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Rapid Resolution Therapy For Couples

Rapid Resolution Therapy For Couples

Jordan Boehler, a Rapid Resolution Therapist, at, a couples counseling site joins Enterprise Fit Radio.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Jordan Boehler discuss the following:

Why go to couples counseling? What does couples counseling help with?
Why are relationships so difficult for so many people? What causes problems in relationships?
What are the limits of what couples counseling can help with?
How can your book and approach help couples?
How do I figure out which couples counseling method is right for me?

TIP: When talking about how you feel or what’s bothering you with your partner, use “parts language”- instead of saying “I feel”, say “a part of me feels” or instead of saying “when you shut me out”, say “when a part of you shuts a part of me out”.

This is both more accurate (we almost always feel multiple things all at once- one part of you is angry, another part doesn’t want to be angry) and is received by your partner much more readily (it softens what you’re saying). This can make any difficult conversation much easier and much clearer.

Jordan Boehler, LCSW a Rapid Resolution Therapist and leading therapist on, a couples counseling site, and also author of “A Practical Manual for a Healthy Relationship’.

Jordan works with couples to provide results driven couples counseling and ways of thinking about the relationship, not who is right/wrong or referee arguments. He aims to resolve and clear shame, guilt, grief, anger, PTSD, depression, anxiety, and chronic pain at their root cause, not to teach coping skills or give advice.


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