resolve this issue, utilize YouTube Analytics to determine when your viewers are online. That will be an ideal moment to upload YouTube shorts.

Once you’ve determined the best time to post on Youtube, you can begin scheduling your YouTube clips for when people are most likely to watch them.

You Are Not Using the Right Hook

When it comes to short videos, individuals can make decisions in seconds.

Consequently, you must hook your viewers from the start of your films, or they may lose interest and continue scrolling.

Which type of hook to use? You can always look for fresh ideas on the Internet.

You are posting horizontal videos

Because YouTube shorts are intended for vertical videos, horizontal videos must be cropped to suit the screen.

As a result, the video you worked so hard on may appear confusing and chaotic. Furthermore, this needs to reflect better on your YouTube channel.

To prevent this issue, use vertical videos for your YouTube clips. Additionally, you may enlarge your horizontal videos and broadcast them as ordinary YouTube videos.

Your content isn’t suitable for the YouTube algorithm

If your material isn’t appropriate for YouTube, you won’t be able to attract visitors or reach new audiences.

After all, YouTube automatically hides contentious content. In rare circumstances, your YouTube shorts views may freeze, and your shorts may not appear in people’s feeds.

You are not posting consistently

Consistent posting is an important aspect of increasing views for your YouTube films.

Your audience has hundreds of channels to pick from, and if you don’t publish fresh videos, they’ll watch other videos instead.

If you’re just starting, gaining views and going viral will be difficult. However, if you constantly release fresh videos, you will eventually gain followers who view your work on a regular basis.

This implies higher views for both YouTube shorts and regular YouTube videos.

Now that we’ve covered some reasons YouTube shorts don’t receive views, let’s look at ways to earn more views in the following section.

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How Does The YouTube Shorts Algorithm Works? 

YouTube Shorts, the platform’s short-form video feature, has taken the digital world by storm, offering creators a new avenue for reaching audiences and going viral. Central to Shorts’ success is its algorithm, which determines the visibility and discoverability of videos. Delving into the workings of this algorithm unveils the intricate mechanisms driving viral success on YouTube Shorts.

Engagement Metrics: The Pillars of Success

Engagement metrics, including likes, comments, shares, and watch time, are at the core of the YouTube Shorts algorithm. These metrics indicate a video’s popularity and resonance with viewers. Videos that garner high levels of engagement are more likely to be promoted by the algorithm, leading to increased visibility and reach.

Viewer Behavior Analysis: Understanding Audience Preferences

The algorithm analyzes viewer behavior to understand preferences and interests. Factors such as watch history, interactions with similar content, and user demographics are considered in tailoring recommendations to individual users. The algorithm maximizes engagement and retention by surfacing content that aligns with viewer preferences.

Click-Through Rate (CTR) Optimization: Crafting Compelling Thumbnails and Titles

A high click-through rate (CTR) is crucial for the success of YouTube Shorts. The algorithm prioritizes videos with enticing thumbnails and titles that compel viewers to click. Creators must optimize their content packaging to stand out amidst the sea of Shorts, leveraging captivating visuals and concise, intriguing titles to attract viewers’ attention.

Trending Topics and Hashtags: Riding the Wave of Virality

YouTube Shorts thrives on trending topics and hashtags, leveraging the virality of current events and cultural phenomena. The algorithm identifies trending content and amplifies its visibility, allowing creators to capitalize on popular trends and reach a broader audience. By incorporating relevant hashtags, creators enhance their discoverability and engagement potential.

Freshness and Frequency: The Importance of Consistent Uploads

Consistency is key on YouTube Shorts, with the algorithm favoring creators who upload regularly and frequently. Fresh content is prioritized, encouraging creators to maintain an active presence on the platform. By consistently delivering new Shorts, creators increase their chances of appearing in users’ feeds and maximizing exposure.

Community Interaction: Building a Loyal Following

The algorithm rewards creators who foster community engagement and interaction. Responding to comments, collaborating with other creators, and actively participating in the YouTube Shorts community contribute to a positive user experience and signal to the algorithm that the content is valuable and worthy of promotion.

Also Read – The Best Tools for YouTube Content Creators

How to Get More Views on YouTube Shorts 

YouTube Shorts has emerged as a powerful platform for creators to showcase their creativity and connect with audiences in bite-sized videos. However, with millions of Shorts uploaded daily, standing out and gaining views can be challenging. Implementing effective strategies is essential for maximizing visibility and attracting viewers to your Shorts content.

Create Compelling Content

The cornerstone of success on YouTube Shorts is compelling content that captivates viewers from the first second. Craft attention-grabbing videos with engaging visuals, catchy music, and a clear message. Experiment with different formats, such as tutorials, challenges, or storytelling, to keep viewers entertained and coming back for more.

Optimize Your Thumbnails and Titles

Thumbnails and titles are the first things viewers see when scrolling through their feeds. Create eye-catching thumbnails that stand out and accurately represent your video content. Pair them with concise, intriguing titles that pique viewers’ curiosity and compel them to click. A compelling thumbnail-title combination can significantly increase your Shorts’ click-through rate (CTR) and attract more views

Leverage Trending Topics and Hashtags

Stay updated on trending topics and hashtags within your niche or industry. Incorporate relevant trends into your Shorts content to capitalize on their virality and attract a broader audience. Use popular hashtags in your video descriptions to enhance discoverability and increase the likelihood of appearing in users’ search results and recommendations.

Engage with Your Audience

Interact with your audience to foster a sense of community and engagement. Respond to comments, ask questions, and encourage viewers to like, share, and subscribe. Building a loyal fanbase increases watch time and engagement and signals to the YouTube algorithm that your content is valuable and worthy of promotion.

Publish Consistently

Consistency is key to maintaining momentum and attracting views on YouTube Shorts. Develop a regular posting schedule and stick to it. Whether you upload daily, weekly, or bi-weekly, ensure your audience knows when to expect new content from you. Consistent uploads help build anticipation and keep viewers engaged with your channel.

Collaborate with Other Creators

Collaborations are an effective way to expand your reach and attract new viewers to your Shorts content. Partner with other creators in your niche or industry to create joint videos or cross-promote each other’s channels. Collaborative efforts introduce your content to a wider audience and foster connections within the creator community.

Promote Your Shorts Across Platforms

Utilize other social media platforms to promote your YouTube Shorts content. Share previews or snippets of your Shorts on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter to drive traffic to your YouTube channel. Cross-promotion helps increase visibility and encourages viewers to explore your full library of Shorts content.

Analyze and Iterate

Regularly monitor your YouTube Shorts’ performance using the platform’s analytics tools. Monitor metrics such as views, watch time, CTR, and audience retention. Analyze which types of content perform best and iterate your strategy accordingly. Experiment with different formats, topics, and styles to continuously improve and optimize your Shorts content for maximum impact.

Also Read – Top 10 Websites Like YouTube: YouTube Alternatives


What is YouTube Shorts?

YouTube Shorts is a short-form video feature on YouTube that allows creators to film and upload vertical videos of up to 60 seconds in length. It provides a platform for users to create engaging, bite-sized content optimized for mobile viewing.

How do I create YouTube Shorts?

To create YouTube Shorts, simply open the YouTube app on your mobile device, tap the “+” icon at the bottom of the screen, and select “Create a Short.” You can then record or upload a video, add music, text, and other creative elements, and customize your Short before publishing it to your channel.

Do YouTube Shorts count towards my channel’s watch time?

Yes, YouTube Shorts contribute to your channel’s watch time metrics. Each view of a Short video adds to your overall watch time, which is a key factor in YouTube’s algorithm for recommending videos and determining a channel’s visibility and reach.

How can I monetize my YouTube Shorts?

Currently, YouTube Shorts are not eligible for monetization through YouTube’s Partner Program (YPP). However, creators can still monetize their Shorts indirectly by driving traffic to their channel, increasing subscribers, and leveraging other revenue streams such as sponsorships, merchandise sales, and affiliate marketing

The post Why Are My YouTube Shorts Not Getting Views? appeared first on Entrepreneurship Life.

Simple Tips to Boost Office Morale and Increase Productivity

Happy employees are productive employees. As an employer, you should be concerned about both the efficiency of your workers and their overall well-being, and fortunately, the two are innately tied together.

This means that by ensuring your staff is happy and comfortable at work, you’ll be indirectly boosting their productivity and improving your own business. A win-win, yes? So, here are a few simple ways you can put a smile on your employee’s faces and improve the dynamic of your team.

Create a Fun and Comfortable Break Area

Having a designated space for your team to sit back and take a breather during their workday is more essential than you might think. Sure, they can take their break at their desk, but that isn’t really offering them the space they need away from their screens and their looming tasks.

A little space set aside for your team with comfortable breakroom chairs and a coffee station will make a huge impact on their day. It will be a space for them to step away from their frustrations and have a laugh with a co-worker for ten minutes – much needed during a chaotic workweek!

Prioritize Work-Life Balance

Bigger breaks are just as important as those little ones throughout the workday. This means that reasonable work hours, free weekends, and annual PTO are essential for your staff to be able to recoup.

Make sure you emphasize the importance of resting and show your staff that you value their time off as much as they do. Encourage them to take time off, offer flexible hours for those who might need them, and consider a hybrid work model to allow your staff more time at home with their families.

Encourage Team Building Activities

Most people will roll their eyes at the concept of team building, but when done right, they can really contribute to an overall better team dynamic and a happier group of people.

Instead of the typical obstacle course or rope-climbing shindig, think about activities that your employees will actually enjoy doing together. Staff lunches (where you don’t talk about work), playing some board games, and staff sports days are some ideas that will actually get people excited to participate. While the concept might be cheesy, the benefits of having a solid team are undeniable.

Provide Growth Opportunities

Finally, show your team that you value them beyond what they can do for your company right now and invest in their careers in the long term. Not only will this pay off for your business through their enhanced skills and knowledge, but it’ll show your employees that they’re worth something to you.

Whether you offer funding for further education, send your staff on training courses, or offer mentorship opportunities, any form of career and professional advancement will benefit both them and your business. Employees who feel valued and appreciated are far more likely to work hard and stay loyal, so your efforts and investment will pay off.

The post Simple Tips to Boost Office Morale and Increase Productivity appeared first on Entrepreneurship Life.

How to Capture Your YouTube Ads Audience in 5 Seconds

You could have the best product in the world, but if your ideal customers don’t know it exists, you’re just spinning your wheels. YouTube ads are a great way to get your video content in front of your audience – but it’s not enough to simply make a video.

Low video engagement is the scourge of many business owners, but it doesn’t have to be. You can increase brand awareness, attract new business, and get the attention of your target market with the right approach to video storytelling.

Here’s how to hook your audience within the first 5 seconds of your ad.

Plan Your Message

Though viewers prefer raw, authentic videos to more polished ads, you can’t exactly wing it. You need a clear, targeted message, or a concept that speaks directly to your target audience.

If you cast your net too widely, you’ll have a wishy-washy message that doesn’t capture the attention of your ideal viewer, or tell them why they should spend a few minutes watching your content. Know your audience and tailor the message to them.

To do that, you have to know what your audience is looking for. Think about:

Their pain points

Their interests

The challenges or stress they experience every day

The problems they’re trying to solve

The content they enjoy

The brand voice and personality they expect

Need a little guidance? Tools like Google Analytics and YouTube’s built-in analytics can offer key insights into your audience and competitors. You can also glean insights from interactions on your social media videos or other marketing content to better understand your audience.

Lead your YouTube Ads with a Catchy Headline

Just like the first line of an article, your headline has to make an impact – especially with YouTube ads. According to research, 8 out 10 people will never make it past the headline, so you have to use those precious view words to capture their attention.

Some tips for an effective video title:

Make sure your title matches the content (no clickbait!)

Know your audience and speak to them

Rely on keyword research

Create a sense of urgency

Provide a compelling hook

Keep your title under 60 characters

Create listicle-style titles

Study your competitors’ videos

This is an example of a good headline from Google Small Business that addresses the audience’s pain points and goals:

Tell a Story with your YouTube Ads

Humans are drawn to stories. Designing your video ad around a narrative will attract the viewer’s attention better than conveying information in a basic way. Your viewers become more immersed in the message and more compelled to take the action you want – signing up, subscribing, or completing a purchase.

How do you turn your content into a story? Think about the essence of what you want to say. Triumph over adversity? The power of community? The pursuit of a dream? Think beyond the direct benefits of your product or service to the larger context.

One of the best examples of storytelling in video ads is Xfinity’s recent ad, “The Aviators.” It tells the story of a clever granddaughter helping her veteran grandfather and his friends fly jets once again with the power of VR and Xfinity Internet.

Don’t Forget the Call to Action (CTA)

A clear and compelling call to action (CTA) is essential to every successful campaign, including YouTube ads. The CTA is how you tell the viewers what action you want them to take, whether it’s subscribing to your channel, checking out your website, or purchasing a product.

Like your headline, your CTA should be persuasive, clear, and concise so you viewers know exactly what you want them to do and how to do it. Your CTA should align with your ad’s message – which should motivate them throughout the content to seal the deal. Include a CTA as on-screen text and narration for more impact.

Keep Your Brand at the Forefront of your YouTube Ads

Video ads from the top brands are instantly recognizable through logo, brand colors, familiar faces, or other details. You should do the same with your brand to boost awareness and ensure you stay top-of-mind for your viewers.

That said, you don’t want to create a video that’s all about your brand with salesy language and a lot of promotional aspects. Try to include your brand as seamlessly as possible without detracting from the story and the message of value you’re offering for your audience.

Keep It Fun

Humor is a powerful tool in advertising and can capture attention and memory more successfully than other tactics, but you have to be careful about it. Humor is highly subjective – what’s hilarious to one person may be offensive to another.

When Peloton took a shot at humor with a holiday ad in 2019 that featured a man giving his wife a Peloton bike as a Christmas gift, the brand was heavily criticized for reinforcing negative body images.

However, the controversy did inspire a spoof ad from Aviation Gin that featured the same actress exchanging her stationary bike for gin martinis, which she drinks with friends. The caption read, “Exercise bike not included.”

One miss, one hit. Be mindful of how you incorporate humor and always aim to be entertaining and memorable, not offensive or controversial (unless that fits your brand).

Experiment and Test

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to better YouTube ad engagement. What connects with one audience may fall flat with another, so you have to experiment a little and determine what speaks to your target viewers.

Try different storytelling techniques, headlines, CTAs, visual styles, multimedia additions, and video marketing SEO tactics to see what works and what doesn’t. Fortunately, YouTube has excellent analytics to track your ad performance and optimize your strategy moving forward.

Hook Your Audience

Creating attention-grabbing YouTube ads can feel like an overwhelming challenge – especially if you’re not getting much engagement with your current strategy. Incorporating some best practices, experimenting, and evaluating your ad performance can help you unlock the key to your audience and create ads that hook them in seconds.

Torrey Tayenaka is the co-founder and CEO at Sparkhouse, an Orange County based commercial video production company.

The post How to Capture Your YouTube Ads Audience in 5 Seconds first appeared on PPC Hero.

How to become a life coach: Step-by-step guide + resources to get started

Looking for a profession that allows you to transform lives by helping people overcome challenges and achieve their personal goals? 

If so, you may already be considering a future as a life coach.

Pursuing a career that offers flexibility, autonomy, and the ability to work from anywhere is a dream shared by most self-starters, and life coaching delivers on every count.

But the often mysterious profession leaves many people with more questions than answers.

Do you have what it takes to become a successful coach? What skills are needed? Do life coaches have to meet certain requirements? Where do coaches get trained?

Life Coach Morgan Bullock on Instagram

In the guide below, we answer your most pressing questions on what it takes to become a life coach and how to build a successful future in the coaching industry.

Here’s what we’ll cover in this guide: 

What is a life coach?

How much money do life coaches earn?

What credentials do you need to become a life coach?

How quickly can you become a life coach?

Should you become a life coach? Take the quiz!

How to start a life coaching business step-by-step guide

Growing in your role as a life coach

What is a life coach?

A life coach is a wellness professional who aims to transform lives by helping clients define and achieve goals that improve their quality of life.

Life coaches typically help their clients identify goals and obstacles and then map out a plan to achieve them. Along the way, they coach them on overcoming the obstacles and challenges that stand in their way.

Certified life coach Dominic Johnson, who works with elite athletes, says that the most rewarding part of his job is seeing his clients’ progress and the shifts they go through along the way. 

“I became a life coach because of the self-awareness and personal transformation it brought me during an extremely confusing and challenging time in my life. 

I decided at that moment that I wanted to help other people in the way the life coaches have helped me.”

Dominic Johnson, Life Coach, Spark Coaching

Life coaching methods vary widely from one professional to the next. Most coaches develop a unique approach that aligns with their niche, philosophy, training, and perspective. 

Life coaches, unless otherwise stated, are not mental health professionals or therapists. They do not make decisions for their clients or provide advice on topics such as finance or law. 

The ideal life coach helps clients discover their own solutions by asking insightful questions, facilitating self-discovery, challenging limiting beliefs, and providing support and accountability.

How much money do life coaches make?

Coaching is a 1.5 billion dollar industry and growing. Yet, hourly coaching rates vary so much that one life coach may earn $40,000 a year while another pulls in a six- to seven-figure salary.

The significant earnings gap is partly due to varying levels of experience, skills, and credentials.

However, perhaps the most influential factor responsible for how much you earn as a coach has to do with how you approach the business of building your practice

For example:

A professional coach who works as an employee earns an average of $20 an hour.

A coach who opens their own business may earn anywhere from $35 – $300 an hour, depending on their experience, credentials, and what size audience they build online.

An experienced life coach who has authored books and regularly takes on speaking engagements may earn six or seven figures per year.

Life coaching can be a profitable business if you approach it with intention. 

There are several ways to set yourself up for financial success over time, including:

Obtain a life coaching certification from an accredited program.

Earn a degree that compliments your coaching specialty.

Write and publish books.

Take on speaking engagements.

Learn and implement current marketing techniques.

World-renowned life coach and bestselling author Marie Forleo is an excellent example of a coach who is skilled at life coaching, speaking, and building an audience. She has built an audience of more than 800,000 Instagram followers who regularly engage with her content.

What credentials do you need to become a successful life coach?

There are no legally mandated requirements you need to meet to work as a life coach. 

However, in an era where anyone can deem themselves a “life coach,” credentials, skills, and outcomes play a heavy role with potential clients.

What skills do you need to become a life coach?

The most important coaching skills don’t come from a classroom but instead are a combination of life experience and business acumen.  

Many (and maybe most) life coaches are motivated to help people after overcoming their own challenges and developing a strong drive to help other people overcome theirs.

Some personality traits of successful coaches include:

Deep empathy and the ability to connect with people on a genuine level.

Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.

Exceptional listening skills to help clients discover what they want.

The ability to motivate and set goals to help clients map out actionable, achievable steps.

Outstanding problem-solving skills to help people discover solutions and overcome obstacles.

A keen sense of self-awareness that allows you to recognize your own shortcomings and necessary areas of improvement.

Successful life coaches also possess an entrepreneurial mindset. This includes a willingness to manage setbacks, adjust strategies, continually learn new skills, and take the initiative on things that need their attention.

Other important skills, such as business & marketing, finance, and sales, can be learned along the way.

Do you need a certification to become a life coach?

You do not need a certification to become a life coach since the industry is unregulated. 

But before you skip the certification, consider this: 

Most (85%) coaching clients say certification and credentials are important or “very important” when hiring a coach.

Earning a certification can help you generate a higher income more quickly and increase your ability to change lives for the better.

The best life coach certification programs help you develop the communication skills, coaching techniques, and business & marketing know-how you need to launch a successful coaching business.

Here are three of the best accredited online life coach training and certification programs:

Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC): Certified Professional Coach (CPC) program

Coach Training Alliance (CTA) Certified Life Coach 

Health Coach Institute (HCI) Dual life & health coaching certification

Not ready to fully commit your time and resources to achieving an accredited certification?  

Consider one of the following courses or programs to help jump-start your coaching career. 

IAP College life coaching certificate course

Kain Ramsey online life coaching certificate course (on Udemy)

Life Coach Training Institute’s free life coach certification mini-course

How quickly can you become a life coach?

If you’re committed to a future of life coaching, a coaching certification can give you a strong start. 

Most certification programs take between 6 – 12 months to complete, but there are a few that offer quicker certifications.

For example, The Certified Life Coach Institute offers an accredited, immersive 3-day certification program called the Certified Life Coach Class.

Most, if not all, life coach training certification programs are available online. Some allow you to work at your own pace.

Should you become a life coach? Take the quiz!

Below is a list of resources to help you determine whether life coaching is right for you. 

From YouTube videos to aptitude tests, these resources help you understand the qualities that make for a successful life coach.

7 signs you’re meant to be a life coach: YouTube video by Krista Kathleen

In her video “7 Signs You’re Meant To Be A Life Coach, Born To Coach Training Academy founder Krista Kathleen helps viewers understand whether coaching is their “next best path.” 

Three of Krista’s  “common signs you’re meant to be a life coach” include:

You love personal development work and you can’t get enough of it.

You’ve overcome a lot of challenging events in your life and want to turn your pain into purpose to help others.

People naturally come to you for advice and to share intimate details of their lives.

Coach Training Alliance Life Coach Quiz

The Coach Training Alliance quiz asks you to rate how strongly you agree with a handful of statements. It takes less than five minutes and produces an immediate percent-based score.

The quiz questions place more emphasis on your willingness to succeed than on your already-existing personality traits.

The quiz is free to take but does require you to enter your name and email.

Life Coach Career Quiz by NLP Academy

NLP’s Life Coach Career Quiz is a series of quick multiple-choice questions. It shows you a percent-based score immediately upon completion of the quiz.

The quiz is free to take and does not require you to fill in any personal information. 

Its questions are mostly based on your personality traits rather than what you’re willing to do to succeed. 

Lumia Coaching Career Assessment Quiz

Lumia’s career assessment is a fun quiz that asks thought-provoking, social-media-style questions.

The downside to Lumia’s assessment is that you must fill out a form that includes your phone number before you can receive your results by email. 

The resources above are fun to try, especially if you’ve ever considered a career in coaching. 

However, the quizzes above are mainly designed to gauge how well you’d fit into the classic description of a life coach. All three miss the mark when weighing the importance of entrepreneurial skills, such as your willingness to learn, adapt, and improve over time.

If the quizzes above didn’t encourage and motivate you toward a coaching career, try our unofficial life coach quiz below!

The unofficial “Are you ready to become a life coach” quiz

Are you a self-starter who is passionate about becoming a life coach? 

Are you willing to do what it takes to learn how to help people transform their lives for the better?

Are you willing to do what it takes to learn the business and marketing skills needed to build a successful coaching practice?

If you answered “yes” to all of the questions above, Congratulations! You already possess some of the most important traits needed to become a successful life coach.

How to start a life coaching business: step-by-step guide

Are you passionate about becoming a life coach but wondering where to begin? Some people like to ease into a coaching career while others jump in with both feet. 

Which one are you?

How to ease your way into a life coaching career: A 5-step guide

Step 1: Define your niche and coaching style.

Step 2: Learn how to market your coaching practice and begin building your reputation as a thought leader.

Step 3: Get more training and build your credentials along the way.

Step 4: Create a personal growth strategy.

Step 5: Develop a business and marketing strategy.

Step 6: Sign up your first clients.

How to jump into full-time life coaching: A 5-step guide with resources

Do you feel you have the skills and training you need to begin full-time life coaching right away?

If you’ve already completed the steps above and feel ready to launch your coaching practice, these steps will help you get there.

Develop a full business and marketing plan.

Set up your business infrastructure.

Choose a coaching platform and select the additional tools and resources you need to begin coaching.

Share some of your knowledge in the form of an ebook that provides genuine value to potential clients. You can use this book as part of your lead generation strategy, to encourage signups for your email newsletter.

Begin marketing your practice by building a social media audience and publishing a helpful email newsletter.

Email tips on Instagram

For step-by-step guidance on completing these steps and more, read our Coaching Business Blueprint for complete details on launching your practice.

Resources for people who want to become a life coach

If you’re serious about becoming a life coach, spend an afternoon gathering ideas and inspiration by learning how other coaches build successful businesses.

Follow some of the best life coaching blogs recommended by Life Coach Magazine.

Learn about the world’s top life coaches. Sign up for their newsletters and follow their social media accounts for ongoing ideas and inspiration. 

Check out life coaching success stories from industry and academic sources, to help keep you motivated and driven to pursue your goals.

View some of the best life coach accounts on Instagram.

Life Coach Sam Burgess on Instagram

Growing in your role as a life coach

As any effective life coach will tell you, personal and professional growth are key factors of long-term success.

As you move forward and begin life coaching, consider this lesser-known tip on building a lifetime social media audience.

How to insure against the loss of your social media audience

For many coaches, building a social media audience is a labor of love that can take years. The efforts are well worth it because an engaged audience can increase your reach (and profits) exponentially.

But what happens if you suddenly lose access to the audience you’ve built on a social platform such as Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube? 

This can, and has, happened to many businesses in the past.

To insure against the loss of your online audience, encourage your social media followers to sign up for your email newsletter. 

A reputable email marketing platform allows you to download all your email subscriber data so you always have access to your audience. 

At AWeber, we love coaches! You can use our easy, drag-and-drop interface and pre-built templates for coaches to quickly build and launch landing pages and personalized, automated email newsletter campaigns. 

Give AWeber a try and sign up for a free email marketing account (no credit card required!) today.

The post How to become a life coach: Step-by-step guide + resources to get started appeared first on AWeber.